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it was a baby boy, so we bought him a toy, it was a ray gun, and it was 1981

June 14, 2023

Fort George makes a fine beer. “just say know” I drank a couple down but I won’t be upcycling — postcarding those Fancy Rayguns until I get some Nancy Reagans to pay the postage. Hand in hand. Hand delivered first class USPS-like. 


On the other hand there’s a lowercase g filled with Burberry mirror-image so it reads correctly in the bathroom mirror while brushing teeth or raising a hand in some horseshit zoom meeting.  AS  IF  we could work remotely. Making an ass outta you and me.


Nobody has one of those. Or these. Except me.  “Trust but verify” 


the hardest button to button


It’s a long story that brings to mind another story which reminds me of this one time and this other thing but I’ll leave it at - that was then and this is now or vice versa.  


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