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we all want this

February 23, 2023


what do we want?

when do we want it?


we all want this 

parking garage

to be perfect!


we do?

there’s no I in we


what is a perfect parking garage?

an unachievable ideal?

or a worthy goal that springs us out of bed each morning


each time I deliver to KUOW (94.9 FM) I repeat the perfect parking mantra a few times loud enough for anyone to hear echoing off the overbuilt cement in various authoritative-intercom-ways or fake-as-fuck-advertising-voice-over-ways or crazy-guy-at-the-bus-stop-ways 


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Cherry picked Paperback thesaurus said...

( Adj1) aces A-ok classical out of this world paradasical peerless ten unmarried excelling(Adj2)Choate downright out and out sheer unadulterated. (V) ameliorate crown hone idealize round slick. To a T to a turn textbook bullseye See concepts

Posted February 26, 2023 09:28 AM | Reply to this comment

out and out said...


Posted February 26, 2023 09:38 PM | Reply to this comment

choate said...

got me onto the wiki page, not for the hoity toity prep school, for the legalese

Posted February 27, 2023 08:22 AM | Reply to this comment

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