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big ol' jet airliner

May 17, 2023

The numbers are there. They’ve been there all along. In your clocks, your calendars, your Steve Miller lyrics. They’ll be there tomorrow and the next day too. Maybe you haven’t noticed because they haven’t jumped out into your face. 


07 Mark my words, when the numbers reach out, you might want to pay attention. 



what time is it?

what day is it?


what year is it?

can I see some ID?


have you been drinking? 

preheat oven to 0707


alarm set for 3:33

open eyes at  3:27


thermostat set at 999

standing  by   at  1001


not 4th Avenue now

it’s Boat Street bro


background static 

white  n o i s e  


drugstore receipt

weather forecast


Dow Jones 

Steve Miller 


confirmation number

g u n g a


g a l u n g a

the  proof  is


in the pudding 




pay attention 

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smart money said...

all in on Alabama baseball

Posted May 17, 2023 08:17 AM | Reply to this comment

LOL said...


Posted May 18, 2023 05:29 AM | Reply to this comment

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