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down a strange street

August 24, 2023



Not too long

–Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Not too long

after the beginning of time

upon a nine o’clock

of a not too hot

summer night

standing in the door

of the NEW PISA

under the forgotten

plaster head of DANTE

waiting for a table

and watching


was a man with a mirror for a head

which didn’t look so abnormal at that

except that

real ears stuck out

and he had a sign

which read


but anyway

as I was saying

and not too long after the beginning 

of time

this man who was all eyes

had no mouth

all he could do was show people

what he meant

and it turned out

he claimed to be

a painter

but anyway

this painter

who couldn’t talk or tell anything

about what he


looked like just about the happiest painter

in all the world

standing there

taking it all ‘in’

and reflecting


in his great big

hungry Eye

but anyway

so it was I saw reflected there

four walls covered with pictures

of the leaning tower of Pisa

all of them leaning in different directions

five booths with tables

fifteen tables without booths

one bar

with one bartender looking like a 

baseball champ

with a lot of naborhood trophies

hung up behind

three waitresses of various sizes and faces

one as big as a little fox terrier

one as large as a small sperm whale

one as strange as an angel

but all three

with the same eyes

one kitchendoor with one brother cook

standing in it

with the same eyes

and about

one hundredandsixtythree people all talking and waving and laughing and eating and drinking and smiling and frowning and shaking heads and opening mouths and putting forks and spoons  in them and chewing and swallowing all kinds of produce and sitting back and relaxing maybe and drinking coffee and lighting cigarettes and getting up and so on

and so off

into the night

without ever noticing

the man with the mirrorhead

below the forgotten

plasterhead of DANTE

looking down

at everyone

with the same eyes

as if he were still searching


for his lost Beatrice

but with just a touch

of devilish lipstick

on the very tip

of his nose




Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. "Not too long" from PICTURES of the gone world. City Lights Books 1955


If you have the first edition from 1955 it's worth about $3000. I have the 1971, sixteenth printing with a cover price of $1, purchased at a used bookstore 50 years later for $3.50. word



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