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she was like that with everybody

January 19, 2008

when I get this feeling, I need CETMA rack healing.

Thanks to Lane of CETMA I have upgraded to a sleek new 5-rail rack on my Soma. I still have the older 6-rail but this new one is lighter, features a luxuriously smooth powder coat and is still stronger than allgetout.

On the way home from work I have no motivation to stop at the grocery store for food. Same goes for the next day and the next and the next, until finally I am down to peanut butter and tortillas and decaf tea. Or maybe I’ve been going to Bimbos instead of QFC too many days in a row. Well, finally on a Saturday I get motivated by hunger and go the store and buy a lot of groceries and put them in my double strap DANK bag and on my CETMA rack. I can even put them in the bag then on the rack. The possibilities are limitless. Have bungee will travel.

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Hunter said...

I second the thanks to Lane. Had a CETMA 6-rail for a year. Where I ride gets over 13 feet of rain a year. I just keep a wide-mouth dry bag on the rack, some extra bungees and all is ready and well.

Posted January 19, 2008 01:46 PM | Reply to this comment

07 Mark replied to Hunter...

did you say 150 inches of rain? where do you live?

Posted January 20, 2008 06:54 AM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

Mmmmmmmm, tubular steel tastiness. I have just been told my 3-rail powder black CETMA isn't as nice as your new 5-rail Mark. Apparently it's the dress and not the girl...

Posted January 22, 2008 11:49 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Case...

I copy the dress, and not the girl. And this 5-rail is sweet, lighter, stronger, faster and more gooder. I like the rack, I like the dress, I like the girl...do you copy that Lane?

Posted January 22, 2008 10:55 PM | Reply to this comment

Hunter said...

O7 Mark, I'm in Ketchikan, Alaska, the rain center of the inhabited world. We average 162 inches a year. We got almost 40 inches the last two-and-a-half months. Lots o'rain. Came up here from Oly and thought that we knew rain. We didn't know squat about rain.

Posted January 23, 2008 12:55 PM | Reply to this comment

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