what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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wish you were beer

February 9, 2023

exaggerated minutiae

enlarged to show texture


big fucking deal

if you say so


dog & pony show

don’t bro me bro


Monday through Friday

if they feel like it


what’s the policy on that? 

is it safe?


not in a Marathon-Man-way

in a government-worker-way


teamwork-dreamwork cliché 

puke   in    my     mouth


there’s no I in team

there’s no I in go fuck yourself


cold set the rear triangle 

reinvent the wheel


the look & feel of real leather

on the taxpayer’s dollar


A) I’ll have what he’s having

B) I’ll have what she had


C) I’ll have what everyone has

D) None of the above


different drummer

different drummer bro


pah rum pum pum pum

loud & clear


happy as a clam

in a bag of hammers





cold comfort for change?

did you exchange


a walk-on part in the war

for a leading role in a cage?


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happy clam said...

you don't know what you don't know

Posted February 10, 2023 03:20 PM | Reply to this comment

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