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the check is in the mail

February 27, 2023

if I waited for you

to show me all the actions I should take

would I get my break?

gold star for robot boy


–Guided by Voices



I got my hands on some new fabric screen printing ink. It’s purple and sparkly and it’s called “amethyst”  All that is lost in the dingy filter on this photo. But it’s there in real life, for real, really on this postcard I mailed to a friend and fellow GbV fan. It should arrive a few zip codes away within 7 days with a little help from the USPS. 


Junior-Junior just received a postcard from grandma that she mailed 7 months ago from Canada. One digit off in the zip code caused the delay. However one of the guys down at DANK bags sent a postcard last week with one digit off in the zip code and it showed up here just fine. 


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