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hauschka like me now?

July 16, 2023

When I was a kid I often rode my bike to 7-11 for penny candy, slurpees and a pack of football cards. I’d also play some galaga or phoenix before I rode back home to check out my new cards. This was 1978, 1979, 1980. I still have some of those football cards. But yesterday I took a binder full of my “best” cards to a card shop to trade them in. 


The proprietor gave me a super lowball offer and I said “OK”. I looked around the store and ended up trading straight across for this signed framed certified Hauschka photo. Not something I was searching for but now it’s hanging on the wall and I learned that Hauschka is from Needham, MA and he turned down dental school to use up his one more year of eligibility at NC State after graduating with honors from Middlebury College. 


I had a James Lofton rookie card, Earl Campbell - Walter Payton team leader card, OJ Simpson 49ers card. Nothing outrageous. None of the cards were in pristine condition because I was shoving them in my back pocket and riding my bike home. 


One card in my binder that stood out to the card guy was this 1978 Steelers team leader card featuring Tony Dungy. A card that I never paid any attention to. 

The world of selling trading cards is not for me.  I was fine taking that low ball offer because the cards have been collecting dust in my basement since I was a kid. I’ve cherry picked all the placekickers and stapled them on the wall. And now I’d like to get rid of all the other stuff because there’s somebody out there that might actually be looking for it. Sentimental value adds up to jack shit when you try to cash it in. I appreciate things for what they are and now I’m getting rid of them.  Or maybe I’m just trading them in for other shit. Junior Junior is bringing in more cards faster than I can get rid of the old ones.  


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Alistair said...

Galaxians, Galaga, Phoenix, Space Firebirds and Space Invaders. I put a lot of coins into these machines as a teenager. Money well spent in my book. I loved playing those games.

Posted July 16, 2023 05:00 PM | Reply to this comment

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