Q factor : Jan Heine :: rubber bands : Shelley Tennant
bringing home the canadian bacon
the ponytail won’t hide the bald spot but the beret will
taciturn fecundity
psychosomatic consumerism
how many different routes can he walk from his office to the men’s room
She obsessed compulsively over the details delusional in thinking that if she stuck to the routine she’d have some control over the outcome the results the events unfolding yesterday today and everyday
Nomar Garciaparra
Step out of the box
Idle hands are tools of the devil
Set an alarm but be sure to wake before it goes off
TMJ-inducing stress dreams somewhere along the coffee-beer continuum
When your first stop this morning was your last stop last night
Dead men don’t wear plaid
(Your Name Here)
arial rounded italic bold
numerous variables must fall into place for the two commuters to meet each morning at the same time in the same place on the Burke Gilman Trail
plug n chug
dig deeper
get in the drops
the broken clock on the wall behind the bar keeps catching my eye subconsciously noting the passage of time or lack thereof same time different day
free beer tomorrow
this page intentionally left blank
I’m not angry I’m disappointed
Is it anxiety? Is it creativity?
it’s the other side of the same coin
Yin Yang this bro
Franklin claims Kenny G but Garfield had Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee
Ask me about entitled millennials on electric assist cargo bikes
Ask me if I had a good weekend
Ask me about your learned helplessness
it’s a steep learning curve but any one-eyed dyslexic monkey could do it as long as they can ride a bike and pretend to differentiate between 353650 and 353560 as well as 355630 and 355360
do me a favor - don’t do me any favors
separate they’re three simple words used in a variety of contexts but when they’re strung together just so they invoke feelings of dread and disgust like no other. Those three words are: South Lake Union
Proceed to the point of the turn
This too shall pass
On your left
broken social scene behind blue eyes
servings per container alcohol by volume
as of 7/30/19 Patsy Swayze is kicking the shit out of Merce Cunningham
gold star for robot boy
Is that all there is?
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