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inductive loop detectors

June 25, 2024

Back in 1994ish I wrote a letter to the editor of the Bellingham Herald in response to an Op-Ed piece ripping on scofflaw cyclists. I actually lived in the 98225 B-Ham 1993-1995ish and I went through the motions of being on the bicycle advisory committee while working at Casa Que Pasa and the Whatcom Pathology Lab. No JOKE. Really. For real. Ask Dr J Lonner and Robert Arzoo.  My letter was published in the Herald and the gist of it was that we’re not all just blowing through red lights, some lights will never change for a cyclist because those inductive loop detectors were not set up to pick up little old bicycles in the early 90’s Whatcom County. 


They’re still not sensitive to bikes here and now here and there everywhere. So use your best judgment. 


I cut out that published letter and stuck it in a 3-ring binder with my two other greatest achievements. However, here and now I cannot locate said binder. If I could I would gladly photo bro the shit out of it and put it right here. 


Just the other day and many many many many many many many days in past I’ve watched sadsack cyclists post up in left turn lanes in the midst of six lane arterials as if they’re law abiding citizens waiting their turn for their turn when in reality they’re risking their lives waiting for a turn that will never come. 


Run that light or weasel over onto the curb in the crosswalk and cross like a ped. 


You’re making us all look bad. 

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Run and Weasle said...


Posted June 25, 2024 08:58 PM | Reply to this comment

37 said...


Posted June 26, 2024 11:21 AM | Reply to this comment

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