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2024 pilderwasser Book of the Year

July 17, 2024

I'm not even done with it yet and it's only the O7 month of the year but it's over, it's the one, no question, sincerely for real, really.

Looking back, six or so years ago bro, we discussed Williams’ 99 Stories of God, which is also a great book. As I page through this new book, I wanted to go back to the old one again. Front to back. Back to back. Side by side. Through and through. However I think I already gave it away or passed it on to a friend. 


As I’m working through Concerning the Future of Souls I find myself taking mental notes on new or new-to-me authors, poets, philosophers, mathematicians, Welsh mythology,  Egyptian gods, inventors, plants, animals, dunce caps, Pythagorean cups and events that Williams refers to. As well as a list of quirky vocabulary also new-to-me. Inspiring more reading and research and pondering.


Taken in 99 relatively small bites, there’s a lot to chew on. Very short stories distilled down to oh so few words but saying oh so much. This book rocks. 


thank you Dr 37 for reminding me to get this book

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37 said...

Thanks for recommending her last which prompted me to get and devour this one. So few words saying oh so much is dead on. No shim needed.

Posted July 18, 2024 07:44 AM | Reply to this comment

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