what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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28 days later

December 30, 2024


sign, sign

everywhere a sign

blockin' out the scenery

breakin' my mind

do this, don't do that

can't you read the sign?

left turn only

bus only

only only

if and only if

if only

as if


this way

that way

both ways

either way


you two too

no   not you






Signs everywhere. They’re not blocking out the scenery, they are the scenery. No longer looking at them, looking through them, over them, around them, taking them for granted, a given, a premise, a baseline riff, on or off, left or right, one way or another. 


In situ signs blend in with everything. Especially when moving in traffic at traffic speed. But when a bomb cyclone blew through Seattle in November, this one was torn off its sign post, making it easier to see in a new light, in another context. To get up-close, to get hands-on, to realize how big and reflective and heavy and awkward and over-built traffic signs are.  


This sign is 48” x 30” the largest in the collection so far and it needs its own wall space. By the way, I didn’t steal it, I just picked it up off the ground after a 28 day observation period in which I patiently watched it get kicked from here to there propped up, knocked down and moved around. A month is  plenty of time to plan for another context. 


I’ve been curating a collection of arrows and arrow signs for several years. Ground-scores, thrift stores, gifts and yard sales. 


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pilder asser said...

Thanks to Chris Murray there’s nothing like a well placed pilderwasser sticker

Posted December 31, 2024 10:49 AM | Reply to this comment

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