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escondido a plena vista

August 12, 2023

When you say “vanishing point” sometimes I think of the 1971 existential muscle car movie, sometimes my mind goes to “parallel lines on a slow decline…”  in a Guided by Voices way and sometimes it goes to my junior high art teacher teaching perspective drawing... 


A vanishing point is a point on the image plane of a perspective rendering where the two-dimensional perspective projections of mutually parallel lines in three-dimensional space appear to converge. When the set of parallel lines is perpendicular to a picture plane, the construction is known as one-point perspective, and their vanishing point corresponds to the oculus, or "eye point", from which the image should be viewed for correct perspective geometry.Traditional linear drawings use objects with one to three sets of parallels, defining one to three vanishing points.


The vanishing point of a discarded dental pick is the moment it leaves the person’s hand. Like 37 Mike says, outta sight, outta mind. In truth a discarded dental pick will not vanish from my field of vision – standing by – hiding in plain sight – for 10,000 years or until some poor sucker sweeps it up, whichever comes first. 


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Dr. Pollard DDS said...

"Dental Pick Chain"

Posted August 13, 2023 03:06 PM | Reply to this comment

37 said...

Well it has vanished because it has been chucked.....down.

Posted August 16, 2023 07:03 PM | Reply to this comment

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