Sometimes I think about things. Things other than brake pads, chain lube, uneven spoke tension or locknut lip clearance. But even when I do think about bikes, there’s a soundtrack playing in the background of my mind. A song for every occasion. I’m a fan of mix tapes, even the ones that are actually on cassettes. Today I rode my bike to the library to pick up a movie and randomly pulled this book off the shelf and decided to take it home for a couple weeks. Check it out... I recommend it.
This book appeals to me because song lyrics and song titles are always creeping into my vocabulary. If someone has said it before, and set it to music, why not refer to it, use it, say it, sing it. Some part of my brain is devoted to Top 40 songs from the 80s and random songs from allover. And this book is not just some feel-good fluff, he’s got something to say.
here's a mix tape I work on once in a while. it only exists in that imaginary space between my computer and yours, but sometimes that's just enough.

Peter recommended this movie to me. It’s the reason I went to the library today, and now I’m recommending it to you. It's one of the best documentaries ever. If you watch this and Grey Gardens, back-to-back, you might need some time to recover.
February, it is.
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