two 26” wheels walk into a bar. bartender says, “why the long fork?”
buyer’s remorse
what were you thinking?
the price was no object
it seemed like a good idea at the time
one man’s fully custom folly, is another man’s used bike
this bike has been haunting me for a week
Davidson Ti
wait, what?
Recycled Cycles
you know – Boat Street bro
Please take a moment to work some “Dust in the Wind” lyrics into your brain. Keep in mind, they may be behind you.
for a moment I saw Dr 37 Mike on this bike with a proper fork, a different handlebar, full fenders and cable actuated brakes. only for a moment and the moment’s gone.
If you look at the rear brake bridge clearance it seems to me that this bike was definitely designed for 26" wheels. I think that someone stuck a 700c fork on it in order to increase the stack and get the handlebars up higher. Look at the relation of the bottom bracket to the rear axle. They're almost at the same height, which suggests that the entire frame has been rotated (counterclockwise as we look at it), due the increased axle to crown length. Look at the huge gap between the top of the front tire and the fork crown. I'm pretty sure that the redoubtable Bill Davidson would never let a frame built this way out of his shop. I smell a rat here, there's fuckery afoot.
I agree with Alistair... or somebody slapped a "suspension corrected" rigid fork on that is way too tall.....and combined with that head tube gives a stack height that is akin to 701 5th.....that would be some "interesting" handling. Fuckery afoot for sure.