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logic vs emotion

January 27, 2008

The number of questions far exceeds
the number of answers
answers inspire more questions
can one street, address, house, office building
that in appearance hasn’t changed much
take on such a range of meaning
Such different contexts in the same physical location
Like Mr Spock
Half Vulcan -- Half Human
Logic and Emotion doing battle
And it’s not always a fair fight
many emotions can be attached to a leftover Greek salad
You’d be surprised
I’m not hungry anymore
Under the cover of darkness
Inching back the intellectual property line
Far beyond the assessor’s measurements...uncharted territory
Until I am finally ready to build a fence
protect my hard-earned knowledge

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pilderwASSer said...

Not no Parkay, not no margarine, strictly butter. Like Mr. Spock said "there are always alternatives" but he was singing to himself:::Tanya, Tamika, Sharon, Karen, Tina, Stacy, Julie, Tracy...

Posted January 28, 2008 08:18 PM | Reply to this comment

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