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seek and you will find

August 29, 2023

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

–Mathew 07:07


I’m no bible thumper, but some people call me Matt and I do have a predilection for 07.  A 07:07 is a double bonus.


You’ll often find me rolling slowly around town, talking to myself, saying things like “seek and you will find” then responding in another voice with something like “no shit sherlock” 


Just yesterday morning, the google let me know that the phrase I’ve been mumbling for years is from Mathew 07:07. I had no idea, thinking it was just a worn out koan or a James Thurber-ish “one is alright, two are too many and three are not enough” kind of thing. 

So anyway, it was a dark and stormy night...      ...or   it was dark, and it was morning


Friday morning’s commute started off with a flat on the way to the train when I hit a tomato-size rock just right, or wrong and blew out my rear tire.  Halfway to the train or halfway back home. I decided to walk home and switch bikes. Rolling into work a bit late on a bike I haven’t ridden for many many moons, made me realize how much the tires sucked. Way too big & dumb & heavy & slow leaving no room for full fenders. It sent a Robin Hood ripple through my bike collection, looking for parts to poach and switch and swap. I smell rain in the next few hours, days, weeks and months so I wanted to put some fenders back on one more bike for the dark rainy season. 


Saturday I went into my local non-profit community bike shop warehouse seeking some 700 x 35ish tires. I found a pair of oh-so-gently used Clement tires for a small fraction of the MSRP of a single tire.  Bike Works continues to kick ass in the seeking & finding department. 


Sunday I put the tires on the bike and some full fenders too and took it for a test ride. Which means I rode out of the garage and called it good. But before I even made it 50 feet up the street, I stopped for a discarded dental pick pic to share with Dr 37 Mike.  I’m not really seeking dental picks but I find them anyway, everywhere. 


The true test rides come Monday morning with a groggy roll into work in the dark, when things matter and they’re really real and all the clicks and creaks and torques and tweaks take place.  


Monday I rode it to work and heard a few things like fender struts wagging and friction shifting lagging. But the tires are everything I hoped for and more. Thanks Bike Works. Is it raining? 

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37 said...

Because they are everywhere and you can't unsee them.

Posted August 30, 2023 09:47 AM | Reply to this comment

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