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care less

June 17, 2023

got this guy at the UW surplus store on Tuesday for 50 cents. It’s not a photograph but a pretty nice print. The google told me it's Hans Christian Andersen. But at the time I thought it was just another dead white guy. 


Today I found a Renior “Madame Georges Charpentier and Her Children” for $6.99 at a thrift store because the frame and mat looked to be about the right size. A few hours after that I silkscreened a few words on HCA and as the paint dried I took the frame apart and flipped the Renior to put the famous Danish author in there. He fits fine, as if I had him framed.

for another 50 cents I got this historic DANK bags sweatshop photo to add to the series. It may or may not be a work in progress because the paint is still wet and you may or may not remember the first one, the last one, the other one 

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bret in abq said...

Dude. i got cozies.

Posted June 18, 2023 07:34 PM | Reply to this comment

Alistair said...

Students at a large state run university in Seattle Washington get MFA degrees for doing lesser work. No, really..

Posted June 19, 2023 09:38 AM | Reply to this comment

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