lions and tigers and pigs...oh my
December 31, 2008

let's party like it's two thousand and nine

one chirp is all it takes
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call it in the air
December 30, 2008

Red Kev photo Attorney: when I ask you a question, just answer the question
Client: no shit, I’m paying you $400 an hour you fat fuck
Christmas tree tied atop a Volvo wagon 12/23/08 = seasonal, spiritual, sentimental
Christmas tree tied atop a Volvo wagon 12/30/08 = trash
We have an understanding An unspoken agreement We don’t speak to each other
Call it like you see it Call it what you will Call someone who cares
We’re all paying rent to the same landlord
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playing catch-up
December 29, 2008

A little less lip gloss. A little more chapstick. A little more IPA. A little less PBR. A little less daytime TV. A little more integrity…
Today I need something more sub-sub substantial. More satisfying than a stale rice cake. Enough of the fluffy whipped up cotton candy trendy pre-packed snacks with soy protein added for texture. Enough empty calories.
Yesterday my shopping list included ingredients for the creation of a hearty stew. But when I got home from the store the only thing in the bag was a 4-pack of ramen noodles. Shrimp flavor.
Today is the day that bike lanes shine and show what they’re really good for: collecting all the gravel, sand, broken glass, makeshift sleds, dogshit, beer cans, hub caps and other detritus that materializes after two weeks worth of snow melts. It was like riding on the beach out there today. A beach covered with biohazards and oilslick wildlife.
Yesterday…this guy walks into a bar with his laptop and the NY Times. He sits at a table and orders a bowl of soup. A short time later he asks his server to ask the bartender to turn the music down. And the bartender says, “Hell No. Tell him to go to the library. This is a bar and it’s Elliott Smith for cryin out loud.”
Yes What’d you get for Christmas?
I got to pay the rent. What do you think it all means? You're right.
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back in the saddle
December 29, 2008

Happy to get back in the saddle and I like my saddle setback - back. Not so happy to go to work but at least happy to be getting on a bike and not setting out on another long soggy day of walking. The longest hiatus, sabbatical, respite, suspension, time off the bike ever --- ever, is now over. The bike muscles are back in town and the walking muscles can go back to where they’ve been hanging out all these years.
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search & seizure
December 28, 2008

when it rains it rains persistent nagging chest pains as a result of ill-gotten gains you super usurper you're gonna get yours you get what you pay for pay now pay later
not a just a compromise a ceremonial sacrifice offering up function to the fashion gods your feet hurt like hell but you look good yes you do yes you do
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32° F
December 27, 2008

Should we talk about the weather? No I don’t want to be that guy …Snow
It’s allover everywhere and we’re all over it
Blisters turn to calluses. Suck it up, they say. And just like anything else you get used to it. Get over it. Get out from under it. Get off it. Get on with it.
And I am so ready to too
Easy to say. Easy to do with a day or two over 32° Winterwonderland is a place you visit by choice or vacation. Seattle in the snow is so 1996. It was fun for a day and great for a weekend. But I think many people here feel the same way and are ready to see bare wet streets, 45 and rain.
We’ve all taken a moment to appreciate the majestic beauty of the snow covered city. The muffled quiet of traffic-less streets. The frightened screams of drunk people sledding down Denny from Summit all the way to Stewart. The goofy laughter of kids building their first snowman. But I no longer have the happy-go-lucky attitude of a Pomeranian in the snow.
I have the grumpy poopy pants attitude of an old messenger that has missed a few days of work and walked out a few more and I’d like to take a moment to appreciate how the snow here makes everything heavier, wetter, slower, slicker, slipperier, slushier and suck just a little bit harder 45 is the new 65. Not years old, degrees Fahrenheit.
Everyone is a little bit edgier, crustier, grumpier. Not just your local messenger, but your cashier, your lawyer, your mail carrier, your bartender and your dog walker. Drivers are a faster on the draw, ready to lay on the horn or get vocal. Not typical Seattle. My bikes have become laundry racks and haven’t seen the street for a week.
Let’s talk about something else wanna come upstairs and see my binder clip collection? 
10 years ago Erik Jahnz took this photo
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A Christmas Story
December 26, 2008
 When the smoke clears you realize sometimes the hardest part of the journey is just getting out of the driveway
Three friends Three cases of beer Three liters of merlot
Three cats One dog
One bottle of Maker's One little snowball fight One huge steaming pot of amazing cioppino
One badass Blaine Christmas One hundred miles north of Seattle
36 hours in socks no shoes. Walking outside but only as far as the next cold beer and then walking back in. Repeating as needed. Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV and a taste of Rocky V. Eat, drink, sleep, drink, eat, drink, drink and drink.
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Happy Holidays... and all that shit
December 24, 2008

Check back in soon… Don't do what I say Don't do what I do Don’t call it a comeback I been here for years
Don’t call us We’ll call you
Don’t stand up in a canoe
try walking a mile in my shoes
I’m getting on an elevator I’m about to lose you
I saw you
This past week of work in the snow has sucked just a little bit harder now baby
But it’s over Today is my Friday
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another day
December 22, 2008

You know what hard work gets you... ...more hard work Another day another half dollar. Actually it’s down to 45 cents. I’d buy that for a dollar but the price is now $2.25. Please accept this gift card as a small token of appreciation for all the work you’ve done over the past year. The card may be redeemed at participating Taco Bell restaurants [The bearer of this card is entitled to one free medium soft drink with a purchase of $10 or more] Hey thanks. NO, Thank You. December revenue projected to fall short of projections expected to fall short of expectations predicted to fall short of predictions. shoulda coulda woulda. Blame it on the weather Blame it on the messenger
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stand by
December 22, 2008
cabin fever
December 21, 2008
 Longest night Shortest day solstice it’s all downhill from here depending on where you’re standing
new members roll in welcome to The Eternal Order of Cabin Fever Seattle Local #1802 feeding off feedback loops looping loopy fending off Sleestacks Loose lose losing it winning
Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition on a day like this
a hairball idea cat got your tongue and puked it up twice
go outside or something
theorizing philosophizing paralyzing little marshmallows floating Swiss Miss meets Jim Beam
Top Ramen meets grilled cheese Holmgren meets Favre again box wine meets pint glass
a subtle gesture with the left hand half smile and nod happy hour Rainier relief pitcher out of the bullpen
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two oh six
December 20, 2008

The streets aren’t plowed Because there are no snow plows
The sidewalks aren’t shoveled Because no one owns a snow shovel
Compact snow and ice Traction tires required
Accumulations of 6”- 8”…he said More like 3” - 5” …she said
Remember that time It snowed in Seattle then froze & stuck around Yeah that was a while ago 1996
In the 206 In the two oh six Oh I found your wallet in El Segundo
You gotta get it You got-got to get it
Wool socks and six packs Six packs of wool socks
Frozen pizza Hard liquor Red wine Sharp cheddar one more layer
I gotta get it I got-got to get it
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pretty women out walking with gorillas
December 19, 2008

these boots weren’t made for walking but that’s what they had to do one of these days these boots are gonna call in sick
Walking in to work Walking it for work Walking is not the new black Walking kind of sucks
Coming out of buildings looking for my bike reaching for my key feeling for my lock then remembering my bike was at home because I walked Walking sucks sometimes but it beats the bus Seattle Times photo Ken Lambert
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OK to slide
December 19, 2008

 Five hours on the clock Five done jobs in my bag Then five more hours at the bar And five more after that
snow and ice mean something in a city of seven hills Seattle looks good in the snow It looks even better from a warm barstool We don’t need another hero feeling Minnesota We’re not in Kansas anymore Please use the revolving door
For more photos of out-of-control cyclists See the phot-o-rama page
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tempted by the fruit of another
December 18, 2008

All local artists All mediums All night you know you want some
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more or less
December 17, 2008

Less is more or less overdressed underdressed confident comfortable I’m impressed nothing more nothing less
pedestrian chicken dance duck duck duck goose
say hello to my little friend Mr. Jim Beam he lives close to another friend Major Lee Housed
Out in left field Out to lunch Out in the cold sitting on the steps the only thing between me and hypothermia the only thing between my ass and those steps a fat stack of divorce papers fortified by fatass divorce lawyers insulated with inflated billable hours
belching away the one and only chance to make a good impression on a mind that was made up long ago
Raise your hand if you’ve eaten the special at the Logan Deli and Café Zum Zum in the same 4 hour stretch… a normal man would be in the hospital it’s all about me it’s all about calories
What should I do? do what you say or do it the right way
Do what you love and the money will follow that thing you love right out the window
You can’t afford to You can’t afford not to
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pink nipple driver
December 17, 2008

what's in the bag?
What isn't in this one-of-a-kind messenger bag handmade in Seattle by those guys down at DANK for Mobius Cycle with a pink pilderwasser nipple driver on the flap? 
that's not Sharrow that's Skunk
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seven layer bars
December 16, 2008
 23 degrees. That’s not that cold…if you’re from Spokane, Boise, Laramie, Grinnell or Milwaukee. If you’re from Seattle 23 is cold. But sunny and crisp is not a bad way to go. To go by bike. It just means wearing a few more layers and it’s no big deal until you work up a sweat then go inside the passport office and wait in line for 25 minutes and though you’ve stripped down as far as you can in a government office the sweat is dripping down your ass crack and soaks through your baselayer. Then when you finally make it up to the glass-enclosed clerk and make your delivery, it’s time to go back outside and freeze. But only until the next time you get hot and then stand around inside. Seven layer salad. Seven layer cookies. Seven layer dip. dip 
P for Peet's sake
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she could drag me over the rainbow
December 14, 2008
 Set yourself up Set phone to vibrate Set phaser to stun
one large mushroom pizza
one long Neil Young song
greatest hits
one dark Seattle night
tripping balls
can’t see straight but that’s OK there’s nothing to see
What are you looking at?
creative nonfiction reality based fiction total horseshit
inversion, subversion, submersion you each have your own version and I got mine

celeste green RB-2, white Flite, white Ourys, carbon fiber seat post, Salsa stem, pink pilderwasser DANK top tube pad, white Michelin tires…
…or not
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December 13, 2008
 You say tomato I say ketchup
You say potato I say French fries
You say cappuccino I say fucking coffee
so what if you used up all your chances to make a first impression sitting at the bar telling a dirty joke you heard 3 nights ago 3 stools down at the same bar
a quick cost-benefit analysis Nothing to gain Nothing to lose
So what
What are you worried about?
the combo meal is cheaper than each item ordered separately but you're stubbornly sticking to your guns wedged up in your gums
kids these days
If A then B If B then C therefore If A then C
If X then Y and maybe Z too where were you and you and you six months six weeks six days ago you win some you win some more you lose some it rains it pours
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who knew?
December 13, 2008

seven layer dip wardrobe choices reverberating Shoulda Coulda Woulda Who knew? it rains in Seattle in December 2 shirts, 2 sweaters, vest, jacket and an ABC jersey
It doesn’t hurt until you see the blood hit a bit of a snag there’s the rub synchronized sphincters Keep in mind the manual override option is an option
3rd & Seneca wind tunnel Free-locked bikes blown away can’t stand up might fall down can’t breathe head down pedaling going backwards it’s windy it’s wind amplified accelerated accentuated in your face like a normal speaking voice blasted through a megaphone Foster Perkins Foster Foster Davis Foster Perkins Foster
On the first day of Christmas dispatcher gave to me
twelve Nextels chirping eleven deadlines burning ten EoDs nine candy baskets eight file boxes seven Pier 70’s six triple towers five bulky kings four rush round trips three downtowns two-zone teeners and one lousy cup of coffee
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friday is the new friday
December 12, 2008

wouldn't want your job on a day like this
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December 11, 2008
If I had a kitten I’d name it Sharrow
If I had a hammer I’d get hammered in the morning
If I had another kitten I’d name it Jody
If I had a down payment I wouldn’t buy a condo
If I had a Masters degree I’d still be a messenger
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just a bit outside
December 10, 2008

Admiring the facts Arriving at the right answers but Asking the wrong questions right wrong right left wondering why just a bit shy
when she comes she’ll be coming ‘round the mountain
Long red braids Short black skirt
Long white apron Short smoke break
Long meaningful stare Short awkward conversation
when she comes she’ll be driving six white horses
good night rough morning diminished capacity cloudy hazy foggy more black coffee and just a splash of decision making ability Absolutely Free! plus a one time only shipping & handling fee
when she comes we’ll all go out to meet her Third Avenue Stew overcooked watered down getting old getting cold chock full of busses peds popping up like oyster crackers limited lines peppered with chuffers cops lurking like bay leaves
It’s a piss-poor porridge
That security guard swings a mean feather duster pushes that vacuum like a pro it’s not multitasking it’s 2008 it’s an enhanced job description
Times is tough
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it's not you - it's me
December 8, 2008
First thing in the morning Last thing at night What are you doing
in between
Get up go to work Go home go to sleep Get up go to work
It’s not you It’s me It’s the economy Are you kidding me
half-ass hose clamp ziptie janky JB Weld spackle Bondo patch it tape it tie it up Visqueen blue tarp lean-to make do that’ll do
What’d you do today That's Case on the left and one of those guys from DANK bags on the right. In the center you see Case's new one-of-a-kind all Velcro DANK bag. When you're all velcro the options are limitless. Hook & Loop. Press n Play. Run with it. Stick it.
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look ma, 10 years
December 8, 2008

10 years ago today... I performed my first notarial act
kickstand #4 was in the works
There were 150 bike messengers in Seattle
Marco Pantani won the Tour
There was a democrat in the White House
The Broncos were on their way to another Super Bowl
UW was 6-6 WSU was 3-8 Seahawks went 8-8
The Kingdome was still there
Safeco field was under construction
Zen Couriers kicked ass allover the greater Puget Sound area, on bikes
Buckys wore Blue
Elliott Bay was Purple
I was 10 years younger and still older than you are
You were still in school
I rode a cross bike uphill both ways in the snow
I gave up on grad school
A CMWC meant more to me than a PhD it still does (no offense Mr. Jeffrey L. Kidder)
Messengers never had to show photo ID anywhere downtown Except to buy beer
There were not many messengers hanging at Monorail City Grind was at 5th & Columbia
Copy jobs were done one page at a time with rolls and rolls of quarters
We had pagers and called base on the phone from land-line phones A lot One job at a time
Invoices were printed in triplicate on a dot-matrix printer
A trip to the recorder guaranteed 30 minutes of wait time
MDR, PNP and PM were legal messenger companies the ENA satellite was an institution
I know now what I knew then But I didn’t know then what I know now
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used to do a little but a little wouldn't do
December 7, 2008
what did you do today? Happy Birthday Jace
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long reach stapler
December 6, 2008
 screen printing collating folding stapling limited edition pilderwasser Saturday
handmade one at a time one of a kind with little help from the cats Our Lady of Douchebaggery
you got it all wrong she’s not a fictional stranger or some literary character I went to Junior High with her and she was strange stranger than fiction Some still talk about her pray to her refer to her rely on her send their kids to private schools named after her get lower-back tattoos of her paint 30 foot murals of her and in the foam on their lattes they see her
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this is not a stapler
December 5, 2008

VeloNews jumps at the chance to publish stream of consciousness spew from a pro bike racer. But I don’t have to make it past any editors or censors or jump at anything -[except the intention of giving the impression that I’m jumping at what my dispatcher says]- because I pay the bills around here and I’ll publish any spew I can scrape up off the streets and I‘m not making any money. Here we are now entertain us. Why piss in the bathtub when you can piss in the sink?
How many sideview mirrors does it take to span 6th Ave?
How many traffic cops does it take to fuck up 6th Ave?
How many times do I find myself on 6th Ave?
December 2008
I am F350 hear me roar
My tummy hurts
½ pound of Jo Jos 1 corndog 1 chicken & cheese burrito 5 tallboys
Combine ingredients in a large container and mix well. Season to taste. Hold it down. Ride it out.
What’s in the oven? A pair of old workboots No really, what’s in the oven? Koo-ka-chunga McMuffins I can’t keep a straight face
This cheapass frozen pizza tastes better the next day. Refrigerate unused portion. Whatever it’s colder in my apartment than it is in my refrigerator. It is. Really. I’m serious. It’s cold outside. So cold my key coil won’t recoil. Hungover. Still drunk. Hungover. Drunk. I’ll never do that again. Whatever. My fingers are cold. My ears are cold. But there’s sweat dripping down my back. Head spinning. Riding the waves of nausea on crowded elevators. Unwanted spectator on officetron conversations of weather and weekends and weekass plans. Smelling morning coffee. Myself smelling like the smell of freedom which this Friday morning is a unique combination of burritos, beer, sweat, wet dog, cat hair, road grime, chain lube, leftover pizza, toothpaste, Old Spice and old socks.
carry-over continuation continuity residuals a little plaque in the pipes it won’t count towards your quota but is sure helps to speed things along expedite if you know what I mean
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jalapeño cheddar bacon bagels
December 4, 2008
 All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi. Consumer confidence ebbs and flows, shrinks and grows, in an inverse proportional relationship to the amount of holiday cheese decorations displayed downtown. Cue Toni Braxton Christmas song here 3,400 WaMu jobs to be cut in Seattle. 1,000,000 square feet of WaMu office space to vacate in Seattle. But the SPD is hiring. Andy Griffith, TJ Hooker and Gil Kerlikowske walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Last Call” ! The trickle down economy trickling down downtown until there’s no place else to go.
Stand by
Here's Adam Toothaker winning a race in a pilderwasser t-shirt and this from Mr. Toothaker himself: bike bio: frame was a trade with kevin carter and he pulled it from the dead baby pile for a possible polo bike the cranks are from recycled cycle. the forks, i got those because they are pink- carlie and kevin- from the other used bike shop on the east side of pdx that isn't city bikes. spd clipless pedals from an abandoned gary fisher in a house my dad was remodeling. salsa stem i won here in boise at the hellracer. bars from a friends wife here in boise-43 brooks saddle with a reflector that my uncle attached in something like 1978ish wheels are deep v and the rear hub is white industries eno because wwmd ratio is 34x17 this is the reason why i am sharing; because, when i was building up the wheel in may, charlie had told me about case planning a memorial event for the three lost on the hill. charlie didn't make the connection of me might knowing them, it was a casual mention about him maybe going to seattle and i was totally caught off guard at the truing stand. i was planning on bringing the bike to seattle to show kevin. i had a feeling that he would be into my build that i had done. there is my catharsis. do you charge for the first hour, can we prorate this session. ride safe word
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Take my bike, please
December 3, 2008

