The Escape to Everywhere by Paul Hederman
found this book in the free library. it found me actually
The gist of if it is: be here now.
We’re all rewinding, replaying, regretting the past, the shoulda-coulda-wouldas and or fretting the future, the what could be, the what might be, the maybe. We’re focusing on what isn’t, missing out on what is. The ISness. The here. The now.
Same old shit, easier said than done. But Hederman simplifies it and describes the same things in a few different ways:
When there’s an entertaining, “I’m not that,” you can experience a pause, a timeless moment in a linear time frame. That’s a pause you can live in. Live AS. It’s not something you can attain. It’s always available.
That pause. That gap. That’s the ticket.
And it’s not about taking another yoga class or following another guru. It’s in you, or it’s all around you. and try not to take yourself too seriously
here and now boys
here and now
repeated repeatedly by the birds in Huxley’s Island
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