what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

pilderwasser unlimited T-shirts  pilder what? kickstand P know knew spew snap shots autoBIKEography RAGBRAI  slide shows phot-o-rama stationary-a-gogo 1/2 x 3/32 links

texture and rhythm and flavor

February 2, 2008

This here's Bret in ABQ.

Check out Joe's blog Steam Bike and keep up with his story. I see Saint John as a microcosm of what's happening in the messenger industry as a whole. It's not just an interesting story, it's the future.

Red Herring


When the Super Bowl follows Ground Hog Day in a Leap Year, history has shown, anything goes.

Hold on to your catheters.

so many words, so little time



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bret in abq said...

woo hoo. made my day. thanks.

Posted February 3, 2008 04:47 PM | Reply to this comment

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