A priest, a rabbi and a bike messenger walk into a bar…
Did you hear the one about the drunk messenger?
How many messengers does it take to change a light bulb?
This messenger walks into a bar, the bartender says…
What do you call a bike messenger with a masters degree?
 what a surprise knockin me out with those American thighs early morning opening my eyes painfully slow to recognize looking back now I realize nearly naked beer slides corduroy cutoffs in July looking forward to RAGBRAI
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December 2, 2008

Sunday Sunday Sunday read the fine print 
what's the g for? I'll give you what for... slideshow in progress here rated PG-13 
Dude it’s not about priority Come on Bro it’s hourly It’s about I have to pee It’s all like you know I’m hungry It’s just sort of like I dig that receptionist It’s all I'm like what day is this oh yeah I have to piss
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take two of these and call me in the morning
December 1, 2008
 ^ ^ ^ Aching X X X Burning / / / Stabbing = = = Numbness o o o Pins and Needles What else is there? I still have two of these just call me Angel in the morning Alien Sun 3:15pm came out of nowhere went behind the hill
December at the 48th parallel the sun sets early comes up late
more coffee
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Hey Hey, Ho Ho
December 1, 2008

I don't want to be that guy You already are 
There are no hidden meanings
milk milk lemonade round the corner chocolates made
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Ready? OK!
November 29, 2008
 take your time think it over don’t waste your time over thinking it is what it is
Anxiety yearning to be someone somewhere somehow not here not now
reduce reuse re new spew
Innovation nothing new under the sun it’s all been done even that yet again
neo-retro here we go again
Arial rounded italic bold it’s all about the font it’s not new just really old never need always want
postmodern reaction
two possible outcomes and they’re both wrong slightly off center too to the left or too to the right
Stand up Sit down Fight Fight Fight
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see the lazyboy... out on the weekend
November 29, 2008
symbolic transportation transformation
November 28, 2008

if you paid full retail would you treat it with more respect than if you found it stole it got it as a gift bought it at a yard sale … an object a concept a thing things it represents what it is what’s in it talk about it let it speak for itself look at it ride it a tool a symbol a resource an achievement a stepping stone a throne transportation have you arrived … $10,000 bicycle hanging on the wall or $10,000 bicycle riding in the rain on Eastlake Avenue East Had a dream I was sleeping woke up in a shower curtain factory the smell didn’t bother me being taunted by Rick Steves made me speak Chinese
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feral cat
November 27, 2008

At least the sign is good for something. Something like a bike rack. Something to lock up to since they took out all the parking meters and painted a bike lane.
Traffic is light not because of the holiday but because everyone lost their jobs.
Form follows function but may not be in fashion. With the haircut came the tighter pants and the belt. A belt so obviously not necessary because the pants were so fucking tight. The shoes. The hat. The hoodie. The riser bar hacked down to the size of two Oury grips. That’s right. Omak track bikes. Moses Lake fixie kids. Alley Cats in Walla Walla. It’s 2003 again. All over everywhere again.
Technically sound. Efficient. Well done all in all. lacking emotion. The absence of passion. feels like a textbook. It sounds like the piano player at Two Union
A feral cat lapping up rancid fat
copy that
10-4 Did you say high functioning alcoholic? No, I said highly functioning autistic.
mud in your eye bit off more than I could choo-choo training bra strap on Steely Dan B-sides the obvious
They say you can’t take it with you
They say come and get it right away They say it had to be there yesterday They say tomorrows another day
They say are you on a bicycle?
copy that
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DDB to Holland
November 26, 2008

My friend used to work in a bike shop and last night she brought over a 5 gallon bucket full of old inner tubes. Then she left.
I counted 67 tubes and each one had at least one puncture. So I made a gallon of green tea and started drinking it. Then I lined up all the tubes and started patching them. Patching each and every one like any good kid at BikeWorks would do. Like any bike mechanic in Cuba would do. Like a poor legal messenger that gave away all his spare tubes to his coworkers would do. I drank so much green tea and huffed so much rubber cement that I could no longer bend my fingers. I had plenty of glue and could have vulcanized all night but when I got to the 43rd tube I ran out of patches and had to phone a friend to bring more. It was hard to dial the phone without bending my fingers but I did it. When my friend arrived he said maybe I should open a window and he asked me if I knew what time it was. And I said no because I’d been listening to the same Edie Brickell cassette since I started patching tubes and I couldn’t remember how many times it had played through. Then my friend went to work and I patched 12 more tubes. Some of the tubes had broken valve stems and could not be repaired. And there were a couple big fat 24 inch tubes that I had no use for, so I put those back in the bucket and took the bucket outside and left it on the sidewalk.
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it's the most wonderfulest time of the year
November 24, 2008
 This is perhaps the greatest photo ever taken of the entire bike crew of a small legal messenger company in late November at the end of a two-term lamest of lame duck sessions in the midst of a gigantic recession mid-morning Purple.  The guy on the left was Lando Calrissian for Halloween. The guy on the right used to wear a Lando action figure necklace back back back in the day.
Coincidence…I think not.
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November 24, 2008
A day late and $228.86 short not a discussion a debate or negotiation not a bartering session more of a mathematical formula with not much grey area it’s a computation it’s my fucking paycheck and I get paid by the hour Shaking it over here boss! Am I right? Am I wrong? My god! what have you done? If ever there was a context for a right or wrong answer This is it make no mistake where you are
I’m not angry I’m just disappointed You can do better You’re better than that
When you start paying the bills around here then you can start making the decisions
When are you going to get serious get a real job use your education
Why don’t you get a haircut drink less beer make some new friends
Quit crying or I’ll give you something to cry about
I’ll give you what for
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a basketful of unused potential
November 23, 2008

On the 7th day she said, “go outside, get out of my face, get out of the house, go for a bike ride or something” and I did. and it was good.
got zooted out and rode off in an aimless recreational direction. A short time later stopped, sat on a bench and had a brief chat with Louisa Boren. Then checked in with Bruce Lee and Brandon too. Looked at the view. Went around a block or two. Then went to the bar to continue. My work. My work on pondering life’s great questions.
It’s not a journey vs. destination thing It’s not a North or a South thing It’s not a Yes or a No thing It’s a quality of life thing
It’s an IPA thing
I stepped over the line. Then I stayed for a while and stepped back. But you know I’d like to keep my options open and reserve the right to step over it again sometime.
They keep the glass ceiling so clean you can’t even see it. But because you’ve heard so much about it, you assume it’s there. The framework is there, the support structure has been built up, in your mind for years. And years. But last week I finally got a ride on the secure elevator, and now I know there is no glass in that ceiling. Nothing there. It’s all in your mind.
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handmade in Seattle
November 22, 2008

not what I heard not what she said not what I read
What I made What I earned What I learned
what I know
knowledge from experience cannot be synthesized like Yellow No. 5
I know the cross streets but it’s after dark in a strange city and I don’t speak the language
Working a crossword puzzle for a word I never heard but I do have a clue
A journey to the beer store begins with a single step
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chain tension
November 22, 2008

On the sixth day she said “do not ride a bicycle” and it was good Sharp cheddar, cold beer, wool flannel, college football Saturday
Pull out your puppy & kitten day planners Here are some days to remember:
December 7, 2008 Top Secret TreeBeard AlleyCat fiesta-o-rama Details TBA
December 11, 2008 Cave Singers Neumos
Memorial Day Weekend 2009 West Side Invite Seattle
Late July 2009 RAGBRAI All across Iowa
2010 CMWC Guatemala
Please make a note of it
clean cut kids in khakis backpacks packed walking back to catch the boat to Bainbridge Overly friendly security guy ambiguously gay Have a nice day
¿Cómo se dice? “get out of my face” with all due respect to your authority and shit
janitor a Green Beret guy with leaf blower a Navy Seal
Think you might steal a roll of toilet paper
think again
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hair of the god
November 20, 2008

Please take a moment to locate the exit nearest you one day only Everything Must Go now Get the fuck out Abandon ship
Eyes watering Nose running Reflex gagging Palms sweating
expectoration regurgitation perspiration elimination
I don’t feel so good
I’ll never do that again
Until next time
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intelligent design
November 20, 2008

It’s like sitting down at the blackjack table and realizing all the hands you’re dealt were predetermined long long ago. There’s no skill involved, there’s no choices really to be made, there’s no real gambling and no reason to blame the dealer. It’s all there, it’s all been there, it will all be there.
It’s as if all the messenger work, the last-minute filings, the rushes, the bulky next-days, all of it was called in long ago. Long before the beginning of time. As if all the dispatch logs for today and for every day from here on out are already filled in, completed and on file. It’s as if the dispatcher is just fucking with you. so anyway... wanna come upstairs and see my Tyvek envelope collection?
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what was it?
November 19, 2008
really what was it?
Was it her subtle voice inflection Was it her genuine truth detection Was it her urinary tract infection or was it just location location location
Taking Taylor down the hill from your $2.7 million Queen Anne home to your $1.6 million job in Redmond
left on Mercer merging sipping listening to NPR
You never even saw me I see you every day
your initial mistake was no big deal it was the overcorrection at the wheel that caused the 7 car pileup Northbound I-5 near exit 168a
you were texting your girlfriend your wife says
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gemini ²
November 19, 2008
 Here’s Sugarbear with a Polar bear outside the Columbia Center. Part of a protest against Bank of America. All I could gather before security shooed them away, is that BoA must be killing polar bears. The spooky Snuffleupagus-like bear was also spotted outside the Federal Building which leads me to believe the government is killing polar bears too.
I held the door it’s true that doesn’t mean I wanted to have sex with you But I do I would I will We could take the elevator to the penthouse Personal service only A pickup and delivery enveloping the entire package Call when complete rush roundtrip notary signature Obtain exemplified copy of the order get the complaint no exhibits got no complaints
Are you a courier? No I’m a Gemini Let me see your ID Step through one more time What’s that in your pocket Take off your belt Assume the position Like I told Cat, songs are poems that lend themselves to being repeated and the music helps them along, makes them stick. But this little ditty here keeps coming back, popping up, lending itself to repetition. I repeat. I wrote it a few months ago on a scrap of paper and you've seen it here before. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
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looking through you
November 18, 2008

 bicycles messengers lawyers senators mirrors reflections connections
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November 17, 2008

Dan E. Murray sent me this. It would look pretty cool on a T-shirt and if you were from Fitchburg it would look even better
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that's how the light gets in
November 16, 2008

do what you want take what you need say what you mean
it will all come out
in the end

It’s Sunday, 7:22 am in the Pacific Time Zone. In my right hand an Old Style Beer Salami (you don’t see these everyday in Seattle). In my left hand a roadmaster of Budweiser Chelada (there’s a first time for everything). In my pocket a new hand-made wallet from Milwaukee. Thank you Shaggy, the goods arrived last night. Cheers.
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November 15, 2008
congregate hydrate agitate migrate duplicate do it again one more time ---- move along one way two way my way your way either way whatever vector scalar tensor direction location vocation vacation reapply after heavy perspiration energy entropy probability possibility We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it roadmaster forecaster Coinstar rockstar binder clip connoisseur guacamole regularly complete complex deplete duplex We’ve isolated the source of the problem what we have here is a loose scutcheon free time big time and no bigger fish to fry intense camping out in tents …RAGBRAI Hey, get on the bus! Registration for RAGBRAI 2009 is now open. The pilderwasser collective is stronger than ever. There’s nothing like dreams of July days in Iowa to help out with November days in Seattle. Word.
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November 14, 2008

that sweet suite candy at the front desk No experience No qualifications No clue but she sure looks good and that’s what keeps ‘em coming back
“How was your weekend?” she said looking past me --- not at all interested in my response --- thinking anticipating what she was going to say when I asked her how her weekend was But I didn’t I just said “good” picked up the documents and got back on the elevator
If you could take a microwave oven with all the radiation it gives off and shrink it all down to a palm sized package you’d have a handy little device also known as a cell phone. Those things that people everywhere are holding up to their heads for hours at a time. The things they keep in their chest pockets, their breast pockets, over their hearts. In their ass pockets and on their groins. Those things blasting off the straps of their DANK bags. Those Nextels chirping, blurting, alerting the entire population of Two Union Square to wake up. I am messenger hear me roar. Yeah those things. Get back to me in 15 years when you know what those little microwave ovens have done to your brain.
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use your best judgement
November 14, 2008

Justin P Fauntleroy photo
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disbelief of suspension
November 12, 2008

Listen here my friend do me a favor and don’t do me any favors
Once there was a way but it’s now too close to call let’s look at the replay everything is not going to be OK and hey… you have a great day Madison at 4th Avenue. Red light. Waiting. An umbrella flies by at eye level, northbound on 4th on a gust of wind. I watch it for a second then look to my left and spot the umbrella’s owner. Then I roll through and decide to chase it down for her. Just before Spring Street I pin it to a parked car and grab it. Turning it back to convex from concave when a guy approaches me and says “Hey I’d like to return that to its rightful owner” Dude that’s what I'm doing…why would I go two blocks out of my way to chase a janky umbrella through traffic? Umbrellas are for tourists, Hair Club for Men members and people from Clyde Hill. I don’t need an umbrella.
I know a thing or two about riding on the sidewalk. It’s legal here in Mayberry. The cops do it all day long. The MID ambassadors only ride there. And I ride there too sometimes being an old, slow, lazy legal messenger. I’m all about the transition from street to sidewalk to office building to sidewalk to street. Repeating as needed. In Seattle all the new and retrofitted handi ramps have plastic yellow or white bubble mats tacked right in their center. I call them bubble mats, the city calls them truncated domes Their purpose is to increase the visibility of curb ramps for pedestrians with poor eyesight. While they meet this requirement and help all those Mr. Magoos out there, they make things worse for every one else. Wet concrete can be slippery. But wet truncated domes are slicker than snot. They are just highly visible off-camber placemats greased with pork fat. Pedestrians are sliding all over them and non attentive cyclists can easily lose their front wheel in the rain if they hit the bubble mats at an odd angle.
These mats were designed by some pedestrian expert in Tucson or Boca Raton. An expert that has never walked in heels in the rain in Seattle or ridden a bike in the dark rainy winters of Seattle. But this expert somehow got in with the ADA standards maker, perhaps over a lavish meal at the Capital Grille or maybe because they play golf together and so here we are in Seattle slipping and falling in November 2008. I wish I could blame it on some jackass from the SDOT, but they’re just building the new ramps to meet federal standards. The same federal standards that apply in Laramie or Las Vegas or Long Beach or Long Island City.
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had a drink the other day - opinions were like kittens I was giving them away
November 12, 2008

Went to a party a couple weeks ago dressed as a paperboy. A few hours into it I met a woman dressed, she said, as a cougar. Later I found out it was my friend’s sister and she’s only 19. Then everyone thought she was Lolita and I was a creepy old man.
I had a drink the other day I had a lot to say
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traffic cones
November 11, 2008
 Spent all day with the niece & nephew at a bike safety rodeo Only to realize the lines were so long because Wade Boggs was there signing autographs overseeing the traffic cone slalom with a name tag on as if we wouldn’t know he’s Wade Boggs
But everyone was wondering What the fuck Wade Boggs was doing at a bike safety rodeo in Hoquiam
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November 10, 2008

Had a feeling I’d meet someone special today. And I almost did, downtown. She was walking towards me, head tilted to one side, smiling, laughing. Her arms outstretched offering up something. Something just for me. But as I got closer I realized she was holding her cell phone on one shoulder talking away and awkwardly trying to get the cap back onto her chapstick with both hands. But I found myself staring at her, continuing on in my mind with my misperception as she continued on down the street.
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cloth napkin - handkerchief - shop rag
November 9, 2008

