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Rolling Rock on Cheever's porch

June 13, 2023

42 hours in Rip City

with a Train ride 

on either side

chicken caesar salad

two cups of coffee

one metric ton of beer

conversion: fluid ounces

+10 cent deposit per can 

underneath the bridge

beers on a bench

on the river

in the sun

two former messengers

walk into a bar

Dockside   bartender

crushes crush me

a unique beauty

R. Crumb would agree

no and then

a so-called TAVERN

in the middle of nowhere

3 customers & a stripper

bartender says

6th generation ...



pictures of 39

PDX joke of the day:

Q: what did the stripper do with her asshole before work?

A: drop him off at band practice

seamless transitions

first coffee

first beer

slippery slurry


hurling in the sink

like life out of balance


Philip Glass

Stanley Kubrik 

Plum Sauce

party store

DANK bags HQ

a little bit of bicycles

19th & Lovejoy

17th & Alberta

somewhere on Montana

a Rolling Rock on Cheever’s porch

White Eagle

Mazatlan margarita

Timbers game bros know

Fred Meyer

take a picture

it’ll last longer

another year older

deeper in debt

what day is it?


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One metric ton said...

that's 33,814 fluid ounces

Posted June 13, 2023 08:45 AM | Reply to this comment

word of the day said...


Posted June 15, 2023 03:03 PM | Reply to this comment

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