first things first
Jumbo baked potato
Just say no
Mutually assured destruction
Supply side economics
Trickle down theory
Trust but verify
Actor turned politician
Win win situation
Head set press
Crown race installer
Fingernail polish remover
Essential wine aerator
Crusty old messenger
Highly trained professional
Used car salesman
Child support payment
Dead beat dad
King County Superior
Law school aptitude
Old boy network
adjunct professor emeritus
in title only
Fish head soup
Tastes like chicken
Finger lickin good
Inter office memo
Extra marital affair
High school cheerleader
Naked boot leg
Left handed pitcher
Bare foot kicker
Kick return specialist
Special needs child
Plays mean pinball
New and improved
Bottle cage bolt
Video cassette recorder
Original unsigned order
Down hill coast
Talk show host
Irritable bowel syndrome
Food borne illness
Rocket propelled grenade
Night vision goggles
Post traumatic stress
Stand up base
Firm hand shake
One trick pony
Two by four
Turtle neck sweater
Lower back tattoo
Non fat decaf
Loose ball bearing
Fork or chopstick
Paper in plastic
Stone temple pilot
Full suspension disbelief
Fresh ground pepper
Breast reduction surgery
Long haul trucker
Catholic school girl
White tail deer
Ice cold beer
Other brother Daryl
Most wonderful time
Man made fiber
Open ended question
Rush hour traffic
Dexter avenue chuffer
Monday night football
rent a cop
Dawns early light
Refined white sugar
Over stuffed chair
Stove top stuffing
Limited liability corporation
Chief executive officer
As registered agent
Tough as nails
Diamonds are forever
Nothing lasts forever
One hit wonder
Birds eye view
Old growth forest
Off shore drilling
Off street parking
Ground level retail
Just this once
Pro hac vice
Easter egg hunt
Back door pass
Shatter proof glass
shot gun wedding
Short attention span
Ground rule double
Power play goal
Personal space invader
Hand tooled leather
Back in black
On the fly
In loco parentis
Minor in possession
Open container citation
Full frontal nudity
Standing room only
Snow capped mountain
High blood pressure
Itchy trigger finger
Quality of life
this is a little list I made 2009ish as there wasn't much bike messenger work so I was always scribbling in a notebook...
...ten years later I'm delivering shit rolling around on an electric assist bathtub and the list continues. It never ends. I just get another notebook.
human subjects division
walking the walk
talking the talk
key card access
Roosevelt Commons East
brush your teeth
national public radio
school social work
in the alley
trash strewn everywhere
office of admissions
cheap chinese shit
suspended operations makeup
speak the lingo
on the downlow
on the flipside
on the spectrum
attention deficit dyslexia
music auto sprinkler
tower mail room
honey bucket suck
take your pick
nonessential government worker
boy on phone
half your age
water front activities
intercollegiate athletics department
Portage Bay Building
under graduate library
post doctoral research
college built environments
physics astronomy building
Mark McDermott Plaza
proof of delivery
unauthorized personal mail
chemical engineering bro
Board of Regents
cost benefit analysis
risk management consultant
return on investment
shipping and receiving
Doug's coffee shop
your own cup
Husky Card Office
housing food services
applied physics lab
Life Sciences Building
Burke Gilman trail
left turn signal
full kitted roadie
on your left
what the fuck
Kirsten Wind Tunnel
Paul Allen Center
Bill Melinda Gates
Magnuson Park Brewery
North Lake Tavern
north bound train
behind yellow line
union coffee break
like fucking clockwork
trained monkey see
electric assist bathtub
fully full throttle
front wheel drive
fast as fuck
Jimmy John fast
sick skid bro
slow down joe
less is more
one breakfast burrito
road less traveled
hypotenuse through park
washed up messenger
out of retirement
rose colored glasses
Jonny Sundt's Axleys
big time laddie
Big Time Brewery
and so on
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