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point of view

March 7, 2025

Here is a book I had in my hands last week at the University Bookstore. But I didn’t buy it. Now I’m #41 in line for the Seattle Public Library’s ten copies. Which means I can go back and buy the book today, read it this weekend and then pass it along to three or four friends before I’d ever see the book from the library.

It’s a quality of life issue. 


editor’s note: I bought the book today and both employees behind the counter gave me the thumbs up good choice way to go good call and on and so on:


07 days later &

07 hours later today


double oh seven


this time it’s for real sincerely for real really in my hands and I can cancel my hold on a SPL copy


“the possibilities of my current situation had not occurred to me before now”

-page 14


just diving into the book now. it’s a compact 120 page bird-in-hand to the outside observer. but it’s not light reading. there are no redundancies. No fluffy fluffies. No poofy poofies.  120 pages of questioning, pondering, re-reading, asking, absorbing, soaking…


we’ll talk more later...





In the photos below, is a book I saw in the Miller Library art book show last week. Letter to Crow by Dorothy McCuistion.  It wasn’t really in my hands. But they let me turn the pages if I was careful. This one-of-a-kind book was not for sale and if it was it’d be way beyond my discretionary funds. 


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