what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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two lane blacktop

January 8, 2008

Looking to the future through a filter of the past
Interpreting the unknown within a framework of the known
Yeah, uh huh, yep
Once in while, there’s a special place
Where the filters get peeled off
the framework gets left behind
and nothing really matters too much
Just roll

Take me to that place

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Chris Murray said...

Are they conducting strange corn experiments behind that barbed wire fence some where in Iowa? I can't remember. Perhaps it's an area 50 something.

Posted January 8, 2008 08:09 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to Chris Murray...

Thanks for the photo Chris, it's a good one and I keep coming back to it. Cheers.

Posted January 9, 2008 09:54 AM | Reply to this comment

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