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Okanogan Lane LOSER

June 21, 2023

A couple weeks ago I was rolling along Okanogan Lane at 7:47am when a cyclist rolling towards me said “Wrong Way Buster!” She was the only other human in sight on the entire sprawling-scenic 700 acre campus. All I could do was chuckle.  


I’ve noticed her one other time in the same situation and she mumbled something inaudibly, perhaps the same thing. When I recall it all I like to reimagine it with her screaming “WRONG WAY FUCKER!!!” and it makes me chuckle even more. 


Okanogan Lane is a short little road on campus. Basically a glorified sidewalk to several stops on my route. It cuts between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, from the Molecular Engineering loading dock and Atmospheric Sciences slowly rolling past the medicinal herb garden and onto Life Sciences. It's a vector slicing an arc from the circle of Stevens Way.  It’s used by Uber/Lyft drivers, UPS, FedEx, delivery vehicles and packs of students wandering around cluelessly absorbed in their devices and earbuds. 


I ride down it the wrong way every day multiple times a day at very slow speeds. This lady who obviously works somewhere at this large state university is the only person who has verbalized their displeasure directly to me, Mr McfuckingFeeley electric-assisting a bathtub around campus at 3 miles per hour. For all I know, I might be delivering this lady’s mail everyday. 


In my June 9th list of three word phrases “okanogan lane loser” got Wamsley’s attention and he discovered this google maps image of me from 2019,  unloading yet another oversized amazon box on Okanogan Lane, keeping that frown upside down. Please note: my bike was pointing the wrong way buster


It brings to mind one time or another a jaywalker downtown was in the middle of a one way street and suddenly startled by 39 rolling up the wrong way. 39 smiled and said “didn’t your mom teach you to look both ways?” 


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