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April 18, 2023

Bret ABQ photo

Roundabout 2006 the guys down at DANK bags put out a batch of toptube pads featuring an exclusive one-of-a-kind pilderwasser design. 


Bret in ABQ still has one, in pristine condition, rolling in that high desert air. After he sent me some photos I forwarded them to those guys at DANK to check out.  Then a few days later, Steve was in town and sent me a photo of another TT pad from that batch that’s still rolling on Face’s bike, not as pristine as Bret’s but still rolling. 


Yesterday I saw a bike messenger on campus. When I said it’s nice to see an actual bike messenger, she chuckled and said I guess you’re kind of a bike messenger. Then I smiled and said I used to be kind of a messenger at WA Legal and Seattle Legal. Then she asked, do you know Face? I said yeah, he filled my position at WA Legal in 2007 and he’s still there, still rolling. 


Steve Young photo

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