simple elegant solutions
that’s the goal, the direction, the drift, that’s the river I’m pushing day to day, day in, day out. It’s hardwired into me. It’s muscle memory. It’s efficiency. I shave with Occam’s Razor a few times per week. I eat cheesy bean burritos seasoned with parsimony. I am the traveling salesman living out the electric ass traveling salesman problem in real time every fucking day illustrated in purple and gold on a scenic 700 acre campus.
If I saw this bike on a bike rack I might doubletake and shake my head asking “what the fuck?” as I walked away. But yesterday I saw this bike on the Big Time bike rack and because I know this guy, and you do too, I just chuckled because we were having a beer (plural)
As simple and elegant perhaps as it can be solving a problem that should not even exist in our world at this time. He invented a solution to a problem that he invented. Creating a mess just to show a way to sweep it under the rug.
wait until you see him riding this thing as if it was meant to be
He may have found himself in a garage with a bunch of bike parts. And he may have said to himself what can I do? Better yet, what can’t I do? That fork on that frame with those wheels.
fuckin A+
87 photo bro
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