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gaze vector

June 30, 2023

In the realm of eye tracking science the scholarly definition of gaze vector: what the fuck are you looking at? 


put your fucking phone down

and look around

before you step

in front of a bus

or a bike messenger 


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Alistair said...

The thing is that the vast majority of light rail users won't be able to see that warning sign because they're too distracted, looking at their phones. The irony of it all..

Posted July 1, 2023 10:32 AM | Reply to this comment

Alistair said...

The thing is that the vast majority of light rail users won't be able to see that warning sign because they're too distracted, looking at their phones. The irony of it all..

Posted July 1, 2023 10:32 AM | Reply to this comment

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