what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

pilderwasser unlimited T-shirts  pilder what? kickstand P know knew spew snap shots autoBIKEography RAGBRAI  slide shows phot-o-rama stationary-a-gogo 1/2 x 3/32 links

.833" (21.1 mm)

June 20, 2024

This Soma Competition is 43 years old and I’ve had it for 25. So many stories, so many iterations. CETMA racks and Wald baskets. From Bike Works, to Counterbalance Bikes, to Bike Smith, to Free Range, to the Velo Store. To UBI. From Montlake to Aaron's to Perfect Wheels. From WA Legal to Seattle Legal to WA Legal and back to Seattle Legal. To Mad Fiber and full circle roundtrip back to Bike Works. That .833 stem has been on there since I got it from Charles at Wright Bros about 24 years ago. 


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the new yorker said...


Posted June 20, 2024 10:21 AM | Reply to this comment

Roger Durham said...

I made the case for disobeying traffic laws in the letter I wrote to Velo News in 1982, http://pilderwasser.com/images/durham_letter.pdf

Posted June 21, 2024 05:54 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

word. i watched a sad sack cyclist post up in the left turn lane at Pacific & Brooklyn, waiting through a cycle or two, I knew he'd be there all day if he didn't ride like a messenger...

Posted June 21, 2024 06:45 PM | Reply to this comment

37 said...

Word to this. Roger is my hero.

Posted June 26, 2024 11:17 AM | Reply to this comment

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