what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Replying to P77, who said...

I run a two-man messenger operation and have felt the economic squeeze as of late too. We've had to resort to things like poster distribution and lunch delivery (both very un-messengerish and rather unfun yet lucrative). I think the way to fly in the legal sector will be electronic filing. The requirement is inevitable and all those old coots that have had little firms for decades will never learn how. Unless the paralegals figure out how to do it they will need somone to come in and fire off all their filings from a laptop or something. Could be a niche. Now the trick is figuring out how to learn said process and then marketing it. The fax made a dent but we bounced back, the same will be said for the interweb, we just need to stay creative to stay viable. Sorry your company didn't make it Joe, if we stay afloat, maybe I can offer you a job in the future (we're only a few hours south of Canada and we love hockey!)

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