on the spectrum
this phrase gets tossed around these days and I think it’s funny because I’m on the spectrum
we’re all on some spectrum because there’s a spectrum for everything
Sarah Palin
there’s a spectrum for color into the absence of color
light or the absence of light
facial hair brow ridge sagittal crest knuckle dragging
awkward socially to silky smooth any situationally
back slapping hand shaking small talking
there’s a spectrum for everyfuckingthing
the super recognizers you’ve read about on one end of the facial-recognition spectrum with the face-blind people at the other end
there are people like Stevil that can’t tell you what day it is or make plans involving a calendar on one end of the perpetual calendar spectrum while on the other extreme there are people that can tell you what day of the week your birthday will fall on in 2027 as well as what day of the week you were born back back back then in that year that you were born
There are people that use a highlighter to cross things out and a paragraph later use it again to highlight things and they expect you to know what they mean if you know what I mean
There are people that input an exact time into the microwave to reheat their lunch in the breakroom and there are people that eat their food at room temperature with a smile

taken out of context
and put back in
twice removed
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