“you’re going the wrong way” she said
But she doesn’t know where I’m going lights traffic signs lane lines laws violations citations I need to go my own way
grammar spelling punctuation conventional traditional usual I wanna say what I wanna say
spoon knife fork there if I need them I prefer to eat with my hands
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microwave popcorn
November 8, 2008
 Stepping off the elevator, the smell of microwave popcorn hangs thick in the air, recycled for hours by the so-called ventilation system. Eventually the entire floor smells of Orville Redenbocker. Each arriving elevator opens to capture a few cubic yards of popcorn scented air and take it on journey up or down to share with other floors in the building. Until finally, in a day or so, the smell will dissipate.
The source of the smell is the microwave in the break room, the underbelly of the law firm. A gritty, filthy behind the scenes location where the support staff hangs out. This is a place attorneys try to hide from clients, rushing them past the door on their way to the conference room, while the scrub support staffers are in here preparing coffee and muffin platters for them.
Attorneys are rarely seen here. They don’t take breaks they take 3 hour lunches. They take client meetings. They take depositions. The take extended vacations. Once in a while when they’re out of time, under the gun, up against a hard deadline, desperate attorneys will come in here looking for caffeine or sugar. But most of time they’ll walk to their favorite coffee shop and practice procrastinating. A practice they started back in law school.
This is the office of our biggest client, I’ve been coming here off and on, but mostly on, for the past 11 years. Employed by four different messenger companies over that span, my paychecks have changed, at least the return address on the checks has changed if my net pay hasn’t. In 11 years I’ve seen numerous receptionists come and go and countless legal secretaries, support staff and mail room employees. Attorneys come and go too but those shifts don’t affect me as much as a rookie in receiving or a temp at the front desk. I’ve seen the office remodeled once, I’ve seen the dot com boom, I’ve seen big tobacco litigation. I’ve seen a few things. And these people have seen me, the old timers here know my name and say hello I say hello back and smile. When it was cold and raining outside one day long ago they invited me into the break room for coffee and it has since become part of my daily routine.
The coffee here is bad, but it’s free. And free is free. It’s Folgers in individually wrapped filter packs. No measuring, no mess. You just toss one in and press the red button. I think I’m the only person here that drinks this stuff, except maybe James from Office Services. I prefer to drink my coffee from a light colored mug so I can see what I’m drinking, but choices are limited today so I’m drinking my Folgers from a dark blue pharmaceutical company mug and gazing up at the ceiling.
Florescent lights behind large plastic panels among acoustic tiles in the drop ceiling, give everyone and everything here a sickly pale sheen. The lights give off an audible hum that nobody notices. This hum paired with the drone of the ventilation system create a dull white noise which is the background to a long work day filled with beeps, chirps, squeals, whines murmurs and buzzes. Computers, phones, fax machines, printers, copiers and elevator bells. Muffled conversations among the workers blend together. Sometimes the conversations actually concern work and phone calls and meetings in the conference room are punctuated by personal calls, chats on cell phones and long time-wasting chitchat about last night’s game, last night’s American Idol, or the new season of Survivor. They say ten percent of the work day is spent on personal matters. But it appears to me that ten percent of the work day is actually work, the rest is personal stuff. I’m not sure what these people actually do for 8 hours a day.
A large round table dominates the room with mismatched chairs scattered around. All of them castoffs from the conference room. When an attorney gets a new chair their old ones get adopted by secretaries or paralegals and the hand-me-down trickle down continues on. The chairs nobody wants end up here in the break room. There is a sizeable magazine collection that continues to grow, heavily weighted towards women’s fashion, home décor and Hollywood gossip, with a few outliers of fly fishing and golf.
Taped to the microwave is a sign that reads “cover foods cooking microwave”. This sign bothers me, as I continually read it rearranging the words in my mind. I imagine the author’s voice and motivation. Was it carelessness, or their sense of humor? And their choice of fonts and the way they chose to tape across the corners instead of creating neat tape loops on the back of the sign. Splattered with various liquids and rumpled, this sign should be replaced. But it’s been on there for years and I’m just visiting.
The refrigerator is the unofficial bulletin board for the office and features flyers about a blood drive, a lunch time concert series from last summer and a memo about the company holiday party. I haven’t ever opened the fridge and do not plan on it. By the time left over food is that left over, I’m not interested.
The floor is covered in industrial strength linoleum squares, as boring as a government job. The hallway just outside features brown low-profile carpet. Crushed down, a year or two past its prime, traffic patterns clearly visible, it’s threadbare in places. I imagine when the worn out carpet was mentioned at a staff meeting, the office manager laughed it off and quickly changed the subject. But in the break room one day I overheard her telling the receptionist that they’ve already signed a lease on office space in a new building near lake Union that’s still under construction, so this lame ass ugly old carpet is the least of her worries.
The break room occupies some unwanted real estate near the supply room and close to the photocopier. There are no windows here. The attorneys have offices around the perimeter of the floor and they have windows, but even those don’t open. None of the windows in this building open. The air conditioning system is the only source of air. Next on the totem pole are the secretaries, they have offices and cubicles near the attorneys they work for, but they don’t have any windows and most don’t even have actual walls. Their offices are defined by dividers and name plates. In this open field of beige drab cubicles, the low level workers attempt to set them selves apart with shrines to their children, spouses and glory days. Collections of small stuffed animals, photographs, children’s artwork, colorful calendars, neon clocks and pink flamingos. These shrines bring up a sadness inside of me, a lonely melancholy feeling that’s hard to identify. Mostly I feel sorry for these cubicle dwellers.
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do what you do
November 8, 2008
casual Friday
November 7, 2008
As I step through the revolving door at One Union and look towards my elevator bank I see a white up-light light up and 8 people herd onto the one open car. I know I could walk just a bit faster and dog pile on that one too. But I won’t. But if I did I would: jingle the change in my pocket, strum my fingers on the handrail, slurp my latte repeatedly, rustle the bag of my potato chips and chomp them down up in your face, offer unwanted eye contact fishing for something like a human connection - a banal conversation, turn up the volume on my cell phone, all the while hum-whistling the Green Acres theme song or is it whistle-humming…loudly off key and sloppy, plenty of saliva. Yes that is what I would do if I didn’t do what I do.
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is it raining?
November 6, 2008
Cloud City
November 6, 2008

"We get guys like you in here all the time..."
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blue state-o-rama
November 5, 2008
 fireplace candles full-spectrum lights reflective strips white stripes Falling back winding down hibernating suntans fading blonde hair going brown pumpkins molding gutters clogging puddle jumping nasal dripping pupils dilating broad daylight at the 48th parallel arcing low across the sky caffeine coffee therapy SSRI happy pills vanilla chills where am I
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what would Keanü Dü?
November 3, 2008
 If you saw Manfred Nuscheler on the road you might think, “who’s this chuffer?” But if you saw him in a gold sprint race, you’d change your mind. He could do 271 rpms and as you can see on the chart above he was capable of putting out 2378 watts, even if it was only for 3 seconds, that’s Grand Coulee. 
tangy penny in a pinch between the cheek n gum peanut butter breathalyzer Have you been drinking sir? Mayor Nickels it’s not a crime pumpernickel pumpkin bagel double nickels on your dime getting older slowing down it’s partly age, rosemary and thyme You’re soaking in it Madge margin margarine I can’t believe it’s not better shows over nothing to see here write this way folks Right? No left step write-up write it down Here…diagonally
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what time is it?
November 2, 2008
 PDX. PDQ. 23 hours of Portland. 46 beers. Four block bike ride. The Standard. One piece of Clair’s birthday cake. Did a little dance. Walked bike back. Slept on floor. Stood up. The Screen Door. Ordered Cajun scramble with grits and whole wheat toast. Couldn’t stomach it. Came home with headache. What time is it?
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come on Ted just admit it
October 31, 2008

I have no recollection of the events in question I am without sufficient information and can neither confirm nor deny the allegation
more Halloween on the phot-o-rama page click it check it
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October 30, 2008

Being an hourly legal messenger on a slow day is like waiting at the airport for a flight that may begin boarding at any minute or it might be delayed three more hours. At any second an announcement could blast over the radio telling you to get on a direct flight to Atlanta. Or it could tell you to prepare for a flight to Salt Lake City where you’ll change planes then fly to Denver, Las Vegas, Sacramento then Cincinnati. Or it could tell you the flight is still delayed. You’re in limbo, waiting. It’s hard to stay awake and at the same time you cannot completely relax. Looking at the clock, again, repeatedly. Spending more and more money on overpriced coffee and shrink-wrapped muffins. How many times can you read USA Today? When you finally board your flight you could be in first class, in for a smooth ride or you could be back by the lavatory in the center seat between two Clydesdales. You may have a 45 minute layover or you might have to sprint across two terminals to make your connection.
Stand the-fuck by uptown
 one pill makes you larger one pill makes you small
coasting downhill feeling the pull of gravity autopilot is easy it’s the manual override that’s rough that first step is a doozie overcoming inertia as well as family history Stop cancel and return turn around take it back full circle round trip save the slip
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egg roll
October 29, 2008

really for real really minimum wage plus or minus a few dollars How serious can you be seriously I’m serious really
really the real deal every minute of every day walking the walk not turning it on at 8:30am not turning it off at 5:00pm It’s not about the bike It’s not a wardrobe decision It’s not a fair-weather vocation It’s not an alley cat, a hobby or a skidding contest I’m not faking it because I’m sure not trying to make it I’m not just talking the talk on nights and weekends I'm just saying it’s a quality of life issue The deposition was late, misdelivered, torn open, soaked by rainwater, smelling of beer with an essence of egg roll, stained with blood, 1000 Island dressing, road grime, spicy teriyaki, mixed vegetable curry and apparently sprayed with Axe body spray
Hey Steve!
They say…
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
But I say…
A hand in the bush is worth two birds
A Busch in hand is worth two bucks
A Hamms in the bag is a rare treat on sale at Rite-Aid but warm
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the bummer life, avoiding
October 28, 2008

Look at the flaming sunset shadows on the walls of Bad Animals echoing the blaze of my brother Daryl's Swobo hat. Look at the aerospoke wheel on Leland's bike. Look at John Denver's hat. Look at that pilderwasser t-shirt. Look at those Lens Crafters. Can I get a P? Can I get another P? burberry 
Your attempts to make up for your lack of experience with seemingly endless enthusiasm are amusing, reminding me of my attempts in the last few years to make up for my complete lack of enthusiasm by going to the well of experience…perhaps too many times.

Some people say getting hit by bird shit is good luck. I agree Some people say birds have no sphincter control. I disagree
Today at 1:07pm in the plaza of the IBM building as I was nestled between two mid-size trees perched on the wall just this side of the ABC sidewalk-shortcut to One Union. I took my bag off and was turned to the right to open it up, when I was struck directly in the right shoulder by a humongous seagull turd with a loud splat and enough overspray to coat my left forearm too. It actually made me laugh as I thought of this seagull taking another spin to get a better look at the target. Precision, accuracy, trajectory, wind conditions, altitude, attitude, tone of voice, intention, audience, demographic. Good luck for me and Nice shot by Mr. J. L. Seagull.
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Zeppelin II on cassette blaring from the one remaining speaker in the driver side door of a midnight blue B210
October 27, 2008
"Knock-knock!" "Who’s there?" "Control Freak - now you say, 'control freak who?'”
You don’t know what you got till it’s gone
till it quit till it got fired till it started its own company
till it’s stolen off your bike till it falls apart on a Tuesday till it’s no longer sold in North America
till it moves to Boise till it goes to grad school till it breaks up with you
till it sets off the smoke alarm till it clogs the toilet till it pukes on your pillow
till it’s Eminent Domain’d till it’s sold to Sound Transit till it’s sold back and goes condo
till it writes you a letter till it moves in next door till it marries your daughter
Control freak who?
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win them all, you can't
October 27, 2008

32 Bobby D photo courtesy Morris Post
Hella Corn Dog Classic III you win some, you win some more you lose some, it rains it pours
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what you gonna do
October 26, 2008
Left turns taking returning eventually back where we started right wrong right left right yin yang positive negative they’re inseparable, one-in-the-same A package deal A combo meal unlimited nights & weekends call it what you will call it in the air the coin toss heads up
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Cedar Rapids
October 25, 2008

Remember that weekend in Providence when we brought enough clothes for a family of four? We couldn’t even carry it on the bus. Remember that summer in Flagstaff when all we had was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt? Everything worked out fine
Would you like to get away and get some rest Or do you just want to get away from here because you’re restless
What are you looking for? where do you think you’ll find it? Coeur d’ Alene? Cedar Rapids? Copenhagen? Cape Town? or in that coffee shop on the corner Are you traveling in search of something or are you traveling to get away from something Hide & Seek seeking or hiding
Finding inspiration or reading an instruction manual A loose suggestion or a rigid recipe I’ll take a pinch, a dash, a sprinkle, a dollop You’ll measure out 1 ¼ teaspoons and a level ¾ of a cup
You’re the left hand playing a constant predictable base line I’m the right hand going Thelonious allover the board
You’re the boy scout over prepared I’m the hitchhiker winging it
I had one small pack traveling light over seas You had two checked bags envisioning contingencies It’s amazing what people can accomplish when they don’t have a choice Acting out of necessity, emergency, catastrophe
It’s amazing how people freeze when they’re given choices Weighed down by quantities, accessories, luxuries
I mention passing through casually You’re carefully retyping the itinerary
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the sun came up it was another day
October 25, 2008

Angels are messengers butMessengers are not necessarily angels What was your first clue …yeah me tooToting around an imaginary friend enclosedin a Velcro pouch with a bunch of bike toolsDon’t you know I’m locoIn loco parentisParenthetical theoretical hypotheticalHypodermic epidemic academichorseshit horse shitPlease use the revolving doorTake the freight elevatorTake the long way homeKeeping track the phases of the moonDoes anyone really know what time it isIt’s not too late it’s just really early zip ties twist tie a bread sack on each footPeanut butter and banana sandwiches all aroundKeeping score in the fourth quarterWe’re all winners here however It’s not about winningthere’s no team in fuck you
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your job on a day like this
October 23, 2008

sound bites
“my son was a bike messenger in New York City and he never would have done that” said some pedestrian lady to Jon Quon last week
“...there’s a white ten-speed bicycle parked against the window on the Pike Street side, can you take care of that right away?” said the security staff radio channel at 1420 5th yesterday
“In February you did a job from Helsell to King County with judge’s copies, did you take the judge’s set to Ex Parte or Family Law or just to the mailroom…?” asked my dispatcher in October MyNhung in Cat Cat Village outside Sapa, Vietnam
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October 21, 2008

no problem, we'll be right there  Cute punk bike messenger! You: Tall, sexy stallion with the most beautiful blue eyes and brightest smile. I see you all the time hanging out at monorail coffee looking adorable as ever. Nice punk tattoos, I like pizza too. Let's go for a ride some time...or maybe I'll just ride you. When: Monday, October 20, 2008 Where: Monorail espresso I saw a: Man I am a: Woman Date posted: Monday, October 20, 2008 in the Stranger I saw U  Six-pack of tall boys: $4.69 Burberry scarf: $295.00 DANK coozie: priceless An ice-cold 75cent tallboy of Busch. A warm cuddly $295 swatch of Burberry wool. Two great tastes that taste great together. A juxtaposition that I will venture to say has not occurred until today, this 21st day of October, 2008 in Seattle, Washington. All made possible by a fortuitous ground score and those guys down at DANK bags who happen to know a thing or two about beer coozies, messenger bags, top tube pads, radio holsters and other stuff that messengers need.
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processions receding recession’s proceeding
October 20, 2008

*1201 Second Avenue There’s a stillness in the air. People are holding their breath. Holding their wallets. Filling out their ballots. Retail sales are down. But beer, wine & liquor* sales are strong, stronger than ever in some parts of the country. People are worrying, saving, over thinking, smart shopping, downsizing but still drinking.
Some people fear their 401Ks are losing value Some people fear the next President of the United States Some people fear carnies and their small hands Some people fear bare-handedly-over-handled cheese Some people fear undercooked pork products Some people fear small confined spaces Some people fear long-term relationships Some people fear Shriners Conventions
I am afraid of zombies dressed as facilities management professionals toting small brooms and dustpans. I have this recurring paranoid fantasy acid trip bad dream where I’m standing-by in the lobby of the PSP sitting in an Eames chair trying to read a well known paperback book but I’m constantly being harassed, poked and prodded by dudes with brooms and dustpans invading my personal space pretending to sweep up nonexistent invisible crumbs. Then I get up, walk outside to unlock my bike and it turns out it’s not a dream.
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October 19, 2008

Chis Murray photo This is Frankie Jr. from Mama Raphael's taking a little cheese break during one of his 12 hour work days on RAGBRAI. As you can see he's an honorary member of the pilderwasser collective. You can also see he likes cheese. 
If you haven't read the original scroll version of On the Road, check it out If you think Jack rolled his TP over the top...I agree with you If you see a connection between Frankie Jr and Jack Kerouac go with it work with it run with it. Correlation yes. Causation perhaps. Why don't you make yourself a quesadilla or have a big slice of apple pie smothered in ice cream in some small town in Iowa
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pump kin
October 19, 2008
3:30 am Saturday after last call. Way after. The drunken herds leaving the bars on Capitol Hill are often annoying and loud and you can hear what time it is without looking at the clock. Awoken by two guys walking home or on their way to a friends house or onto another party. Amplified by alcohol. Boisterous, courageous, discourteous but hilarious. From a block away I could hear singing. As they got closer I recognized the song. Each would take a turn a line a riff, trying to outdo the other. In an overblown caricature of a karaoke voice. Like an SNL skit or spoof or joke. Like Bette Midler doing her best Scott Weiland impression. Like Will Farrell doing Bette Midler doing Scott Weiland. And it was good. Took my breath away.

Roll On! live free or die, you know, next door, one state over 
Vermont BMX photo
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pump cheese
October 18, 2008

not obedient just independent alone self-contained entertained unrestrained stacking rocks, riding bikes, building forts, lighting fires kicking pine cones, licking ice-cream cones slurping Slurpees until the brain freeze pinball, bubblegum, penny candy, pump cheese the babysitter smells weird smoking cigarettes watching soap operas Monday through Friday her macaroni tastes funny her tuna sandwiches aren’t as good as mom’s potato salad, dill pickles, baked beans, hot dogs the dog is so hot he’s not moving, panting ice cubes melting in his water bowl garden hose spewing plasticky bathwater warm the lawn yellowing drying dying crunching prickly on tenderfeet they’ll toughen up by Labor day then it’s back to shoes and socks and school 
seek and you just might find a $595 piece of Burberry in the lobby
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what day is this?
October 17, 2008
October 16, 2008
Provided by building management for your protection give it a try, take a swing just this once Pro Hac Vice just like President Truman said, “We must cut down on the cost of living” capillary action, soak it up, drink it in write it down, let it sink in begin again start over commencement graduated cylinder Bunsen burner Erlenmeyer flask try a pint glass of Majestic Unicorn IPA
Not that I really need to it’s that you don’t want me to so it’s a game a challenge a dare an added bonus because I can I could I will I would so don’t bone us
That’s a mighty good gin & tonic R2 Why don’t you mix me up another
Convent pent up penthouse Whitehouse there’s a tension under the surface surface tension…read the meniscus read between the lines look in the negative space shinier than Milner and like Marcelle two-faced doused in Liz Claiborne fake hair fake nails fake tan fake tits integrity honesty authenticity absolutely none of this I see in a brief elevator conversation a premature revelation of deep personal issues problems family matters and we’re not even to the sky lobby yet Red flags waving warning signs flashing smile, nod and holy shit don’t make any more eye contact
…please exit to the left
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please follow along as I read aloud
October 15, 2008

