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mojo dojo shower beers bro

August 1, 2023

Had my hands on this thing in a thrift store the other day just long enough to send a picture to Steve Young, the king of shower beers. But at 67% off the MSRP it didn’t sell me and he doesn’t need any assistance on his shower beer set up. 


I like beer. I like showers. But I don’t need some doohickey to hold my beer in the shower because I’ll be drinking it and then I’ll be showering  and there are no shiny surfaces in my shower. This thing reminds me of some poor sucker that drained their life savings to get their thing produced in a factory in Taiwan but then they go on Shark Tank to try to get some marketing because it’s just the same sliced bread with different marketing.  Revolutionary space age patented technology blah blah blah.


Sudski mojo dojo brewski beers bro


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