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protective layers

January 21, 2008

How do you prepare for a ride when it's 25 degrees?

With layers. How do you prepare for a 30 mile ride with a friend at a moderate Saturday morning pace when it’s 25 degrees? With layers. How do you prepare for a series of short rides, punctuated by long pauses and stretches of standing-by downtown? With layers. What if it’s a national holiday and all the courts are closed and almost all the law firms are closed and it's 25 degrees?

How do you prepare for a ride of incredible intensity followed by long stretches of standing by unsure of when the next call will be or where it’s headed? With layers. Layers of protection. Layers that got tossed aside when the heat was on. Layers you thought you wouldn‘t need again. At times, stripping down to layers that never saw the light of day. But then the road turned, the sun went down, and you found yourself scrambling for those protective layers. Layers that next time you may not be so quick to shed.


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P77 said...

Nothing beats standing by but liquid layers.

Posted January 21, 2008 12:49 PM | Reply to this comment

der wasser replied to P77...

word. I copy that. I've got multiple liquid layers on as we speak, do you need one? And I'll take a smart wool base layer, wool sweater, vest and wind-proof shell with plenty of vents, zippers and zippered vents. You can keep your blown-out, thread-bare, over used "better to have loved and lost..." cliched comfort phrases.

Posted January 21, 2008 08:07 PM | Reply to this comment

P77 replied to der wasser...

Yes..."if you love something set it free..". I don't want last year's chamois coming back to me.ever.layers and layers and layers.naysayers and road flares.It's 16 degrees and sunny here in Boise.Waitin on the pre-lunch rush. Tenth floor,over an out.

Posted January 22, 2008 10:44 AM | Reply to this comment

P77 replied to der wasser...

Yes..."if you love something set it free..". I don't want last year's chamois coming back to me.ever.layers and layers and layers.naysayers and road flares.It's 16 degrees and sunny here in Boise.Waitin on the pre-lunch rush. Tenth floor,over an out.

Posted January 22, 2008 10:46 AM | Reply to this comment

P77 replied to der wasser...

Yes..."if you love something set it free..". I don't want last year's chamois coming back to me.ever.layers and layers and layers.naysayers and road flares.It's 16 degrees and sunny here in Boise.Waitin on the pre-lunch rush. Tenth floor,over an out.

Posted January 22, 2008 10:47 AM | Reply to this comment

P77 replied to der wasser...

Yes..."if you love something set it free..". I don't want last year's chamois coming back to me.ever.layers and layers and layers.naysayers and road flares.It's 16 degrees and sunny here in Boise.Waitin on the pre-lunch rush. Tenth floor,over an out.

Posted January 22, 2008 10:47 AM | Reply to this comment

P77 said...

WHOA..the machine kept telling me my security entry was incorrect and therefore prompted me to enter the above blurb again and again. Sorry for gettin all taggy up on yer board there.

Posted January 22, 2008 10:50 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to P77...

I appreciate you pumping up the comment count. I also appreciate your comments. And I copy "...set it free". Visualize me, visualize it, and visualize me setting it free.

Posted January 22, 2008 09:55 PM | Reply to this comment

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