Brujo photo This is Mr. Craig Etheridge. He’s kind of a big deal. I’ve talked about him before here and here You may remember when he defeated Frankie Andreu at goldsprints. This past weekend he defeated the entire 503 area code at this event and won it all and won one of these custom made bicycles 
the shadow knows
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use seat bottom cushion for floatation
October 13, 2008
 “We all possess a predilection for lostness, some of us more than others. But lostness, like all talents, must be nurtured, developed and practiced in order to enjoy its benefits. Many of my friends know where they have been, where they are and where they are headed. How sad.”
To my left I see a whirlwind, a wind tunnel, a twister, a dirt devil, a whole lot of shit blowing around or whatever you call it in your zip code. I enjoy this time of year when the fallen leaves help to illustrate the wind tunnels in the core like a smoke machine brings out lasers at a bad metal show. There are plastic bags, napkins, Styrofoam containers, q-tips, those little nasty single tooth floss pick things, lost Larouche literature, misdirected absentee ballots and a whole lotta leaves blowing around and around up 3 or 4 stories in front of 1001.
Straight ahead I see Yacky locking up at the bike rack.
To my right I see a guy with a broom and dustpan sweeping up one leaf at a time, one fucking leaf at a time.
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October 12, 2008

this way, that way, the other way too hot, too cold, just right too hard, too soft too big, too small too old, too young too much, never enough pigeon-toed, duck-footed subtle exaggeration caricature of a dramatization false recollection of a misrepresentation not all wrong - not quite right on off standing by with it or on it take it or leave it take the elevator to the mezzanine purgatorial middle of the road one foot in each time zone perineum tickling taint straddling the fence greener grass on both sides the raw & the cooked
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analog digital analog digital
October 11, 2008
Sofa King ess ay tea you are dee ay why... Are you a messenger?
I’m an artist, I'm a writer and I wanna dance
Well do you know where the Pike Place Market is?
Yeah it’s that way
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five (5) days a week
October 10, 2008
 You just might be a messenger if you recognize new security staff in large office buildings, not by sight - although nothing commands respect like an ill-fitting blue blazer, gray slacks and steeltoed black shoes except maybe a meter maid on a Segway - but by their tone of voice and their overly friendly unnecessary verbal greetings. This behavior wears off in 5 to 7 working days. There’s a fresh one at 801 2nd this week and he’s still all into his job.
You could be an urban cyclist if you recognize from a safe distance the “significant other pick-up / drop-off” This is where a car stops in the road for no apparent reason and one or more of the doors fly open and one or more of the people get out of the car. Sometimes one spouse, domestic partner, lover, boyfriend or girlfriend getting dropped off on their way to work. Sometimes both get out as they switch drivers. The process is reversed at the end of the day. It’s dangerous for cyclists but when you’ve seen it enough times it falls into a pattern. I like to roll by clear of the opening doors and say “thank you honey”
You might be a messenger if you have a GroundHogDayFeeling that you done this all before… …because you have, a gazillion times.
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ten nine?
October 9, 2008

happy birthday 87 happy birthday to you 
You might be a messenger if on 10-9 Day International Messenger Appreciation Day the only appreciation you get is from other messengers. Word. Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be...
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what it is, is what it is
October 8, 2008
 it was what it was it will be what it will be it is however neither then nor there it is here and now it is what it is

no experience necessary You might be a messenger if you’ve been on the road for 10 years and you’re expected to train some kid You might be a messenger if you’ve been on the road for 10 years and you’re being trained by some kid
I know now what I knew then, but I didn’t know then what I know now
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October 7, 2008
 You might be a messenger if you find a patch of sunlight in early autumn Seattle and decide to sit down on the sidewalk to work on your shin tan. From other messengers you get a heads up. From locals you get nothing. From tourists you get a double take or two. From homeless people you get a big sloppy poopy-pants kiss. 
You might be a messenger if you recognize bicycles from a couple blocks away and if you see one locked up you know who it is, where they are, what job they’re picking up and what time it’s due…you know who got laid off, who got fired, who quit, who got hired, who just started this week, who might start on Monday, who’s training who and how long that could take. 10-4 Copy that so you missed the Presidential debate? Watch this video, It may be more important in the long run. Thanks to JP
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is that for Here or To Go?
October 6, 2008

May I please have the chicken nachos May I please have 25 more psi a baby-smooth contact patch very little rolling resistance and still have enough friction to dive into corners
May I please have job security an annual cost of living pay increase paid holidays and relatively little horseshit
May I please have full fenders and on an average day keep my socks dry until at least 11:00am
May I please “fall back” this year with confidence and grace and perhaps a little help from drugs and alcohol
May I please don my little blinky lights and retain the knowledge that comes from experience and realize… I’m still invisible
May I please finish this King run and exit the courthouse to find my bike in one piece
May I please comprehend the concept of a water resistant - wind resistant shell and wear varying layers of wool and synthetic fiber
May I please weather the storm of elevator questions that come with A change in the weather
May I please turn the other cheek the other ass cheek the one with the U-lock
May I please enjoy a quiet lunch break without Mr. Gas Powered Leaf Blower blowing without Mr. Dust Pan Sweeper sweeping moving me along for no good reason
May I please drop out of Electoral College and cling to the misconception that the popular vote counts
May I please get one more for the road And one for my friend too ?
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October 5, 2008

down tube shifters down the tubes shitter subtly in your face suddenly out of place shift change transformation mutate adapt evolve innovate rotate revolve stay stall stagnate stew old place new point of view play it again Sam take another look shed some light on it layer up pare down pair up consolidate gear down downsize downshift hunker down dig in sell out buy out cash in cash out suck it up ride it out you don’t have to shift just pedal harder
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October 4, 2008

“Cyclists are open-minded. Cyclists are egalitarian. Cyclists share a fellowship of the wheel that can overcome all political, social, racial and economic barriers. Except for recumbents.”
--Ted Constantino
Thanks for the book Sugarbear. The Quotable Cyclist by Bill Strickland
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nerf herder
October 4, 2008
one significant impact
October 3, 2008
powdered sugar powdered donuts sugar coated powder coated frame fork fenders racks stem all together now as well as a frame pump and bottle cages at home in storage Color Coordination matching saddle bar tape cable housing too much - It’s never enough However this bike is actually ridden functional versatile durable not too much fluffy trendy shit one of these kids is doing his own thing
You might be a messenger… …if you can gage how busy you were by how many binder clips you pull out of your bag in the morning. Not by how many miles you rode, not by how much weight you’ve lost, not by how much money you took home, not by how many attorneys you saved.
…if you can gage the local real estate market by how much drool is running off the chin of a title insurance messenger standing by in a comfortable office building lobby chair.
…if you can gage the local economy and realize it’s gone to shit when your 2 year old skanked out busted helmet gets stolen off your bike around noon at City Center as if the perpetrator envisioned a blown out sweat soaked road grimed hard worn stinky messenger helmet could be worth something.
…if you must choose between buying a new helmet and paying your rent
…if you’ve blown out 3 pairs of bike shoes since the last time you purchased a pair of normal civilian shoes.
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everybody knows your name, where
October 2, 2008

It’s not really such a flat city. One dimensional. Shallow. Plastic. Fake. Like the view from Frasier’s window. Buildings rearranged condensed imagined into a falsified skyline Seattle where the Space Needle is somewhere between 1001 and Mount Rainier. Where 1201 is nudged up against some building that doesn’t exist. Where everybody knows your name. not really. I’ll meet you at 801 5th and get a proper picture of you on your bike dominating this plastic Seattle PR metropolis mural.
We all have fantasies of rolling into base and turning in our radio in the middle of the day and quitting. Straight up. No exit interviews. No two-weeks notice. No bouquets. No hugs. No tears. No engraved watches. Just quitting.
Some people actually do it.
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October 2, 2008
this is Rowan in a nipple driver onesie 
Photos courtesy of Wade Michael Atkinson
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...up to get off scot-fucking-free
October 1, 2008

 Cute little bike racks. I appreciate them on the same level that I’d appreciate my niece or nephew’s paintball party, if I had a niece or nephew. They’re cute. They’re there. They’re trying. I’m supposed to appreciate them. Thanks. I tried. But I’d rather lock up to a garbage can or street sign or parking meter.  
It’s October and they’re putting up Christmas lights in the trees at Two Union. The sun is carving a lower and lower arc across the sky (as we discussed earlier the sun isn’t moving or doing anything but burning itself up. We on earth are just spinning revolving and rotating as the Northern Hemisphere is moving away from the sun into its dark grey long winter phase and the Southern Hemisphere is exposing, getting warmer into summer) Today the sun is barely hitting the patio at lunch hour
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Jonny Sundt Tim Mason Thomas Dolby
September 30, 2008

Today I saw John Hinckley Jr. riding a recumbent slowly on Malden Ave East near Safeway, he had an orange flag and all, Travis Bickle was tearing shit up on a BMX not far behind hitting all the curbs and the root popped sidewalks, catching big air. Hinckley’s parents and older brother were driving like tourists a half a block back in what was obviously a rental car and I think Neil Bush was in the car too. I gave them a half ass thumbs up. Then later on, on Warren Ave North I spotted Thomas Dolby on a tricycle with Miss Sakamoto standing on the back, her hands on his shoulders and good heavens let me tell you she was beautiful, they asked me how to find the Space Needle. Somewhere around the 2:30 lull I saw David Koresh walking up Pike on the sidewalk pushing a cute little fixie with the bars hacked down way too small. He was with 5 or 6 very attractive women, or actually girls and he was wearing really tight stretchy black pants and two or three studded belts and a big empty RE Load bag. And then after work winding down at Monorail I’m pretty sure I saw your father-in-law on a Jonny Sundt cross bike. I just saw his reflection in the window and by the time I turned around he was behind a bus but I think it was him.
I read it on line it must be true. Yesterday I saw a fair weather commuter (FWC) bombing down Pine Street in the bike lane around 8:15am. Displaying an overblown sense of confidence riding between the thin white painted lines as if they extended upward to infinity like the plane of the goal line. As if they offered extra protection, entitlement or enhanced visibility for chuffers in white button down shirts toting laptops on sunny days. When traffic stacked up at Harvard Avenue behind a car waiting to take a left, a car several spots back in line popped out to the right and cutoff FWC. From my perspective it wasn’t even that close and anyway that’s what cars do, and like Robert Hurst says, that’s what traffic is. People stop using turn signals the day they get their license, get used to it. But FWC stopped and went back to yell at the driver who was pulled over near Seattle Central. He yelled “what the fuck was that” and the driver, a young mom with her kid in the front seat just flipped him off. Nothing was accomplished except both parties left with a bad taste in their mouths, and all before 8:30 on a Monday morning. It reminded me of my younger days. But now I realize if I got that pissed off every time a car came within 25 feet of me I wouldn’t last 4 hours.
Today, here in late 2008, I pick my battles and save my energy like Tim Mason.
Out in traffic on a bike the eye contact, the head nod, the hand gestures, the yelling , the expectoration, it’s all there, in your face as a driver. It’s not diluted, censored, redirected, buffered, sheltered, reflected, refracted or protected by the big steel shell of an automobile. It’s right there, it’s real, it’s scary, it’s loud, it’s profane, it’s me and my adrenaline at your window, in your face. Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.
The other side of that coin is there is nothing protecting me on my bike in traffic from the big steel shell of your automobile.
What Would Mason Do? WWMD
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good old boys
September 30, 2008

The reporter from Bloomberg asked me about the $700 billion bailout. I said it was horseshit. But he left that part out of the article There is no doubt however that my poorly informed opinion from the streets of Seattle caused the stock market to plunge at an alarming rate yesterday.
Those guys at DANK bags say, money talks. But Pham told me, people talk and money buys whiskey.
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loose balls
September 29, 2008

Cleared the next-day King, all the 4 hours to the Square and the no-charge-new-client-get one-free-courtesy job to 909. Not because I care about the new client or the old ones or you or anything, I just had to take a piss.
Like being led by a seeing eye dog that has to take a shit. You suddenly notice you’re walking a bit faster and then you’re stopped for no apparent reason until it becomes apparent or at least fragrant.
Who’s the center of the universe? You are.
Yes you are.
yes you are
if you can identify the Men's room from which this photo was taken you'll earn yourself (1) "attaboy" which equals (.08) of (1) "ah shit"
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large curd cottage cheese
September 28, 2008

Sebastian Janikowski attempted a 76 yard field goal today. It was well good as a punt only better.The NFL record field goal is 63 yards. Mr. Janikowski is one of the biggest kickers on earth, bigger than 80% of the population and drinks more than any linebacker in the NFL. No joke. He could drink Jason Hanson under the table before noon with his left hand. What does this have to do with anything? What does anything have to do with this.
 mark your calendars
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puppies kittens penguins
September 27, 2008

when one isn’t enough and six is too many who ya gonna call? Roadmasters
inconspicuous consumption hiding in plain sight do what I do professionallyI’m not a doctor trust meask Kerlikowskeyou buy 10,000 pintsyou get one free Craig Etheridge photo Transitioning seamlessly from coffee to beer to coffee Reexamining categories necessities luxuries quality of life issues priorities flat screen TVs or peanut butter jellies sweet suite candies Is it the economy? it’s the ebb in your flow it’s the chutes the ladders the chutes it’s the Washington Mutual Super Sonics
talking the talk eating the cake must be rough how are you managing with kids at Bowdoin Williams and Tufts the timeshare in Vail but no Paris this year vacation in Maui not Tuscany
walking the walk riding the bike drinking the beer no vacation no work no pay punch another hole in my belt sewing up blown-out Carhartts a quality of life issue it continues to be
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what I hear you saying is
September 25, 2008

sky lobby floor 40 to reach floors 37 through 55 please exit to the left to reach floors 56 through 76 please exit to the right
Paper paper everywhere and not a drop of ink You just can’t find a good pen these days It’s the end of the urgent delivery business as we know it and I feel fine ABC WLM NWL SLM SOL BFD Call KnR if you want something done right then do it right Pull up a chair grab a front row seat on the short bus You’re a real handful of front brake on a wet technical descent brake break broke bust boom Whatever it comes around welcome welcome to the boomtown
Originals to the Clerk Copies to the judge and opposing counsel Sent via legal messenger In addition another 16 copies to opposing counsel all over Washington Oregon Idaho Montana California and Canada sent via email
And so it goes
 Not just a messenger…
don’t write the shit just deliver it courier
not displaying any symptoms showing any signs of the backslapping handshaking bro-bra fratboying tallying billable hours for months of drawn out discovery preceding litigation Just delivering the shit carrier
Nextel outburst chirper
Carbohydrate loader
Penny nickel dime and paper clip collector
White shoes after Labor Day admirer
Inane conversation sound bite recorder
Over crinkling of potato chip bag (g-dogg) discourager
Slurping latte on elevator preventor
law firm men’s room graffiti reader
Toilet paper tester
Capitol Hill bar regular
Residual lipstick on pint glass inspector
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nine two five - oh eight
September 25, 2008
 You know it’s a small town when you’re out on Westlake North riding back into town with 40 pounds of shit in your bag eating a breakfast burrito from PCC in Fremont and right where the road chokes down to one lane for construction you let a line of cars pass you and then as you’re waving the burrito in your left hand telling the last car to hurry up and pass they honk and yell at you to get out of the road and it turns out to be your ex girlfriend in her new boyfriends truck and that 40 pounds of shit just got a lot heavier.
---true messenger words paraphrased 9/19/8 7:30pmish in the 98102 What’s that on your sweater?
People think it’s snot you know it’s not Out back in the parking lot housing low income seniors Drinking 16oz Rainiers watching the sunset over Walgreens
Low income seniors watching over us Pine cones pine needles pine tar sticky sticking stuck to my sweater People think it’s snot but it’s not
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sharp white cheddar
September 23, 2008
I don't want to be That guy
September 22, 2008
 She stated she was authorized to accept the good with the bad and claimed to be ready for A long term relationship Hold on I said I’m just looking for the registered agent
I’ll be the custodian of records You be the subpoena duces tecum
You be the named defendant I’ll be the summons and complaint
I’ll be the petitioner If you’ll be the respondent
I’ll go Pro se If you take me to Ex Parte
For no apparent reason at odd times visions of Third Avenue pop into my head accompanied by a deep sense of boredom. 516, 720, 999, 1111, 1218, 1904, 2112, 2505, 2901.
If we all wore reflective orange safety vests they’d lose their effectiveness
I have 2 or 3 dispatchers. They work in close proximity. Their desks nearly touching. They do not however work together. Someday I’d like to introduce them to each other.
If anyone out there knows a one or two syllable word that means the opposite of “inspires confidence” let me know and I’ll key it into my Nextel in place of “dispatcher”
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September 21, 2008

Oh hey I can see by your cell phone’s blue light which so constantly flits til the Cha Cha’s last calling where red lights and rock stars give proof through the night… …that you’d so rather be someplace else with someone other than those painfully hip hipsters you’re sitting with. You’ve made your appearance it’s OK to leave now. Really. Every step you take to set yourself apart, trying to be uniquely hip, just makes it easier to lump you in with all the others. Trying so hard and looking the part. Relax. This too shall pass.
You might be a messenger if you go home and change from your work cutoff shorts into your home cutoff shorts
You might be a messenger if you can fix your bottom bracket with Taco Bell hot sauce
You might be a messenger if you haven’t paid for toilet paper for 3 years
I come from a land full fender Where beer does flow and bikes messenger Can’t you smell can’t you smell September You better run you better ask Dave Hiller
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dream catcher
September 20, 2008
 communication conversation intonation body language saliva spraying annunciation tone of voice
your hands are waving the punctuation away
Can’t understand a word you say But I catch your drift
Saving for a rainy day you’ve got a slow leak and hey it’s raining
No questions asked complacently Predictable you say Reliable replay same shirt same shoes same service The Usual Have a good day
my coffee tastes like chapstick my beer tastes like toothpaste the tatertots taste like chicken this burrito tastes like Friday
Your neck tastes like summer
How long can one ride around town running other people’s errands before they realize
I don’t really care if the Motion for bifurcation gets to the judge by noon
How long can one wander the grocery store with someone else’s shopping list before they realize
I don’t even like asiago or pork rinds or pimento loaf  Time to think in one of my favorite men’s rooms. All the tenants on this floor have moved out. Downsized consolidated sub-leased quit foreclosed defaulted moved on. Empty. Seattle is a bit behind the curve with just a hint of denial hanging in the air. The construction boom is still visible. So many cranes on the skyline. 12 construction workers or more in line in front of me every day at the bodega for lunch. Thousands of new condominiums slated to come on line in the next few months. Much new street level retail space. A great deal of new office space opening up going up filling in the retail core urban density. All the while store fronts in the core are sitting empty papered over. Stores and restaurants are going out of business. Shutting down without even a sign on the door. One day it’s open for lunch. The next day it’s empty and dark. I served a notice of default on an icecream shop yesterday. Soon it’ll be another empty storefront. Safeco bought out. WaMu on the brink. Consumer confidence my ass. Dow Jones has the skuds. Your 401k is worth about a buck-fifty. Unemployment statistics are skewed. Unemployed people don’t answer on-line surveys or questions from researchers calling on land lines. Truly unemployed people don’t apply for unemployment and they don’t even exist in the eyes of the census bureau. It’s all a bunch of horseshit hocus pocus fat rich guys talking in hushed tones to rich fat guys wearing dark suits in wood-paneled conference rooms. Interest rates, government buyouts, investments, rescue plans, shifting the burden to the tax payers. Long term. Short term. Band aids hemorrhaging. Whatever.
Cyclically cycling into another cycle on my bicycle.
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have good day
September 18, 2008
Bootleg Courier Company - Reno, Nevada
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weight loss program
September 17, 2008

jeet kune do in the PSP lobby...whatever it takes
one one nine one bike rack 
Superior Court in and for the County of King
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hello how ARE you
September 16, 2008
September 15, 2008
 Low volume - High margins Fixed labor costs or not two months off two for you two taking it around the world Bonus two for me and Naj too taking it in the ass Bone us
that’s no problem We’ll be right there Yes we will We we wee
Everything is under control or not
You’ll see
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field of dreams
September 15, 2008
 Nature calls. Nature is calling. But I don’t want to take the call in Ballard. Motivation for the ride home, maybe. it’s hard to enjoy the scenery when nature is calling incessantly. Rolling through Fremont, feeling it. Really. Thinking how desperate one must be to use the Gas Works Park men‘s room. Then I look to my right and what do I see, but 75 kybos lined up for me. Is this heaven? No, and it’s not Iowa either. It’s Seattle in September and I got a whiff of RAGBRAI. Just in time.
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Tuna Fish
September 14, 2008

