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in the details, is the devil

June 15, 2023

I appreciate the details. I am laser focused on little things that many people don’t give a shit about. Conversely many people seem to be honed in on things that I’m oblivious to, and things I could not care any less about. I don’t care how your weekend was. But if I did,  I’d ask you about it. Mostly I don’t care for idle chit chat. In the workplace, this can be comical, unbelievable and occasionally very frustrating. 


Is that the best you can do?

Are you fucking kidding me?  Really? 

We’ve been over this a thousand times? 

You don’t remember? 

Wait. What? 


You’ve always done it that way, so you think that’s the way it should be done. Or perhaps you were trained by a sack-of-shit to do things that way and you don’t know any better so you keep plugging away, day after day. 


Depending on the context, attention-to-detail can be an admirable attribute. Unless it’s taken too far. It was cool. Until it wasn’t. Then it wasn’t cool. 


Can’t see the forest for the trees, says the old saying. Wasting a lot of time on minor details, never getting to the big-picture problem. If you could actually see the big picture, you’d realize there are no problems. It’s just a bunch of bullshit. Building mountains out of molehills like Russhell says. Sometimes this is a strategic time wasting strategy deployed by sack-of-shit goldbricking cherry-picking workers in the workforce. Sometimes it’s legitimate cluelessness and stupidity. Blissful ignorance. Mud fence dumb. 


Choose your battles, they say. What to nitpick. What to let slide. Worry about the things you can control, they say. 


Don’t sweat the small stuff, they go on to say. Worrying about little shit is a waste of energy. But when people have nothing to worry about they’ll invent new things, or the stupid little things sitting around get promoted to bigger big things. Monumental petty bullshit. 


Transcend the bullshit. A classic slogan. But it’s easier said than done when 90% of everything is bullshit. 


Having a bad day you say. Traffic was heavy. Someone parked too close to your parking space. The elevator is out of service. Your mascara is lumpy. Your coffee shop stopped serving cherry blossom lattes. Another epic ascent of a molehill that to you sincerely feels like a mountain. 


Rat racing 

Hamster wheeling



Whack-a-molehill into a mountain-ing 


How was your weekend? 


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