As Junior and Junior Junior were getting restless and poking around the garage yesterday I finally took a swing at the three chunks of wood that have been staring at me for months. With two cats, two dogs and two kids there’s no “perfect time” to bust out a silkscreen project. But a warm Wednesday evening in July seemed like an OK time.
These scraps of 2 x 6 were resting in the garage left over from the construction of a raised garden bed. With some hinges salvaged from an old set of bi-fold doors, I plan to link the three parts together and call it art. Call it a triptych. It’s a work in progress. A bit hasty, a little sloppy, sort of slapdash. It didn’t turn out as amazing as it looked in my mind. But it’s not done yet. Or is it the thought that counts?
The gold paint fades away on plain wood when it’s not catching the light just right. And I like that. The viewer has to make an effort to take it all in. When they’re linked together the viewer may never see all three words simultaneously. They’ll need to manipulate the panels or the light source. Upon first glance this looks like three scraps of wood. Because it is. You’ve seen that gold reflect-effect on the plain cardboard postcards I’ve made recently too.
I’d like to think this is a practice run, a scale model for a much larger triptych made from plywood panels linked with beefy oversized gate hinges and much more complicated colorful designs.
Here’s where I remind you that Lane Kagay should be credited with the ONE LESS CARE phrase. Just like Robert Arzoo is responsible for the COFFEE-BEER CONTINUUM. Just like the Wamsleys get the PILDERFLOSSER. I didn’t make that shit up, I'm just running with it.

3 days later I slapped on some hinges. Hinges scrounged from hollow core bi-fold doors that once hid a washer & dryer. These hinges tie it all together in more ways than one. It's personal. It's history. It's in-situ-resource-utilization. It's one less care. It's full-circle round-trip out & back...
...now I can put it to rest on a shelf to collect dust

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