what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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what would Cliff Mass do? (WWCMD)

April 13, 2023


Cliff Mass will do whatever the fuck he wants to do. Then he might tell you about it, whether it’s the weather, or not. That’s why some people really like him. That’s also why some people really don’t like him. 


should we talk about the weather? I'm wearing two winter coats and it's April 13th


Just another shopping cart full of stolen bike parts kicking around the U-district normally wouldn’t get my attention. But the other day I saw Professor Cliff Mass dismount his trusty steed (hose-clamped milk crate and all) to take a photo of this shopping cart. I wish I was in the right place to get a photo of him taking a photo, but I was not. However, later in the day, around the third or fourth time I passed this pile of shit, I stopped to take a photo, because that’s what Cliff Mass would do (WCMWD)


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