It came from the grassy knoll. Teletubby Hill. Cal Anderson crows prefer Dick’s cheeseburgers but they’ll settle for worms. Not a cloud in the Willie Nelson blue skies. Rose colored glasses outlook. Look out. Ideal perfect weather. But still there’s some unidentified emotion, barely perceptible uneasiness, a visceral gut feeling. Like the tuna fish the babysitter used to make. It was never as good as mom’s. And I don’t know why. Flat. Not Minneapolis flat but last night’s Big Bear flat. I’m Temple Grandin listening to someone tell me this is beautiful so I half-ass nod and say uhh sure. Sure. I’m looking at the same thing you are but it doesn’t look the same. This aint my first September in the saddle. Getting a little long in the eyebrow. These aren’t the salad days they’re the sauerkraut days.
it's the same on the weekends as the rest of the days
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junior high
September 13, 2008
 The double diamond bike frame design has been around since day one or at least since the early morning of day two. Not a whole lot has changed over the last 100 years. Things are lighter and more colorful. Smooth. Shiny. Fluffy. Trendy. But the bikes you’ll see at Interbike next week are not really that different from the bikes Archibald Sharpe was talking about in 1892.
I held the door it’s true that doesn’t mean I wanted to have sex with you But I do I would I will We could take the elevator to the penthouse Personal service only A pickup and a delivery enveloping the entire package Call when complete rush roundtrip notary signature obtain exemplified copy of the order get the complaint no exhibits got no complaints
Are you a courier? No I’m a Gemini Let me see your ID Step through one more time What’s that in your pocket Take off your belt Assume the position
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Sea Monkeys, Feta and Scott Norwood
September 12, 2008
 Elevators go down Elevators go up the sun sets in your West as it rises in my East Actually the sun isn’t moving at all We’re just spinning around rotating It’s how you look at it That’s how I look at it
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Have you seen a guy on a bike?
September 10, 2008

You might be messenger if you’re imitated and disrespected by the same people
You might be a messenger if you’re expected to know the answer to over 1.5 billion stupid questions
You might be a messenger if you’re so drunk they won’t sell you beer at Red Apple
You might be a messenger if you sleep with your key on
You might be a messenger if at least one member of your family believes you could be doing something more important with your life 
CornDog photo 2 King County Sheriffs and a MID ambassador Yeah I copy you, 10-4 You’re coming through loud and clear just like all the cell phone calls from Flight 93 fucking horseshit Are you kidding me? I called nine one one a long time ago Don’t believe the hype
vermontbmx photo Bent forward at the waist, arms relaxed, head tilted slightly to one side. Utilizing the major muscle groups in the legs and lower back. No wasted energy. No reason to white-knuckle the bar. On the hoods, the flats, in the drops. Shifting effortlessly, depending on the situation. Subtle signals, indicators, body language. An unspoken communication among regulars and seasoned veterans. A nod, a wink, a raised finger is all it takes. One more for the road.
Life is too short to wait until 5:00 Chris Murray photo For external use only Warranty Void if used indoors inside in house no cubicles no air conditioning no florescent lighting no break rooms no conference rooms no microwave popcorn 
a red chainring a top tube pad for every day of the week a downtube covered in stickers and I'm older than you are
How ya like me now? bikesnob
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red zone
September 9, 2008
 Are you warm enough? You’re hot! Well into the red zone Like mayonnaise at the company picnic
Contact patch tread patterns Traction friction air pressure Rolling resistance is futile
Work is for suckers. Get a job. All arbeit and no play makes No sense no class in class out class Beyond category HC Not fat big boned Ectomorph endomorph mesomorph Outdated classifications
Hey Nick can I get my totals? Same as it ever was Same as it ever was
You want it all you say Just seeing the pros jealously Ignoring the cons with blinders on You don’t want it all Single married renting buying Ready to travel About to settle down Inside outside come around Who’s that?
It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Ms. Alotta Greyscale Regional Vice President of the Chiaroscuro Continuum Council
Pick drop clip in clip out 901 5th Avenue entrance Bike shoes grinding like Your grandma’s teeth
That’s not pattern baldness That’s a yarmulke This isn’t a Dockers commercial This is the lobby of Two Union It’s not an after school special It’s really what messengers do
I copy you thinking that You’re telling me how it is I encourage you to continue To cling to that misconception If that’s working for you
The grass is always greener and I’m the guy on the other side Setting up the sprinklers and Pushing the lawn mower
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Ex Parte
September 8, 2008

You might be a messenger if you snapped a brake cable last Tuesday and ignored it and you’re still riding it out.
You might be a messenger if your bag falls off the x-ray machine at the courthouse and 45 condoms cascade all over the floor.
You might be a messenger if you haven’t taken a shower for 9 days.
You might be a messenger if you recycle your cans inside the courthouse.
You might be a messenger if turning it inside out is as good as washing it.
You might be a messenger if you can smell free food across town.
You might be a messenger if you get your own elevator.
Monday Vocabulary review:
Campagnolo Italian for “not compatible”
Concierge French for ass kisser
Ex Parte Latin for 4:15pm Flight Attendant Replacements "waitress in the sky"
Kobe Japanese for “put out your cigarette”
Kybo Iowan for honeybucket
Lincoln Town Car Arabic for glorified taxi cab
Roadmaster messenger for $2.00
Subpoena Latin for “I got something for you”
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September 8, 2008

this is Molly and this is her story It's funny how conditioned we are to expect that arrows will lead us in the right direction. That photo was taken the second morning we were in France, at Nimes. I was still incredibly jet lagged and after the 3-hour train ride to the south of France, I was feeling disoriented to say the least. We'd gotten out of the train station and had no map and no idea of where we were heading to check out the finish of the TdF's 13th stage. As we're looking around and I'm trying to figure out a way to ask someone in French where the staging area is, Aaron tells me to turn around: I'd been standing in front of a neon yellow Tour de France sign with an arrow pointing left. A sign from some TdF god? We'll we decided that this must be the way to the finish and walked in the direction of the arrow, getting more and more excited as we passed more and more of the yellow signs. At this point it's around 1 pm and we are cooking in the sun--it's gotta be in the 90s. We've probably walked 3 miles already and seen no end in sight to the arrow signs. This whole time we've been walking away from the city centre and by the time we get directed to highway, I know we can't be going the right way even though we've been following the official neon arrows.
And then it hits me-- this is the right direction...but for the peleton the next day when they leave from Nimes! We finally ask someone where to go and she points us back toward to where we came from. The buses weren't running because of the stage finish and no taxis were in sight so we hoofed it back to the city centre. At that time we were all tired, hungry and cranky and didn't find it all funny that the finish was seriously only a few blocks from the train station!
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jesus built my hotrod
September 7, 2008
I'm not sure about Jesus but I've put in 12 good years at the Elysian, I like beer, I know who Dave is, I've been to Whitman College and I think Grinnell is better but I like big schooners...  
there's a new album/slideshow growing for your own safety on the phot-o-rama page
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this too shall pass
September 7, 2008
 I like arrows. I like street signs. I like slight alterations that yield big changes. I like things that when taken out of context take on a whole new meaning. I like whole new meanings.
This sign was warning drivers that one block ahead at 12th & Denny, it’s right turn only. But after some handiwork from a like-minded Capitol Hill resident, it’s now reassuring all of us that it’s only a fad. Word.
Fixed gear bikes have been around for 120 years. They’re not going anywhere, they just change colors once in a while. If I had a fixed gear this photo would be even better. But it’s a coaster brake. They know it’s not fixed. And I know they know. I know.
Do you know? Email, text message, Nextel direct connect, phone call, fax, certified mail, FedEx, process service, hand delivered via messenger.
Have you tried talking? It’s so two-years-ago.
You might be a messenger if the first 18 pack lasts 12 minutes and the second one never hits the ground.
You might be a messenger if you’re looking for olive oil in your kitchen cabinet but you have to move the sunscreen, massage oil and chain lube to find it.
You might be a messenger if your spine is crooked and all your clothes wear out prematurely in the shoulders and ass.
You might be a messenger if you speak in ten codes to your parents.
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don't mess with Mayberry
September 5, 2008
Friday September 5, 2008 11:27am Seattle, Washington 5th Avenue at Pike Street
This is one of Seattle’s finest writing a Jaywalking ticket to a young couple with their small child in a stroller. Blocking the right lane of 5th avenue and making a big show of it. The couple was relatively good natured and courteous during the whole ordeal. They were actually incredulous, and maybe just waiting for the camera to walk out with Alan Funt because it was such a bunch of horseshit. I couldn’t hear it all but I watched a lot of it and I was imagining them saying to their kid “look honey this is a Seattle cop, he has nothing better to do. See his moustache, see his big motorcycle, see his sunglasses. Yeah pretend like you respect him for doing his job. Look how he is teaching us a lesson. Look how small Seattle really is. When we get back to Boise we can tell everyone how much horseshit we saw in Seattle”
About 6 minutes earlier this same cop wrote up a messenger with a no-helmet ticket. This messenger was riding from 1601 5th to 1420 5th with his helmet clipped to his bag. This is literally 1.3 blocks. This messenger could do that ride blindfolded with no hands and one foot on a fixed gear uphill in traffic with six rolls from KPFF to Calison. That is like going to Safeway in flip flops to get a six pack. That is horseshit. Mr. Cop was all inflated after that and ready to take on tourist families for Jaywalking.
When I snapped this photo and walked back to my bike, the guy who was behind the cop started yelling at me about taking his picture. And I said I wasn’t taking his picture I was taking that cop’s picture. And he continued to yell and try to argue calling me a punkass bitch and lots of other things. All I could do was laugh because it was only 11:30am.
About six hours later Chief Kerlikowske was riding around the sidewalks of the core fully kitted out in SPD gear. It’s a great to get the Chief of Police on the street riding a mountain bike. Right on. It won’t get us out of Mayberry but it’s a nice gesture.
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José can you see?
September 5, 2008

have you signed the petition to get it on the ballot? Because in Seattle we've got nothing better to do "there should be a law" telling us what to do when to do it and how much it will cost Have a nice trip, see you next fall G-dog and Pham are off for a couple months of world travel
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bacon grease keeps the rain out
September 3, 2008

Conversation gets the word out Agitation gets the dirt out Legislation gets the herd out
Repetition gets… ...boring Hey I’m getting on an elevator I’m about to lose you
yeah sorry I’m not a people person this is my Aunt GunShy and Uncle HairTrigger Oh and oh yeah and my cousins The boy who cried wolf and The girl from Ipanema
We’ll meet up around 2 at the aviary teriyaki beef jerky spicy chicken yakisoba beef & bean burritos half a pound of Jo Jos KSL DSL DFL just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
addiction distraction addition subtraction plus minus good bad yin yang on off positive negative attractive repulsive meanwhile have another beer
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bored to tears
September 3, 2008

going off-road with those big cross tires?
Yeah, going on the sidewalk. I shouldn‘t complain
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utility cycling
September 2, 2008

John Marshall Mantel photoThe New York Times
read more about Ho in NYC in today's New York Times
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manual Labor Day
September 1, 2008

At any given moment, there’s a good chance you’ll find Skunk sleeping soundly in the closet atop an old DANK bag that contains another DANK bag that contains a PAC bag that contains a Timbuk 2 bag. And that sums up my messenger career.
Skunk is sleeping so well because she’s in it for the long haul. Minor fluctuations, disturbances, trends, booms, busts, changes, people, companies, careers. She’s seen them come. She’s seen them go. She’s seen the big picture.
Or maybe she’s sleeping so well because that’s all she does. 
You make it a point to buy organic locally grown produce but lately you’ve been discouraged because it’s such a pain in the ass to find parking
You make me kind of sick Go buy bike Go by bike Good bye car
It’s not that easy? it is that easy It comes in waves phases layers Stratigraphy chronology history Do you see? Optician Optometrist Ophthalmologist anthropologist artist cyclist You get the gist
If you fix other people’s bikes Does it help your bike karma? If you steal other people’s bikes Does it hurt your bike karma?
Yes Yes
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you're on my right
August 31, 2008
 Pull out a postcard Not enough for a letter Try a text message Safer than a phone call
Once more with feeling I don’t want one I want both
Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take 2.54 cm Call it even, you’re square perpendicular right angle
Perfectly acceptable even admirable A full bar in your office Discouraged frowned upon illegal A beer in my office
That’s not an empty promise It’s the promise of an empty page an empty cup an empty bar As glamorous as a Quonset hut appetizing as discarded dental floss
Pushing circles into squares Brake pads rubbing tires low chain dry Dehydrated toasted twice over Just over that hill there’s One more hill
If you want something done right then do it right
On your left, he said In a roundabout Seattle way Clearly he was on my right passively asking me to say On your left as I passed him But I didn’t I don’t I wouldn’t I won’t
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brass nipples
August 30, 2008

Ode to Uniform Spoke Tension What it is What it was What it could be
A cheap set of tires can Make a great wheel set feel like shit
A janky wheel set can Make a solid frame feel hoopty
There is nothing like The feel of a tight new frame
Years of full time messenger work can Turn a steel frame into a noodle I’m eating pasta salad
What do you get when you mix the WSU marching band, Critical Mass and a Seahawks game? If you can figure out how to save the Alaskan Way Viaduct I bet you could figure out how to take the stairs
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after further review...
August 29, 2008

I think Mr. Chris Murray took this photo. and Mr. Dan Murray sent me this link about Mr. Ian picklejuicestrongestriderintheworld
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throw me down the stairs my hat
August 28, 2008
blood alcohol level
August 28, 2008
 Working closely with product engineers on a new Messenger Cycling Computer. While they are working feverishly to get a prototype out in time for Interbike, I’m not too worried about it because I was paid a healthy sum long ago for my consultant role and the money is in the bank, or it was.
This computer will appear to the untrained eye, to be just like any other cycling computer. However in addition to the basic functions it will monitor a number of messenger-specific concerns.
Once it is properly calibrated for wheel size, body weight, metabolism, age, legal messenger experience and dispatch style, functions will include the following:
Speed Mileage Average speed, top speed Time in the saddle Cadence Heart rate Blood alcohol level Power output Stress Level Misdirected anger Time standing by Picks Drops Total tags Time sleeping Money earned Money spent Police presence indicator Caloric output Caloric intake GPS locator Bad routing warning Nextel direct connect
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bratwurst bikes beer
August 28, 2008

It was like a party before and after an alleycat, but there was no alleycat, just the party. 
And that's the way it was
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she tied you to her kitchen chair
August 27, 2008
 Walking towards the door Patting myself down Feeling for things - essentials Keys lock phone helmet bag pants keys Sending out signals like a 3rd base coach To imaginary base runners Zoned out but in the zone How many times have I ridden down this hill On the way to work Many many many many times Timing on the lights changes as the day goes on
Entering the door Taking a sip from the fountain Like a dip in the holy water at the church entrance Not so much thirst as routine or superstition Not religion in a organized group timely way Same time different day
Seamlessly fluidly flowing Between fantasy and reality Between the sidewalk and the street On the smoothest handi ramps ever ever
Visualize white shoes after labor day A change of scenery A change of pace A change in the weather Same city different job Same job different city The grass is always greener The smell of grass stained football season That back-to-school feeling Back to school for an MBA Seeking tangible results More digits on the paycheck But I’d prefer an MFA more words written on the page more digits in the debt column Neither will get me a barbacking job At a bar I’d rather be in front of
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RAGBRAI continued
August 26, 2008

hundreds and hundreds more RAGBRAI photos here
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party pizzas
August 25, 2008

A firm handshake, eye contact and a smile are more important to me than a written contract or any paperwork you can come up with. But you just took a wicked shit and ran out of the men’s room with out washing your hands. Have a nice day Mr. Big Shot Attorney, I’m glad I don’t have to shake your hand.
Potato salad sandwiches. Open face bagel melts smothered in pasta salad. Baked potatoes topped with potato chips. Cold spaghetti wrapped in a tortilla. Why would I drink low carb beer? That’s like eating an entire cheesecake and sipping a non-fat latte. That’s like eating 4 Big Macs with fries and sipping a diet coke. That’s like low alcohol whiskey. Don’t get me wrong. I can drink Milwaukee’s Best Light all day long. I’ll drink Busch Light because it’s on sale. I will not go out of my way and pay more money for Michelob Ultra because it’s got less carbs but I‘d like to think I can still live life to the ultra. Appetite suppressant, nutritional supplement, social lubricant. Sports recovery drink, breath freshener, attitude adjustment. Lunch, snack, on the go anytime. Got beer? Beer it’s what’s for dinner. Beer it’s not just for breakfast anymore.
 You think your job sucks? Think your boss sucks?
Email your story to and it will be cut & pasted -as is- after you read some of these stories, you won’t feel so bad. 8-27-8 anonymous Whenever i try to explain how bad this one company i used to work at and specifically the scumbag who owned and ran the company i usually tell this story. At the first messenger company in seattle I worked at there was this really quiet driver. he never spoke to anyone and everyone left him alone. At the same time there was an older lady driver, which at the time was novel to me since most drivers i'd met were male. What was also unusual about her was that she wasn't very good at the job and obviously disliked it yet still kept trying to do it. Eventually i had to quit to go back to my home state and when i got back a year or two later i asked about them. It turns out that the older lady was the quiet driver's mother and had gotten the job to find out what the relationship between the company's owner and her son was. Apparently the owner had found the poor guy homeless and offered him the driving job in trade for a place to stay. His mother wound up suing the owner for not only not paying her son a salary but also stealing his disabilty or social security checks (i can't remember which) and sexual assault.
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turkey pot pie
August 25, 2008
you forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful Mr. Toothaker told me about 2,865 stolen bikes on Friday. But I couldn’t find it online. Then last night I was sitting at the bar, staring at the wall and Michael walked up to me and handed me the NY Times from Friday and pointed out the same article. Wow. What does that mean? That means it’s worth reading.
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easy cheese
August 23, 2008

