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Replying to pilder w asser, who said...

That piece of shit paralegal complained about me because I didn’t catch her mistake until after I got on the elevator down to hand off her Pierce County Superior Court filing to a driver who was waiting outside. On the elevator I noticed the documents were all titled “Mason County” so I brought them all right back to the receptionist within 2 minutes. But the paralegal had gone on her coffee break so the documents did not get filed right away. She called the owner and said that the bike messengers should review her court documents and catch any mistakes before they get on the elevator. Horseshit. She also complained about a coworker who smelled like beer one day. Fuck those fucking fucks. If I wanted to be a paralegal, I would be. But I didn’t and I don’t. I wanna be free. I wanna be free to do what I wanna do. I wanna be free to ride. I wanna be free to ride my machine, without being hassled by the man… …and I wanna get loaded.

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