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two thousand eight

January 1, 2008

In 2008 I have resolved not to drink less, because that’s horseshit and that’s as played-out as 1100 Olive.

In 2008 I have resolved to be fully aware, present and attentive to the beverages I consume.

In that simple resolution, is a parable.

In that, is the truth.

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jimmybo said...

200 days to Ragbrai. In 17 days it is the Ragbrai solstice. That is the point where the next ragbrai is closer (in number of days) than the one that we just rode on. Cheers

Posted January 2, 2008 09:22 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to jimmybo...

Cheers to you Jimbo. That is a cheerful thought this damp Seattle morning. RAGBRAI solstice approaches.

Posted January 2, 2008 10:40 AM | Reply to this comment

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