I think therefore I die -- I think therefore I am born -- Let me be void still -- Like a happy child lost in a sudden dream and when his buddy addresses him he doesn’t hear, his buddy nudges him he doesn’t move; finally seeing the purity and truth of his trance the buddy watches in wonder -- you can never be that pure again, and jump out of such trances with a happy gleam of love, being an angel in the dream
Jack Kerouac Desolation Angels
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go your own way
August 23, 2008

the first person to bring me one of these signs, gets a pilderwasser T-shirt if you bring a metal one with the green arrows, that's a bonus ...
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another foot soldier in General Malaise's Army
August 22, 2008

Come Monday, it'll be alright All the healthy attitude, pleasant outlook, discipline, motivation and goal oriented focus found briefly over the weekend, wore off by Monday afternoon. By Wednesday, swimming in a fog, staring at an extra large indifference salad with a side of malaise. But by Friday things don’t seem so bad. Everyone has their own ways to avoid the bummer life It’s all in what you focus on. If you choose to ignore something, you’re just aiming your focus on something else. Pay attention, ignore, drown out, eat more Cheetos, smoke another pack, suppress it, repress it, displace it, deal with it, distract, go for a walk or view through the bottom of a pint glass. 220...221...whatever it takes.
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August 21, 2008

sub-pop photo thanks for the shirt Sam. I like kittens but what's the the rmals?
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puppies & kittens
August 20, 2008

reconnected with an old friend today outside 1001. He kept sneaking up on me when I wasn’t looking as if he wanted something in my bag. I gave him a few peanuts but I think he was more interested in the remnants of a tuna sandwich from a sloppy day camp kid that had lunch in the same spot earlier.
Holding a few Kings, standing by and by. Electronic filing is taking a bite out of business and idle hands are tools of the brewing company. So I decided to make a list. Then I could go back and check it twice and feel like I accomplished something. It all started when a truck drove by claiming to be an expert gutter cleaner.
Gutter cleaner, leaf blower, weed whacker, grave digger, dog walker, chain tensioner, house painter, divorce lawyer, downtube shifter, hair straightener, left handed putter, art history professor, Honjo fender, Christian Science Monitor, Des Moines Register, baggage handler, beautiful bartender, 3-ring binder, Seattle Legal driver, KnR courier, ABC legal messenger, friendly reminder, backed up sewer, lilac honeysuckle conditioner, play-by-play announcer, designated hitter, pure shooter, left-footed midfielder, outside linebacker, allstar centerfielder, barefooted kicker, sure handed receiver, yoga instructor, puppies & kittens calendar, permanent marker, pawnshop DVD player, mortgage broker, investment banker, meat tenderizer, potato peeler, cherry pitter, apple corer, boring copywriter, hot candy striper, burned out stripper, underwater basket weaver, angry vengeful dispatcher, Texas Instruments calculator, two way pager, smoke jumper, fuzzy pink pipe cleaner, train conductor, cat shit scooper, fingernail polish remover, wedding singer, sleazy photographer, small-time silk screener, 4 D battery vibrator End of list. 

hey Kevin, why didn't you get the red one? Seattle traffic is a delicate little ecosystem, easily upset by the slightest change in its surrounding environment or the most subtle disturbance. A sporting event, visiting dignitary, political protesters, road construction or just a dead pigeon in the street. Traffic chokes to a halt, flow ceases and the arteries are blocked. At times walking is faster than driving. And most of the time in the core a bike is the way to go. Like dickstank said, "bike messengers are like helpful parasites, easing constipation in the bowels of the city."
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August 19, 2008

this time it's for real until next time The pendulum keeps swinging. Eventually it will catch up and pass you. But don’t worry, you’ll catch it on the way back. Or just sit and wait for it.
tonight will be fine 
Please, can I just get some advice? You might be a messenger (or a dispatcher) if you wake up somewhere sometime fully clothed or completely naked at home or in a strange place and you blink your eyes a few times trying to focus on a digital clock. But instead of seeing time you see an address: 10:01 - 6:35 - 21:01 - 9:09 - 11:11 - 14:20 - 3:33 - 6:06 - 4:25 
it's all fun and games until somebody poops their pants On a rainy day following a long string of sun, one tends to be underdressed. On a sunny day following a long string of rain, one tends to be overdressed. On and on. So it goes Water proof. It keeps the rain out and it keeps the sweat in. Would you rather be soaked in rain or soaked in sweat? Water resistant. Breathable. It doesn’t really keep the rain out and it sort of lets the sweat out. Half-assing it both ways just might be better than fully committing one way middle of the road milquetoast Would you rather wear a Rock Racing team kit or a Candy Striper Uniform? you can only choose one and you must wear it to work all day long
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hold the pickles, hold the lettuce
August 17, 2008

Special orders don't upset "us" We’ll be right over No problem We’ll pick it up in less than a minute and We’ll have it delivered in less than 10 with a smile It’s a round trip? No problem It’s 36 bankers boxes? No problem It’s rural Whatcom County? No problem It’s after 6:30pm? No problem at all
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grass stains
August 16, 2008
love stinks
August 15, 2008
you love her but she loves him and he loves somebody else you just can't win
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steady as she goes
August 14, 2008
 Windows that don't open recycled air conditioned elevator music reflected diluted sedated in the glass That’s not possible. Those streets run parallel Anything is possible It’s not reality. It’s poetry. Are you kidding me? Meet me on the corner of Pike and Pine I can be there in a matter of minutes Just because you can’t make sense of it Is it all nonsense? If 35 people read this sentence And 34 of them thought it was horseshit That’d be fine with me if the 35th one smiled and said yes Yes. Right on. It’s all worth it If I can get Bill Strickland’s attention I’m honored. Thank you.
Wednesday was a whacking day Today is my Thursday If we met on Facebook It’d be a Tupperware lunch date and Her preparation might be intimidating With both hands on the hands-free headset The green carpeted bike lane fueled An even greater false sense of security Wicked green pebble impregnated road rash An industrial sized tub of Ogden Murphy breath mints Wouldn’t be enough
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honky tonk
August 13, 2008

I’ll take six of one, half dozen of the other and couple of those too.
56 once told me, if the Rolling Stones are playing in the background, pay attention, something important is about to happen. 
Seattle PI - Mike Kane photo
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August 13, 2008
I wouldn't want your job on a day like this
August 12, 2008

here's Bill, high atop Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire Mind your Ps and Qs
stacked up jacked up stored up saved up pent up until you’re finally ready to say something take a shot at making sense of it not all of it at least some of it
Ready to decant the incantation Revealing a revelation --rarely Replaying the theme song --likely Repeating the mantra --repeatedly Retracing the habit trail --understandably
Once in a while the same old ingredients yield a new interesting concoction
or maybe you’re just hungry
Let’s not put all our eggs on one bridge That’s all water under the basket
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Dear Abbey
August 11, 2008

7:45am - Friday July 25, 2008 - North Liberty, Iowa Approaching 8:00am on a Friday. Most of North America was going to work, about to get up for work or was already at work. But in the RAGBRAI zone here’s what was happening at this moment in the pilderwasser collective:
Left over fried rice. Half full/Half empty beer. Gatorade. Soy sauce. Cell phone. Becky’s jug of vodka. Abbey’s diet Mountain Dew. All resting neatly atop Jason (the cooler) half full/half empty with ice cold Old Style Light. To your right you’ll find a box of Triscuits and a Triscuits box full of summer sausage from the previous night (see cutting board and knife) You’d have to reach in one or the other to know which is which. Seated just behind Jason you see Abbey in her ruby slippers, with a very nice digital camera taking very nice digital photos in the very nice Iowa morning. In the near distance you see a chamois tree that was decorated with chamois the night before. A little further back Old Glory, flapping in the wind, illuminated all night and day with its own dedicated spotlight. All of this was taking place on lush green grass in a park in North Liberty, Iowa.
The citizens in RAGBRAI were feeling good, having a ball and heading into their last full day and night of the seven day fiesta. The citizens in the rest of the world had no clue what was really going on in RAGBRAI.
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August 11, 2008

would you pay $30 for a beer hat (plus shipping) made from a 12 pack or would you prefer to buy a 12 pack for $7.49, drink it and then put the empty box on your head. Yesterday I got a 30 pack of Beast for $13.99. Drink that and the empty box would look good on anybody.
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business as usual
August 10, 2008
Why does the nausea seem to hit me in the face when the elevator doors close? This stagnant little cube of office building air is not helping me locate my coordinates in the no-man’s land between drunk and hung-over. But at least I’m not sharing this one with a herd of loud talking backslapping officetrons trying to one-up each other with tales of conspicuous weekend consumption. Stay on the sunny side, always on the sunny side…yeah right. A 42 story elevator ride is plenty of time to shed a layer or two because that ride into town always makes me feel overdressed. It’s because my apartment is so cold which leads to donning too many layers for the downhill bomb into base. And then when pedaling is required it gets too hot. Whatever. I think I’m still drunk. They said this delivery is office service but it’s a Federal subpoena and obviously it should be process service. The date on the messenger slip is five months old there‘s no suite number and they don‘t even know how to fill out the slip. Do you want me to do it right or do you want me to do what you say? I know you don’t know what you’re doing but I also know how to play the game. And I know you will try and change your mind and blame me next week when the attorney blames you. But most importantly I know how to cover my ass. Rubber stamp this. I don’t feel so good. Maybe I should take off this sweater. Maybe I need to take a shit. Maybe I’m closer to hung-over than drunk. I took a shower but I wonder if I smell like beer. If I had eaten some food yesterday would I feel better right now? Maybe I should try drinking water once in a while. I‘ve heard some good things about water. I’m ditching this sweater…oh of course now the elevator stops. On 38. It’s the FedEx woman. I like her. She’s just going up to 39 but she’s sort of attractive in an interesting I‘d-like-to-take-your-clothes-off kind of way. I’m glad I didn’t have all my shirts all the way off when the doors opened. Just another disaster avoided. Another hair-raising close call in the dangerous reckless tattooed pierced rebellious misfit life of a bike messenger. Whatever. Been that. Done there. A few hundred times. I’m still drunk. What time is it? Thanks to Treebeard, who told me about this video today Thanks to Erik Jahnz who sent me this photo a couple years ago. Process Service at 603 Stewart actual conversation:
I’m pretty busy here, do you need something?
No I just have a subpoena for you.
How do you know it’s for me?
Because I’ve been here before (About 25 times, your name is on the door you grumpy old CPA you‘re the only one here and you‘re so served)
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it was as big as a whale
August 10, 2008

CMWC in DC, the Vietnam War nurses sculpture 3:30am September 5, 1998 
The Big House coffee table Grinnell, Iowa on a spring night in 1991 
Cal Anderson Park Seattle 3:30pm August 9, 2008 
Arches National Park 9:30 am March 1990
Dust Bunny Hunting 6:07pm August 9, 2008 Take a bunch of photos spanning 20 years, put them in wooden box and shake it up. Then pull out 5 photos and put them in a row. What does it all mean? It means whatever you want it to mean. It means yesterday. It means 18 years ago. It means Cycle Messenger World Championships. It means dust bunnies. It means Boone’s Farm and ruffled shirts. It means it’s a photo essay.
That was now. This is then.
There’s a little slideshow for Mr. Daniel E. Murray starting on the phot-o-rama page. Because we had us a Fury as big as a whale, and it set sail all over the Southwest back in 1990. Visualize cooking hotdogs on the hood of the car in a liquor store parking lot in Reno. Imagine dancing in the sunset off I-80 clutching two peanut butter sandwiches. Throwing rocks in Moab and sunbathing in Salt Lake. The brakes went out in Sacramento, the windshield wipers never worked.
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don't stop believing
August 8, 2008

no photoshop here. don't play that game this shot was taken at 5th & Pike this afternoon If you stand around long enough the background changes Free range fish in a fennel cream sauce Herb roasted red potatoes Asparagus spears with a twist of lemon and a milkshake a singer in a smokey room the smell of wine and cheap perfume
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easy on the ebb
August 8, 2008

ebb & flow
peak & trough
compression & rarefaction
amplitude wavelength frequency cycle
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August 7, 2008

How many times do you think Alor has been to Foster Pepper?
It’s a number that cannot be computed. An incomprehensible figure. The equivalent of a theoretical unknown.
Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan could mull it over.
Call from Foster! Do you copy Foster? Call me on the phone from Foster!!! One more time around might do it
play it again
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is that a pickle roll in your hand
August 6, 2008

What if you wore a white bike helmet, a Credit Agricole cycling cap and a reddish shirt to work on Wednesday August 6? And what if you were dispatched a pickup at One Union at 11:27am? And what if you saw a couple other messengers doing the same thing at the same time on the same day? One of these kids is not like the others…or maybe all of these kids are just like the others. Onions & honey Pickles & cool whip Garlic & massage oil
yes & yes again
sweat sweet so what a bruise on my ass near my back pocket looks surprisingly similar to an ass-pocket U lock
Who knew?
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we'd like to help you learn to help yourself
August 6, 2008

Dank Nextel Coozie.
Once again the guys at DANK have produced a winner. Multitasking efficiency. Keep your finger on the button, keep your hand on the beer. Stand the-fuck by with confidence in style.
Did you get the memo? August 6, 2008
To: You
From: The Man
Subject: Consumer Confidence
Due to rising fuel costs, everything in your life is now more expensive.
Due to rising fuel costs, you will not receive a cost-of-living pay increase this year or next year or the next.
Suck it up.

koo koo ka choo Mrs. Robinson
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happy birthdays
August 4, 2008
 Dog days Cat walks Fish heads
Happy feet Jazz hands Lady fingers
Road trips Room mates Bunk beds
Sports bras Jock straps Athletes feet
Sharp cheddars Dull conversations Worn-out relationships
Horizontal stripes Lateral moves Glass houses
Tall boys Road masters Wine coolers
Bar tenders Binge drinkers Bike messengers
Wear a helmet Wear a condom Wear a seatbelt Wear a lifejacket Wear bright colors Wear sunscreen Where do we go
Where do we go now?
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August 4, 2008

Sunday afternoon bikes, blue angels, beer and baseball 
Is it raining?
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live life to the Ultra
August 2, 2008

One more for the road One for you and two for me One if by land two if by sea
buy one get one free
I’m on your left You’re on my right pheromone turn signals bright light
It’s not about gas prices It’s not about the environment that light was red and so is this one
red Port green Starboard Left, right? right On board overboard or just bored
Dorsal ventral bilateral Top to bottom collateral Forward pass not lateral
Take that to the bank and smoke it sawed-off shotgun subtlety Recount includes absentee just so we're clear on this are we clear on this
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eight one eight
August 1, 2008

easy like Friday morning
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let's call the whole thing off
July 31, 2008

You say tomato. I say clamato You say potato. I say burrito You say honey bucket. I say kybo
You say nonfat decaf. I say what’s the point? You say low carb beer. I say you’re kidding me You say human relations. I say bullshit.
You say career. I say inertia. You say maturity. I say restraint. You say 401k. I say what day is it?
You say electronic filing? I say it’s about time. You say college fund. I say get a job. You say purple crayon. I say scribble away
You say are you my Bucky? I say are you my Becky? You say sky lobby. I say floor 40. You say double rush. I say whatever
You say antioxidants. I say box of wine You say responsibility. I say repeat the question You say hey. I say ho.
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July 30, 2008

I don't know where I'm going...
...but I sure know where I've been. If you missed RAGBRAI this year, or even if you didn’t and just want to relive the experience, a good place to start would be this song or try this song too. Then try both at the same time. Place the speakers on a friends bike, turn the volume up too high and have them ride by you a few times so you can experience a the Doppler Effect. Repeat as needed. Then take a nip of this
I need to take a moment to thank Jimbo for everything including the care of our team bus in Grinnell during the “off season” and especially for the storage of my bike. For 357 days my RB-1 sat idle in Jim’s basement. When I arrived in Grinnell the day before RAGBRAI, I retrieved it, scraped the mold off the saddle and handlebars, put air in the tires, lubed the chain and rode it across Iowa without any mechanical issues at all. At the end of the ride I put the old Bridgestone back in Jim’s basement for another 51 weeks of safe keeping. This storage has already saved me $400 dollars in would-be shipping costs to and from Seattle and lots of potential damage from UPS or DHL drivers. Thanks Jim.
You know it was a good vacation when you return to work and can’t remember where anything is. Client names sound funny. Addresses are meaningless and time deadlines seem pointless. The dispatcher said “noon deadline” and I just laughed. I hadn’t really looked at a clock for almost two weeks. (airport clocks don’t count) My responsibilities consisted of putting my clothes on and riding my bike to the next town. The coffee beer continuum was out the window, off the hook, off the chain, in the RAGBRAI zone.
Now I am expected to be certain places on time and play by the rules. Strapped to a Nextel once again.
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zooted out
July 29, 2008

this is Ian 
this is Ian's bike Ian is one of the memorable characters from RAGBRAI this year. He bought a Schwinn cruiser at a thrift store for $30 and rode it across Iowa. But he didn’t just ride it, he rode the shit out of it. He’s one of the strongest riders I’ve ever seen. If he was on a road bike he could have completed the route twice with the amount of power he put into the pedals of that cruiser.
Ian spent the nights wherever he ended up, because he carried all his own gear, which consisted of a jacket, a sleeping pad and a seemingly endless supply of Yerba Mate and hot water.
Ian has an amazing outlook on life and it was mpossible not to laugh when you spoke with him. We encountered him daily along the route and made him an honorary member of the collective. As you can see he’s sporting a pilderwasser sticker on his thermos.
In this pass-through town Ian appeared with a stack of ham, some cream cheese and a jar of pickles. He made pickle rolls for everyone, including second servings for a couple local kids. When the pickles ran out he topped off the jar of juice with a bottle of rum and passed it around.
Ride on Ian. 
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rider off
July 28, 2008

