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R. Crumb

January 30, 2008

at the Frye Art Museum as we speak.

It's kind of a big deal

and it's free, always, becasue Mr. Frye wanted it that way. 

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Case said...

After 10 years of free usage I have recently become a member of the Frye. It's only 2 blocks from my place and they constantly bring in great shows, really, can you see this exhibit at the SAM? Incidentally I'm also a member of the SAM. I'm one of them there philanthropists! I'm not a member of KEXP though, fuck those guys. If I have a hankering for JITM I just hit shuffle of every Pixies album I have on my iPod.

Posted January 30, 2008 09:14 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Case...

if we could all be high rolling philanthropists like you, philanthropic high rollers like you, the world would be a better place. But for now I'd like to focus on those shoes, those socks, those legs, that skirt. Those legs. Those LEGS.

Posted January 30, 2008 08:47 PM | Reply to this comment

87 replied to Case...

word, word and fucking word! right on Case Fight for whats right and well I just love the Pixies.............. oh and Primus too which I can't even begin to tell you the last time I heard them on the radio.........and to all of those who were not there Baby Bird and Friends Killed it at Neumos last weekend sorry if you missed it.

Posted January 30, 2008 09:09 PM | Reply to this comment

iconoclasst said...

Damn, I'd like to take that one in!

Posted February 1, 2008 01:18 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

just returned from the Frye, and it was crowded on a Friday afternoon. I plan to go back a few more times and take a closer look. But I scored a copy of "Art & Beauty" #1 in the bookstore and it features the amazing artwork you see above. word

Posted February 1, 2008 04:47 PM | Reply to this comment

cat said...

a well timed post, pilder. i was just going to put in a request for some duchamp or something to get me through this darn winter and there r crumb was. tomorrow is groundhog's day and i'm putting an awful lot of hope into that little guy and his silly shadow.

Posted February 2, 2008 12:21 AM | Reply to this comment

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