Springing forward
Spring forwarding
Spring forward bro
All the clock adjustment mumbo jumbo doesn’t do it for me but the signpost benchmark calendar date to commemorate does.
The idea of it. The smell of it. The look & feel of it.
At this latitude daylight makes a difference.
There’s an 8 hour difference between the long summer days and the short short short winter days of daylight around here.
It’s not psychosomatic, it’s sad. (seasonal affective disorder)
Dark morning commute. Gray day at work. Dark commute home.
But now things are starting to look up. People start to say they’d want my job on a day like this.
Take a puff, it’s springtime.
And so on.
Spring forwarding.
Springing forward.
Looking back:

black tea
steeped in the cup
steeped in tradition
set apart to fit in
brand names change trend cycles
a uniform to put on each morning
to take the train into the city
to play the game to play along
to do it all again the next day
shortest days of the year strung together
to make one long week
40 hours the hard way
wouldn’t last 5 days at your job
Yo-Yo Ma yo mamma
layers seem to work best
two sweaters and a vest
second-day socks pushed to new limits
the smell never goes away
wrote that little ditty in 2009...
when i was still a real messenger
as if I could see into the future
with train rides and uniforms
and weak work weeks
...same as it ever was

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