Just got home from an epic journey. The bike ride across Iowa was great. The airline travel to and from Iowa sucked. After a 9 hour layover in DFW the first thing I did upon arrival back in Seattle this morning was call in “jacked up” and take another day off work. Then as soon as I got home I hung up a 10’ x 3’ Michelob Ultra RAGBRAI banner in my apartment. A member of the pilderwasser collective liberated it from a beer garden somewhere last week. It’s off-gassing like a cheap shower curtain but it sure looks good.
There’s no I in team. There’s one I in pilderwasser. Pillow officer. Pillow biter. Pussy whistle. Pisser water. Whatever. it’s a collective.
My bed, no my bad, no it’s my bed. I haven’t slept in my own bed since July 17. 489 miles on a bike across Iowa. 489 cans of cheap beer consumed. I’m exhausted. Who knew??
I brought home about 100 photos from the Iowa adventures and perhaps 33 of them are worth sharing here. And I plan to share them on a new RAGBRAI photo page then a slide show and maybe I’ll regurgitate a few anecdotes too. When Dan sets up a remote server, we can link to a fiesta of 3000 photos from many people over the past 4 years. Stay tuned Theres flies in the kybo I can hear em there buzzing I aint done nothing since I woke up today How the hell can a person ride a bike in the morning All the way to the evening with no beer along the way Tent cities sprouting, 20,000 cyclists camping, team bus choking, carburetor flaming, fire extinguishing, electric fuel pump installing.
rain pattering, temperature dropping, lightening cracking, wind blowing, thunderstorm warning, storm shelter taking (or not)… zippers zipping, tent poles chopsticking, charter service yelling, early risers leaving while pilderwasser is still sleeping.
Tires deflating, floor pumping, tubes exploding, pedals turning, spokes popping, gears shifting, cross chaining, derailleurs rubbing, bob trailer stereos blaring in pace lines drafting.
Perineum pressing, bike shorts revealing, lumbar vertebrae glistening, skin sunburning, chamois buttering, bag balming, hands numbing, knees throbbing, pain killers working, sweaty sunscreen dripping into eyes watering.
Tacos walking, pork pulling, loose meating, tender loining, corn cobbing, pie al la moding, intestines gurgling, butterscotch pudding extruding into kybo over cooking.
Jason filling, Jason emptying, beer cans spangling, coozies sweating, water bottles depleting, dehydrating, gatorading, pilderwasser reconvening for beer store reloading, refueling, relaxing.
State Troopers closing, beer gardens emptying, fireflies twinkling, bull frogs croaking, blinky lights blinking into another day RAGBRAI-ing 2008.
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time out <<<<<>>>>> I'm out
July 17, 2008
Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa RAGBRAI
a little bit of this
a bit of that
and a whole lot of this
Call it a vacation if that makes you feel better. I call it a busman’s holiday. Leaving my bike messenger job to spend a week riding a bike across Iowa. But it’s not just a bike ride. It’s a party. It’s a circus of 15,000 cyclists. It’s a road trip on bikes from the Missouri River to the Mississippi. It’s an annual convention, meeting up with old friends, friends I haven’t seen since the last time I was in Iowa. Once again I encourage all of you to experience RAGBRAI if you ever get a chance to take a week off in late July. There is nothing on earth quite like it.
The messenger lifestyle is ideal training for enjoying RAGBRAI to the fullest. Consistently consuming large quantities of beer and inconsistently consuming large quantities of food. A lot of people can ride a bike. Not a lot of people can hop back on their bike after consuming a Bimbo’s Burrito and two pitchers of Rainier and keep it together or hold it down. Who can eat the Zum Zum special in 7 minutes? The messenger can. When the calendar turns June into July, it’s time to really focus and get serious. Listening to Steve Miller’s Greatest Hits a few times a week seems to help as does applying chapstick SPF 15 or higher. As you taper down your training in the final days before the big week, interval training your alcohol consumption will payoff in beer gardens all across the state of Iowa. I’ll be back in about 10 days.
until then… No Bluetooth. No Blackberry. No blogging. No bullshit. But there will be plenty of beer bagels bananas bicycles and beautiful women on bicycles drinking beer. Cheers Sincerely for real
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you got what I need
July 16, 2008

and you say he's just a friend nice line Ritchie... nice work TreeBeard proper bike fit is essential
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July 15, 2008
 some things go right some things go wrong some things just go They just go along
routine - route - rote - rut
A close call on wet tracks A dropped chain A series of flats
A stuck elevator A bad address An angry cop
An overpriced tofu burrito A plastic cactus A really sick cat
A mispronounced name A missed connection A long layover
A punch in the gut A slap in the face A kick in the ass
Just a handshake and a smile can be an amazing conversation an unspoken communication
CAUTION: The use of an eye-opener to remove blinders has proven to be painful in some humans and may result in a new perspective
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Bhy Kracke
July 13, 2008

Cool Guy Park Saturday in the park, I think it was the 12th of July. Nice day for a bike ride or a bike race. Jace put on a good show with the Mind of the Eccentric alley cat. I worked the 300 East Pike checkpoint and the day was so nice that I left a note with the bartender and moved my checkpoint to a park one block down the street. The first six racers caught me at the bar and didn’t lose any time rerouting. The next six however had to find Pilderwasser at Plymouth Pillars Park for the performance of a notorial act.
Stops included Bhy Kracke Park, Civic Plaza, Smith Cove Park, Discovery Park and Freeway Park. I think Craig won the race but it was hard to keep track of the action from my perspective Perhaps I can post the results when I get them from a race official. Didn’t make it to the finish line either but I made it all the way to Cool Guy Park.
March 12, 2008 
April 24, 2008 
July 12, 2008
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seven eleven
July 11, 2008

Hop-on Hop-off What if you gave it all you had. Put everything in. All of it into the drive-side pedal as you pulled up on the bars to drop off a very large curb from the sidewalk because you got pinched by an SUV turning left back at the last intersection. And what if from your big energy investment all you got in return was a dropped chain. Leaving you and your inertia all up and over the bars and sending you to meet Pike street face first fast… genuflecting hard, harder than you ever did before. your right knee sucking up most of it and your hands able to hold your face up off the road and you thought your were fine until your fully-loaded messenger bag came up a split second later and cracked the whip on the back of your head. Bummer dude.
125mm Salsa stem supporting a 40 pound file box Nestled “safely” in the cockpit between my elbows With a nudge from a knee here and there Ready for takeoff. The flight path looks clear and when it’s all downhill bulk jobs aren’t so bad But I suggest taping the lid down
Where have you been all my winters? Where have all the layers gone? long time passing beneath waterproof shells and sweaters I didn’t see you but I can see clearly now the rain has gone and I can see clearly now how hot you are. Yes it is summer in Seattle
Copenhagen that’s in Denmark right? Copenhagen that’s in the back pocket of your 501s Who put the dip in your lip da dip da lip
Altostratus cumulus cumulonimbus We sure could use an economic stimulus The check is in the mail. The money however cannot be possessed or owned, just gently redirected. Try to get a firm grip and it passes through the fingers like fine dry sand. When Chad bought a nipple driver onesie from me he met me at the bar and handed me a $20. I handed him $5 and he one-touched it off to Cory to buy a coozie. The $20 landed briefly on the table before it was quickly redirected into the local economy paying off the bartender.
It’s amazing what people can accomplish when they don’t have a choice It’s amazing how annoying people can be when they’re given a choice
I’ll take another beer and a black bean burger with bacon swiss cheese, fries and a side of alliteration
I went 4 for 6 In baseball I’d be batting 667 But what you hear me saying is I bought a six-pack and only gave 2 away
Seven Eleven My knee hurts but I have to say it was a good day
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visualize 800 5th
July 10, 2008

it is what you think it is stop here on red this must be the place
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what we have here is
July 10, 2008

It rubs the grease on its rails or else it gets the squeak again
The squeaky wheel gets the grease The squeaky saddle gets annoying
here's to turning 20 (twenty years old)
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you want some of this
July 9, 2008
 this time it's for real Sponsors include:
Counterbalance Bicycles Mobius Cycles 20/20 cycles DANK Bags pilderwasser
That’s right Bro
around 11:50am southbound 5th Avenue near Pike Street.
Busses pull over to pick people up. That’s what busses do. Bike messengers go around stopped busses. That’s what bike messengers do.
A bus stopped in the right lane and I went around it, still in my lane, cruising in the 2 or 3 foot gap. No big deal. Happens all the time. But I guess it made the guy in the center lane nervous so he honked at me. I put out my left hand palm-up wondering what he was honking at. Then he pulled up next to me and yelled “the rules of the road apply to you too.” and I said “that’s right Bro” as I knocked on the passenger door of his large SUV three times with enthusiasm. Because I didn’t break any rules and I was in a hurry to file at the courthouse by noon.
When I touched his vehicle he got a little more fired up and shadowed me up 5th to about Seneca when he yelled “you see these lights?” and I just kept riding because I didn’t see any lights, riding only two feet from the side of his car I didn‘t notice much except that he might pin me into the next bus that‘s was stopped ahead.
Then he really starts yelling “Hey! Hey! You see this? PULL OVER” and he flashes his badge. I saw his badge and then I noticed his moustache. Then I finally stopped and got off my bike at 5th & Madison mostly worried about not making my noon filings. I didn’t say a word, just looked at the ground and feigned the respect that this law enforcement official seeks in his daily work life.
But officer unmarked SUV never got out of the car. He just yelled at me some more about rules of the road and then drove away. That was no SPD officer, I guess he was some sort of bullshit Federal Cop or maybe he was a Podunk detective from Chehalis that had never seen a bike messenger ride in traffic. The unmarked Seattle SUVs are obviously cop cars with all the do-dads and accessories. It was just a silver SUV with an angry moustache behind the wheel.
I made my court filings with copies to the judge’s mailroom by 11:58am.
I’ve been honked at and yelled at more in the last two weeks than in all of the last year. Is it because my riding style has changed? Hell no. If anything I’m slower and more cautious in my old age and I have a healthy respect for most motorists.
I think it’s because of rising gas prices. Bike Messengers helping the rich get richer since 1896
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same time different day
July 8, 2008
 How many dispatchers does it take to screw up a light bulb?
At least two.
One to take the call, nail down the details, get the ball rolling and then walk away for a long lunch break leaving everyone hanging because they didn't tell anyone what’s going on. Then one or more to try and step in and pick up the pieces.
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Where y'all from?
July 7, 2008

Predictable, reliable, accessible, comfortable like a chicken Caesar salad It’s better not to get too comfortable, overconfident or cocky. Continually playing the home field advantage, retracing the old habit trails. Playing big fish in the same old pond where everybody knows your name. You’re a badass back home but we’re not in Kansas anymore. Just like going out for a ride and getting a beer in a bar in Enumclaw or Cle Elum can be an eye opener, taking a digger once in a while can be good for you. It doesn’t have to be a full-on agony-of-defeat smash up. Even a slow motion keel over on the sidewalk does the trick. Or a drunken fall on top of a friends bike right in the doorway of your favorite bar will humble you for a while. A wake-up call from gravity is a good thing. A gentle reminder of who’s really in charge here. A little road rash souvenir to take back and show your friends.
Learned helplessness Government worker syndrome Cruising on auto pilot Remember there’s always a manual override option Use it You don’t have to read the instruction manual but Figure it out
Yes Self contained. Self sufficient. Independent. Like bike touring across the country with two panniers As opposed to a fully-supported ride from one bed & breakfast to another
Two great tastes that taste great together Tequila and Asparagus Who needs a lime when you can down a shot and bite into a pickled spear of asparagus You smelled it here first
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what we talk about when we talk about what
July 7, 2008

One for you. Two for me. 
3 sweaters on 3 speeds When you look good you feel good nothing looks better than a hand-knit sweater On a bicycle
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we wanna be free to do what we wanna do
July 4, 2008
Wishing you and yours the very best this Holiday Yesterday I got a little RAGBRAI interval training in with Mr. Jonny Sundt when he happened to “step into my office”
Word Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house I go
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Back Off, I got a sharrow here
July 2, 2008

My right brain scribbled purple crayon My left brain calculated mechanical pencil
My right brain fell in love While my left brain did the math
My right brain made out at a Seahawks game While my left brain called security
My right brain went skinny dipping While my left brain applied more sunscreen
My right brain rode barefoot to the beer store My left brain packed 2 tubes, a pump and a patch kit
My right brain ordered dessert My left brain packed a lunch
My right brain stayed up all night My left brain set an alarm and went to bed early
My right brain did the unexpected
My left brain lived up to expectations
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July 2, 2008
fish needs bicycle there were no bullshit traffic tickets issued to Seattle messengers yesterday because the local police finally had a bigger fish to fry. A big fried fish casserole of a bank robbery, a high speed car chase all over town topped off with a shoot em up multiple shots fired. Mr. Craig Etheridge sent me this photo. Take a close look at this chuffer’s front wheel. His fork is backwards. I’m guessing he pulled this bike out of a mail-order box and took it upon himself to handle the “some assembly required” If you spot this Lamborghini road bike around town, do the guy a favor and flip his bars around for him. And while you’re at it you might want to tighten all the bolts and adjust everything else on his bike too. It’s people like this that crash their bikes because they put them together wrong or their quick release levers are all the way open instead of all the way closed and then they file lawsuits against bike shops, bike distributors and bike manufacturers. 
This is a pie plate for the Bike Snob If you lived around here Mr. Bike Snob, I’d bring you this whole Huffy. The bike shop guy is crazy, so he wouldn’t sell me the pie plate or even the rear wheel he’d try to sell me the whole bike for $400.
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smell the glove
July 1, 2008
 Everyday is messenger appreciation day on elevators. Summer has arrived in Seattle but elevator conversations continue to be about the weather. The smells, however have changed. Because the smell of freedom at 82 degrees differs slightly from the smell of freedom at 52 degrees. I wouldn’t want your job on a day like this.
On a hot day I enjoy entering a crowded elevator still dripping sweat from the last time I actually rode my bike. Then I like to run my hand across the top of my head. Each hair only 3/8” long, but collectively just long enough to propel a fine mist of perspiration into the air for all to share.
Who can ride an elevator and in the span of 7 floors Change his shirt and put on a fresh pair of drawers
The messenger The messenger can cuz he mixes it with sweat and makes the world smell good
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here & there now & then
June 29, 2008

A red scrunchy caught my eye. Discarded-unwanted or lost-sorely-missed. Either way it’s resting in the gutter. Either way it’s reminding me of you. Letting your hair down or putting your hair up. The look. The smell. The taste of your neck.
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June 28, 2008
 What do we have here? last my ass critical Friday congregate hydrate lubricate agitate migrate duplicate do it again one more time ---- move along one way two way my way your way either way whatever vector scalar tensor direction location vocation vacation reapply after heavy perspiration energy entropy probability possibility We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it roadmaster forecaster Coinstar rockstar binder clip connoisseur guacamole regularly complete complex deplete duplex We’ve isolated the source of the problem what we have here is a loose scutcheon free time big time and no bigger fish to fry intense camping out in tents …RAGBRAI
What did you expect It’s about respect Rolling in on your parents’ credit card you don’t know me we don’t know you chill out back off slow down open your eyes pay attention got a good thing going -- don’t fuck it up pay your dues learn the rules play the game you can push it when you earn it until then take it someplace else
Take me to another place a place where she can go for a bike ride to the bar she can go beer-for-beer with me she can go and not piss off my favorite bartender she can go home with me
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taken out of context
June 26, 2008

To gain some perspective. See the big picture. See things in a new light. Some folks travel to exotic locations. Some seek solitude. Some enjoy cosmopolitan metropolitan social buzz. Some enjoy MountainDew style extreme sports. Some just like to hear themselves talk about themselves.
I enjoy pondering life’s great mysteries while perched high atop a barstool.
“Dude, you look pretty faded. Have you been here a while?” “yup since 1996.”  That gear ratio was too tall That gear ratio was too short This gear ratio is just right
Yellow Cab, Orange Cab, Blue Cop. You all drive Crown Victorias and you’re all annoying. Lulled to sleep by a consistent white noise. Dreaming of ocean waves gently lapping up the beach, but it was just the traffic droning on I-5.  Remember if you don’t know what you’re talking about a) talk louder b) make something up c) crack a joke d) all of the above e) shut the fuck up
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out on the weekend
June 26, 2008

I think I’ll pack it in and buy a Segway, take it down to LA
If I only ride my bike on sunny days in June Will you still respect me in February?
If I ride home with you this evening Will you still respect me in the morning?
If I drink 6 beers in the morning Will you still respect me in the evening?
If I ride a Segway Will you respect me at all?
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one less bumper sticker
June 24, 2008

Road Master: $2.00 Open Container ticket: $27.00 Public Urination citation: $54.00
Summer in Seattle: priceless
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June 24, 2008
 The fancy colors and ornate raised fonts on your original stock certificates from faux corporate headquarters in tax-sheltered Delaware caught my eye. Each piece of paper is worth 4,500 shares in your newly incorporated widget company. The much anticipated IPO, still nine weeks away. Not even an envelope to conceal them, just a paper clip holding them together. These aren’t due in Bellevue until Wednesday, so they’re going with me for a ride to spend the night on Capitol Hill.
First stop, Benson’s. Feeling 13,500 shares of stock pressed against my back by a six pack of tall boys brings a smile to my face after a long day. The projected value at IPO of those 3 sheets of paper is $1,120,000. The retail value of those six beers is $4.58. The barrier between them is a thin plastic bag.
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what it is
June 23, 2008

the sophomores are making fun of the freshmen the seniors want to get in their pants Old Enough for me

With plenty of friends in low places there’s no reason to take any shit from “higher-ups” Especially unreasonably rude misdirected strange ones
What it is. What is it? It is.
If you think your coffee will taste better In a light-colored mug It will
If you think your lunch will taste better In a yellow bowl It will
If you say it’s all in your mind - in your mind it is There’s no better place for it to be
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the most wonderful time of the year
June 22, 2008

Consumer confidence is holding low. Lower than it’s been since 1973. I can make things like that up and they’re believable because they’re not too far from the truth. Inflation continues. As rising fuel costs percolate throughout the economy and nearly every consumer is being touched in some way. Touch me I’m sick. You may be in denial as you say the prices of your favorite products haven’t gone up. But look closely and you’ll notice clever marketing and attractive packaging, giving you less product for the same old price. New & Improved. Longer lasting flavor. Long lasting odor control. Brighter Whites. Restful nights.
A consumer lacking confidence narrows his focus to the essentials like beer and cat litter. Today is CETMA rack day in the 98122. A 27# bucket of cat litter trucked home for Skunk and Brad. And soon an 18 pack of canned carbonated Yakima Valley hopped malted barley pop will be purchased, strapped down with a bungee cord and ridden to a local park to be consumed among friends.

