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that smell

June 6, 2023

“Is this the life or what?”

–Tom Bice   late 90’s


A classic Bice catch-all used in a variety of contexts. Often directed at messengers rolling through base when he was dispatching. This only made it onto a select few t-shirts over the years. Another favorite Biceism that never got onto a silkscreen: “you’re the one telling them how it is” I would wear that on the back of a t-shirt. 



“The smell of freedom”

–Robert Arzoo   early 90’s


The smell of freedom is hard to define but I know it when I see it. It’s neither here nor there, it’s everywhere. It can be subtle as well as overpowering. It’s a quality of life issue. I most often associate it with smoke and fumes billowing from a two-stroke engine on an otherwise pristine walk through the woods in Whatcom County or a stay in an otherwise quiet campground when a chainsaw fires up, or an ultra mega weed whacker then the big bad backpack leaf blower. Robert would chuckle and remind you that that’s the smell of freedom while at the same time calculate the oil-to-gas ratio roiling the air. Mr Robert Arzoo also coined the coffee-beer continuum, and just like that I adopted it, co-opted it, usurped it, stole it like an artist and ran with it, applying it in other contexts like the smell of a messenger on an elevator. This made it onto very few t-shirts. 


Can’t you smell that smell? 


Screened a batch of postcards recently. They don’t fit the parameters of “postcard” as defined by the USPS and I’m not sure I put enough postage on most of these upcycled scraps of cardboard. One cranky postal worker could have directed them to the dead letter office as we speak. On the other hand, one friendly postal worker could have directed them to your local carrier who will schlepp them those final 50 feet to your door. 


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pilder said...

Watched about 7 minutes of Stars on Mars last night. And that’s enough for me. I wanted to see Marshawn Lynch and Lance Armstrong in the same space, and I did. The scene with both of them on stationary bikes was great. But I don’t need to sit through any Big Brother, Survivor, Real World reality show shit. is this the life or what?

Posted June 6, 2023 05:35 AM | Reply to this comment

37 said...

This is what you came for.

Posted June 7, 2023 09:47 PM | Reply to this comment

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