Yesterday I released this postcard out into the world via USPS. Directing it over to the 98103 and Mischief Bicycles. As Dr. Chris discusses beautiful fully-custom titanium bicycles with his clientele, Q-factor, crank length and riding style, he is not tweaking the chainstays with his trusty ball-peen hammer. All that and more is why this image in a high-end Ti bike shop brings me joy.
Around the same time, Toothaker was enjoying a cup of coffee on Capitol Hill. Here are his own words to describe it:
The young barista at little odd fellows said to their coworker, 'after work today my boyfriend and I are going to Bike Works to get bikes. He's ok with buying whatever bike is available but I can't do that-I need to feel the pull of the bike I am buying. It's a relationship thing'
This brings me joy for other reasons. That barista was spot-on. I’m all about feeling that pull. I shared this with Steve G at BikeWorks because he knows a thing or two about used bikes and their pull or lack thereof.
BikeWorks is a special place. It kicks ass. And not just in a 501(c)(3) way. It is tapped into the amazing aquifer of used bicycles in Seattle. I had my hands on thousands of them over the years I worked there and volunteered too. There are bicycles that give off great energy. There are bicycles that need to be heaved into a dumpster. And there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bikes in the mid range. But it won’t take long when you walk into the shop or warehouse to feel the pull of a bike that’s right for you and build a relationship.
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