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Safeway more ways

January 6, 2025

“There’s more than one way to get to Safeway”

a wise woman once said


getting to Safeway is easy, bombing downhill all the way. But getting home is a slow grind up the hills with a couple cheese pizzas, bananas and some grapefruit seltzer water in the Burley. 


This little Burley came from Bike Works for only $10.00 a few months ago because Junior wanted it for a Halloween costume idea. She pushed her friend around the block a few times then forgot about it and it’s been gathering dust since mid October.  Until yesterday when I hitched up a new grocery getter. 


It was mostly enjoyable but I ran out of gears on the 1 x 7. Next time I might try the other 1 x 7. If I go with a single-speed there will be some walking back up a couple of the hills on the way home. 


It’s been a long long time since I pulled a trailer. Since Junior and Junior Junior both fit in a double-wide Burley and I could actually take them to the park or the pool. We also had a CETMA cargo bike so the Burley was mostly used as a giant stroller, taking up the entire sidewalk. Very rarely did I hitch it to a bike. 


yesteryear...   ...before the CETMA I got a stripped down flatbed trailer from Jason Hultman and I used it to pick up pony kegs once in a while on a mostly flat round trip to 1221 E. Pike. Then I passed that trailer on to CMWC Craig Etheridge. 

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CE said...

That very trailer took my mountaineering gear down to PDX (on a train) and then behind my old Rossin up to the base of Mt Hood and back. https://photos.app.goo.gl/y4NyioVrc3AwR9NfA

Posted January 8, 2025 07:35 PM | Reply to this comment

pidlerwater said...

rock on CE

Posted January 9, 2025 05:05 PM | Reply to this comment

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