what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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raindrops on roses

April 10, 2023

whiskers on kittens



place & time

I wasn’t looking for it

it found me


knock knock knockin

on my back door

pre authorized

fool me once

shame on me

fool me for 5 fucking years

I don’t think so

let it go 

move on

get out

how bout 

a little something

you know

for the effort




about 27 seconds after I took this photo the building manager came out and said what’s up? and I said living the dream, never had a bad day then he said what? are you trying to get in there? no I said I just wanted a photo and he said why because it strikes your fancy? yes, yes it does and I proceeded to ask him about Bret Farve playing for the Jets and Vikings and painkillers and karma and rotator cuffs and Aaron Rodgers’ tattoo being the highlight of last season and dark room meditation and the Jets parallel and assorted other NFL horseshit dollar signs because he’s a Packers fan and he asked me if it’s raining and so on and so forth. 


is it raining?   





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