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jury demand

January 26, 2008

I've got a jury demand...

take the fucking stairs!

It's your civic duty. Especially when the 4th Avenue entrance is closed due to "cold weather" Especially when you all return from the 701 food court at 1:00pm and the line is out the door. Especially when you only need to go up one floor. Especially when there are 27 of you and herd mentality set in long ago, way back when you learned to stand in line in elementary school.

As a legal messenger in and for the County of King, working in Seattle, I encourage you to take the stairs.  

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69 said...

hola bandajos, its 90 plus fuckin degrees and iīve got the farmers tan of a cotton v neck. drinking mate by the river ainīt a bad life. but somehow i canīt wait to come back to work friday morning. if i still have a job....

Posted January 26, 2008 11:40 AM | Reply to this comment

20 said...

if i dont get out of jury duty this month i am going to take the elevator up the one floor!! and seth get back to work someone needs to go up to lhkk

Posted January 26, 2008 05:18 PM | Reply to this comment

RedKev said...

Had jury duty in Houston once. It was in the brand new (at the time) 20 story courthouse. We were on the 20th floor on a 110 member jury panel. I opted to go down the stairs rather than wait thru 3 elevator cycles to go to lunch. I learned that vans weren't the best shoes to go down 20 flights of stairs in. When I got to the bottom, I had to push open a door that had an alarm on it. In the "fattest" city in the US, they don't want you to take the stairs. And...Suck down a brew for me, Seth!

Posted January 27, 2008 03:45 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to RedKev...

Once I went up to 22 at 520 Pike to take a piss, then the fire alarm went off, the elevators shut down and I took the stairs back down to my bike. My feet hurt the next day in a way they don't usually hurt. It was good to see you at Bimbos. I must say you're looking better and better each time I see you out tearing it up. word.

Posted January 27, 2008 06:08 PM | Reply to this comment

RedKev said...

Yeah, my feet hurt like hell too. Also, the mind goes numb after about 10 flights of going round and round and down and down, let alone 20.

Posted January 27, 2008 08:06 PM | Reply to this comment

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