remote control
play that one more time
keep your finger on the button
feel for a pulse
oh I see it’s a parable
no actually it’s a parabola
no matter how you hit it
it comes back to get you
not too hot to pick up
but too hot to hold
onto other things
Is that all there is?
What was that?
Who is this?
This is it
hurry up
get on the elevator
get in your car
get in traffic
get home
get in front of the tv
get in bed
get to sleep
get up
get to work
play it again
Does this phone look ok with my hair?
Does this outfit look ok with my career?
looking to the future of a redshirt kindergartener
handmade with love by a Chinese prisoner
it’s the best of both worlds
too bad we’re in the third world
baby needs new shoes
baby can go barefoot
we’re not related and it’s all relative
confusing to the courteous
it’s a five-way intersection
where Antidepressant Ave
runs parallel to Depression Blvd
back up
play it again
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