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Full Tilt

September 30, 2023

Full Tilt

Ireland to India with a Bicycle

Dervla Murphy    


Mr-Medicinal-Herb-Garden Keith Possee told me of this book recently and I finally got my hands on it. I’m only 33% through it but it’s not too early to tell you two to read it too. 

Published first in 1965. It comes directly from Dervla’s journals and notebooks she schlepped along her journey in 1963, riding a 37 pound single speed with 40 more pounds of shit strapped to it. She was a real badass. 

If you think you’ve done something special on your gravel bike, please read this book and gain some appreciation for Dervla’s Armstrong Cadet bicycle named "Roz" and the ground she covered on it. 

Dervla Murphy just passed away last year and she published many more books after this one. Thank you Keith for pointing this out to me.  

Dervla Murphy later in life, relaxing at home with a beer & a smoke


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37 said...

Well, you know I am going to read this.

Posted October 1, 2023 06:49 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

a 37lb steel single speed calls out for more reason than one

Posted October 2, 2023 05:04 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder w asser said...

reading this book on the train on my commute helps me keep things in perspective and harden the fuck up if there's a little rain, or my toe hurts, or the train is slow or whatever. She rode that Cadet through hell and took some bus rides that make my commute just fine.

Posted October 3, 2023 08:48 PM | Reply to this comment

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