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Coie Monster

January 11, 2022


ran into Al from Perkins Coie today as he was on his way to King County Superior Court to actually file some documents with the clerk.


old school o rama


which brings me to this shot of me & Goldsmith circa 1998ish  taken by another Wa Legal messenger as we all three were standing by at 1201 waiting for Perkins to call in some sort of last minute rushes to King County and all the opposing counsel chuffers around town. 




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wanna come upstairs and see my binder clip collection said...

yesterday I picked up two tubs of binder clips from Records Management in Warren G Magnusson Park and delivered them directly to the receptionist-front desk engineer at the UW Police Department and the whole operation reminded me of all the legal messenger companies I've worked for or visited as well as C-203 the fucking judge's mailroom. ask me about the sounds that bunches of binder clips make when they're tossed in a box to work things out

Posted January 11, 2022 06:56 PM | Reply to this comment

wanna come upstairs and see the judge's mailroom said...

A couple days later I picked up the two batches of binder clips from UWPD only to take them all the way back out to Records Management in Magnuson Park. It’s like a poorly designed undergraduate psychology experiment. Or some kind of hourly legal messenger joke. Horseshit.

Posted January 13, 2022 10:14 AM | Reply to this comment

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