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Replying to Alistair, who said...

The last bike of the fleet to get the 52V upgrade treatment was mine, and now that I've had the chance to put a few days of riding on it I have to say, it's a huge improvement. Instead of topping out at 23.5mph with the old 36V system (and that's with me putting in a max effort through the pedals, added to being at full throttle), I can now hit 30mph. This might not seem like a big deal, but there are a few crucial pinch points on my Children's Hospital routes where I often experience pretty aggressive tailgating, because I'm going slightly below the speed limit. Now though, I can put in a 30 second burst and stay ahead of traffic, out of trouble. It's way better, and safer. On the other hand, it has been brought to my attention by my superiors that my purchasing habits, with regards to my upgrading of the entire Mailing Services cargo bike fleet, has recently come under scrutiny of the bean counters in the Finance Department. They are asking questions, and wondering what the hell "that guy" is spending all this money on..? I'd be happy to explain it all to them, down to every last inner tube, but even then I wonder if they'd get it?

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