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what's in the bag?
June 21, 2008
 I once met a hipster from Seattle who’s life would be an uphill battle if he ever rode his bike off Capitol Hill but he won’t he wouldn’t he don’t he couldn’t stop no cables no housing no brakes no gears No skills Plenty of attitude It’s about coffee and beers It’s about fixed gear gallery and full color glossy Coffee table books and feature length films Purple deep Vs shining hacking down bars to 7.3 Tight little pants sagging backward circles riding baseball cap tilting tattoos still glistening giant RE Load bagging obviously empty
A lifestyle choice but only after work and on weekends Hey I’m no bike snob. As the fixed gear gallery approaches 8,000 check out my Soma in there around #150. I’m all for getting more people out riding bikes. All kinds of people, all kinds of bikes doing whatever wherever however they want as long as they stay away from me.
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28 days later
June 20, 2008
 What if your only worry was finding a corn field in which to take a nature break -- and you were surrounded by corn as far as the eye could see? What if your greatest concern was how to wipe the sunscreen off your sunglasses -- because the lycra-spandex just wasn’t cutting it? What if your only goal for the day was to drink at least one beer in every pass-through town? What if you could soft-pedal on the back of a 56-person pace line and not feel the wind in your face for 12 miles? What if you rode your bike across Iowa, and your caloric intake far exceeded your caloric output?
28 days to RAGBRAI XXXVI
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it's not me, it's 622 bsd
June 18, 2008

If Paul Allen wants a street car, Paul Allen gets a street car. Even if it’s a $55,000,000.00 joke that’s slow, doesn’t really go anywhere, nobody rides and is referred to as the S.L.U.T.
If Bill & Melinda Gates want a left turn signal, they’ll get it, and whatever else they want 
red & white checker wrapped breakfast sandwiches drying out under the heat lamp since 6:45 two-for-one at 10:00 English muffins eggs cheese ham or sausage or bacon I’ll take two big bites stuck in my esophagus someplace need something to wash it down dehydrated since 1997 top-shelf tequila shots she was a great bartender yesterday was your Friday today is Wednesday Texture rhythm syntax context Q-factor crank arms Quick-release cantilevers It’s not you, it’s me. We’ve grown apart High flange double butted three cross deep section round true tension dish I need to focus on my career maybe go back to school thread pitch shell size spindle length loose ball sealed bearing cartridge I met someone else. I’m not attracted to you anymore It’s just not fun…not what it used to be 130 bcd not compatible with Campy Feeling pressure from my family 25.4... 28.6... 31.8 can we all get along I want to travel. You'd like to settle down High limit low limit bent derailleur hanger I need more...won’t settle for OK You call it 29" I call it 700c Can't you see it’s all 622 bsd
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said it once before but it bears repeating
June 18, 2008

Priority is the new Sacrifice At $5 a gallon, gas is still cheaper than beer Where are you going? On a beer run How are you getting there? On a bike Bringing home 168 cans of beer plus one for the road Who wants to go for a ride? You win some. You win some more. You lose some. It rains it pours.
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nipple driver
June 17, 2008

Mr. Art KNR with a prototype nipple driver onesie.
Show me the money. I’ll show you a one-of-a-kind onesie or two or three.
Show me the way. I’ll show you the door.
Show me a breath mint that will mask the scent of 6 beers. I’ll show you a high school girl drinking lunch in her car.
However, school is out for the summer. Bring on the summer associates. Long stares. Short skirts. Long lunches. Short attention spans. Long days. Short nights. Long winters. Short summers. <<<>>> There is some dispute about who should get credit for inventing the bicycle and exactly what year it was. There is no doubt however that the first pedal-driven bike was a fixed-gear. What I’m saying is, they’ve been around for a while, since day one. But everybody has their own opinion about fixie kids these days. And finally, to the Stealth Messenger Crew…the last company in North America to use radios, real old-school radios. We’ll talk about Nextel and Stealth some other time. But this cheese is for all of you: Sara this bites. And Travis, take these Broken Wings . Keep the volume up as you step inside. Word.
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immaculate receptionist
June 14, 2008

kind of blue 
Rectum? It nearly killed him. Large German sedan, I can hear your attitude in the way you stomp the gas pedal. In your mind you’re entitled. The seed was planted even before The Bush School, but it really grew at Lakeside and thrived at Bowdoin. Those two years you trust-funded around Europe before mom got you back on track and dad got you into Michigan Law in spite of your poor LSATs, added more to your deep rooted sense of entitlement. I can’t see your face but I can feel your family history in the warm exhaust that brushed my right leg when you gunned it for that next red light. You made it to partner in grandpa’s firm just six months after grandpa passed away. Dad said there was no connection, but I know the truth. Your second wife seems unhappy but your first wife is happy with her alimony. I sense something is bothering you, I can see it in the way you change lanes. But it’s all amusing to me because I know I’ll be home and well into my second beer before you even get back to Mercer Island.  pedestrian walks city blocks
ferry docks Ballard locksslow clocks tick tocks
finger painting smocks mismatched socksmoney talks silicone caulks
Basque flocks shit crocks
intercom squawks revolver cocks hot pink Crocs hipster fauxhawks
stalker stalks Richard Sachsretarded like a fox bagels & lox
Goody Blick rocks opportunity knocks
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peaceful easy feeling
June 13, 2008

J. Treebeardsley photo That bucket that catches all the overflow, mispours, splashes, spills, foamovers. That bucket that the bartender emptys at the end of the night. That bucket - that’s how I feel. Thank god yesterday was Thursday. (TGYWT) Word.
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one at a time one of a kind
June 12, 2008

Zoom in, take a closer look at this fine creation Clair made
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walking the walk
June 10, 2008

52 is the new 72 Winter is the new spring Road grime is the new tan CETMA rack is the new station wagon Walking the walk is the new talking the talk forest service green is the new taxi cab yellow Black is the new Black Urban planning is the new afterthought Bike lane is the new Olestra Ambiguity is the new clarity Fish Stick is the new Corn Dog Electronic filing is the new Y2K Intensity is the new polyester Spoon feeding is the new tough love Recession is the new economy Condominium is the new homestead Pipe dream is the new reality moustache is the new mullet Notary is the new fake ID doublemint-beer breath is the new Lysol-poop air quitting is the new fad diet 16oz is the new 12oz Beer is the new what’s for dinner getting old is the new fountain of youth 39 is the new 28 Airline is the new Greyhound Denial is the new affirmation Misunderstanding is the new interpretation hindsight is the new expert witness yes is the new I've got a call on line 2 no is the new let me get back to you
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things I do remember
June 9, 2008
All you kids that have books checked out from the pilderwasser library, you know who you are, I know who you are. If you're done with the books please return them to my apartment.
Snuggled up, curled up, bundled up on the couch with a good book. Order a pizza, watch a movie, make popcorn, red wine, New York Super Fudge Chunk, turtle neck sweater and fuzzy slippers…in June.
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Nurture (3) --- Nature (27)
June 8, 2008
 what if the weeds and wildflowers were way more attractive than the well-manicured lawn
Nature once again dominates on her home field. Back to nature. Returning to nature. Overrun by nature. Gone to seed. No. It’s just gotten closer to where it once was before the surveys, the plat maps, the property lines, the concrete, the asphalt, the creosote, the automated sprinkler system, the landscaping company and the local ordinance requiring you to mow your lawn.
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Carter Mondale 1980
June 8, 2008
 Why are you wearing that T-shirt? If you say it doesn’t matter and you don’t give a shit, you just pick up what’s on the floor in the morning and put it back on and go to work. Then I say OK, I believe you…but only if you own just 4 shirts. But if you roll out of bed and must select one shirt from a pile of 55 T-shirts each morning, there’s a little more involved.
A quick survey of the service sector in Seattle has shown that shirts are not selected just because they fit well, they’re flattering, they ride just right on saddle bags, beer bellies or muffin tops. Shirts are not selected because of the color. The color that brings out your eyes, your tattoos, your teeth, your hair. Nope. Shirts are selected because they say something. Something you agree with. They represent something you believe in. Or they commemorate an event you were a part of.
I’m all for saying something, getting a point across and remembering events. But I’d like to put my vote in for a flattering fit, in a complimentary color and a shirt that looks good as a shirt. If there’s a message there to convey too…that’s great, but don’t let that trump the way it looks on you. Rocking a favorite white T that’s 4 years old and hasn’t really been white for 3.75 years is not so good. Sporting a XXL shirt that hangs off you because you want to show your love for Planet of the Apes…not so good. Don’t get me wrong I have 55 T-shirts, but recently I’ve gotten a bit more selective.
I know you can’t wait to talk about--- your alley cat win, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the intramural badminton team, the chess club, that hardcore band, that summer camp, your tennis racket, the Huey Lewis concert, a failed political campaign, tropical fish, that hipster beer, the skateboard, a German bird dog, that Italian bike component, the Brazilian soccer player, your sexy Mexican maid, that website, those bitchin burritos, cycle courier championships, onion rings, super bowl rings, laundry detergent, your unpaid internship, laser tattoo removal, that glass blowing blow, the overpriced steak house, that legal messenger company, the reality TV show, the yoga class, a small liberal arts college in the Midwest, the North Idaho College wrestling team, Albert Hofmann’s fan club, the Whatcom County Gun Club, your vacation, vocation, hobby, addiction, recovery, relapse, that big bike ride across Iowa, the last Alice in Chains concert, the Les Schwab in Ballard, the square root of X, the Big Lebowski, I before E except after coffee tea or me, red red wine country, Jesus Shuttlesworth, Crown molding, the monorail, Disney World, Catholic School Girls, rodeo clowns, lavender massage oil, that landscaping company, Buck Creek, bandana do rag mullets, the chilidog eating contest, insulated water heater blankets, One less flat screen TV or Michael Jackson---but you don’t have to say it with a t-shirt, we can actually talk about it.
But what if, what if you could get a shirt that says something you believe in and that fits you really well in a flattering color? What if…
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be on my side I'll be on your side
June 7, 2008

10-9 I can't hear you 
Nipple Driver Onesies coming soon...
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neighbor of the beast
June 6, 2008
 Saturday Six-Seven-Eight The Ballard Twilight Criterium Old Ballarding, Bike racing, brick streeting, beer drinking, bar hopping. A real fan favorite.
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personal flotation device (PFD)
June 5, 2008

here's Nick in a one-of-a-kind quality of life vest 
It was a dark and stormy night…actually it was 11:27am in Seattle on June fucking 5th. You can call it mist, if that makes you feel better. Or showers, sprinkles, dew, precipitation, haze, fog, wetness. It’s rain. Yes it is raining. It was raining. It will rain again. I thought my legs were getting tan but it was just rust, road grime, chain lube, brake pad anodized rim juice, motor oil, dirt, exhaust and everything or anything else that ends up in the street and can splash onto me. Put that on a postcard and mail it. you think you've got it bad it could be worse Summer starts July 5th
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June 4, 2008

off-gassing like a discount carpet Spoken politician broken genuine authentic sincere as a plastic lawn ornament change of ownership Probationary purgatorial transitional They’d like to feel you out for a while touch you in the bathing suit area Intention misdirection head fake Interpretation misunderstanding over commitment forward progress growth transformation With the changing marketplace Mergers acquisitions takeovers buyout Bail out get out you’re out of a job laid off like a prom dress whatayagonna do? Eat Drink Be Merry It’s the economy Seven layer dip Get a handle get a grip Capitulate exfoliate regurgitate Extra Virgin Olive Oil I am what I am, he said Does that count for something I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday For some insight today no I in team no Team in fuck you Do you speak the lingo 4 chuckers down 2 more to go 2 chuffers clown they’re all show Tallywhackers backslappers buffet-line sneezers fair-weather friends coming out in the rain In truth it will not always be Served in a Styrofoam clamshell
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oh god
June 2, 2008

it rubs the lotion on its skin Some messengers believe in an angry, vengeful dispatcher. One that punishes them for their sins and even for their slight indiscretions. These messengers are always fearful, repenting, kissing ass, saying their 45 rosaries per hour, going to confession and so on.
I believe in a higher level of consciousness. A greater power. An unfathomable energy. A place where it all makes sense. And in this place that cannot be described there is not just an all-seeing all-knowing dispatcher but so much more. so much more that it’s pointless to even try to talk about it here at street level. But I do know that these angry vengeful dispatchers will get what’s coming to them.
RUSH! Yeah, I copy rush…whatever…it’s all the same
Traditionally when the first of the month falls on Sunday, government workers have a hard time updating their automated date stamps and they need a little nudge to correct them. Today is not May 33, 2008. Today is my Oh Six - Oh Two - Oh Eight... Oh yeah.  Downtown Seattle is just a bunch of One Way streets. On a bike it’s no big deal with the various options available including alleys, sidewalks and stairways. In a car it can suck. Bad. Just to go two blocks as-the-crow-flies can take a matter of minutes, many minutes.
Remember to look both ways when you cross the street. Just like your mom said. Even if it’s a One Way street there could be a tourist driving up the wrong way. He doesn’t know any better and by the time you hear him, it’ll be too late.
Or there could be a messenger flying up the other way, even if she knows better. And you won’t hear her coming because she‘s like the wind
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uphill both ways
June 2, 2008
 If you could buy only one bike this summer and the price was no object?Would you rather have a Sisyphusean downhill bike or an Icarusean uphill time trial bike??
I’d say they’re both neat. I have respect for their very specialized abilities. But I choose neither, I’ll take the cash instead. I’ll take a bike that I can ride up the hill and then turn right around and ride back down with out fear of its carbon fiber components disintegrating if I actually apply the brakes. I’ll take a bike I can bomb down the hill on, then turn around and ride back to the top with out having to get off and walk pushing 46 pounds of full-suspension invention.
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509 pride
May 31, 2008

Check out the gadget bottle Check out the RB-1 It all goes back to Spokane, WA and Thanks to Bill Strickland for the plug word
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May 31, 2008
 Friday, 2:45pm and the bike feels like part of my body. 37 hours under my belt, 3 more to go. Pulling moves I wouldn’t even consider on a Monday at 8:45am. Smooth like new cables and housing. The sun is out. And I’m in. Comfortable. Confident. Cocky. At ease. I’ve got the home court advantage. I own these streets, all you drivers are just borrowing them. Coasting. Carving lines. Rolling. Moving things along. White lines. Handiramps. Taxis. Tourists. Busses. Redlights. Receptionists. Elevators. Security guards. Dispatchers. Co-workers. All the issues remedied with a twitch of the hips. Every little ting, gonna be alright. 
perception is reality it is what it is you think gas prices? what gas prices?
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brass nipples
May 30, 2008
 Utility cycling in the margins of society. Cycling in the margins of utility. Constant cost-benefit analysis.
Would you spend 35 minutes carefully folding an origami cat toy? And then proudly present it to your cat, anticipating hours of enjoyment while your cat just continued to sleep on the couch?
Or would you take that same piece of paper and wad it up into a ball and toss it on the floor for your cat to bat around when she feels like it?
Look into your cat’s eyes, do you think she gives a shit about origami?
Would you ride 5 miles for a free gallon of milk? Would you buy 10 pairs of Onza pedals to get one pair free? Would you buy 2 cans of Sparks with your winning scratch ticket?
Open to outcome. Yes. Trying not to be attached to outcome...that's an uphill battle.
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one small step for man
May 29, 2008

Just so we’re clear on this, I am from No Man’s Land. I was raised by a pack of women in the foothills north of Spokane. I’ve got nothing against women. I really like women. And I can use the term No Man’s Land with confidence in a variety of contexts. I know what it is, I know what ‘taint.
Mother, sister, grandmother in the absence of father, brother, grandfather
Transfer. Shift. Jump. Look to context, search for meaning. that's me--quoting myself from 12/28/07 rewind replay reinsert repeat if you zoom in and take a closer look at the photo above, you'll see my right middle finger is raised. You'll also notice that perhaps the cousin behind me talked me into it. no shirt, no shoes, no pants, no problem ___ Found an expensive travel magazine at the post office this morning. The most interesting thing in those glossy pricey vapidly colorful pages was tips on how to avoid offending the locals in other countries with various hand gestures. Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Montenegro and the what not. Some very subtle things we do with our hands, feet and faces each day mean very different things to different people around the world.
It’s a small world after all…a tiny ass little world.
One small finger raised here. One giant road rage incident incited there.
Sitting at the bar after work telling some friends about a douche bag driving a red Toyota pickup downtown today.
At that exact moment in time, Mr. Douche Bag was sitting in his apartment in Lake Forest Park telling his girlfriend about the punk ass bike messenger he wanted to run over downtown today.
It’s a small world after all…a small small world
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the economy, stupid
May 29, 2008

Tyler Goldsmith photo When you call my name it’s like a little prayer
A recent flurry of sales in the pilderwasser T-shirt department, when viewed by the casual observer, looks like it might be profitable. However there are no profits here. It’s like a hobby. And it’s lucky to break even. First I have to pay for those high quality T-shirts and that high quality water based silkscreen ink. Then all funds incoming are immediately pumped right back into the local economy. Beer, bikes and burritos. Not necessarily in that order.
A fresh shipment of American Apparel T-shirts will be in next weekish. New colors: Slate. Navy. Lapis. Eggplant. Army.

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left right left
May 28, 2008

2025 1st first 720 Olive next 701 Pile third 3rd Avenue bus pass Pass asshole bus driver repeat Two Union? That’s near 2nd & Union…right? Right, no left. Left right? Northwest corner of the southeast intersection It’s the tall building yeah The one with all the windows On the odd side of the street The other way…keep going You’re almost there Look for a white guy About 5’10” brown hair
 What do you say to a woman with no arms and no legs? Why? because we like you Because I can I could I did I would It’s personal. No explanation Because I can’t I won’t I didn’t I don’t It’s time to pay the piper In the world of full retail price You win some. You win some more You lose some. It rains It pours
Your body is a temple My body is a bodega
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it's the little things
May 28, 2008
 Trading traffic lights with a taxicab traveling 5th Avenue. As things backed up I rolled on through the red light at Spring Street and sat up, both arms in the air pointing at the sky. A victory salute worthy of a mountain-top stage finish in the Giro. The cab driver didn’t find it amusing. But it got me some cheers and a smattering of applause from a group of European tourists hanging outside the library. And that made me smile. And that is just one of the little things.
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tater tots
May 27, 2008

Good evening folks, grab a seat anywhere you’d like It’s happy hour. Happy Hours It aint over. It’s only just begun There’s a shift change coming Would you like a urinal mint? No, I prefer urinal screens FSN. Vs. ESPN2. TNT. CBC. ESPN. NBC Take your eyes off that screen Look at what you’re missing Real life real people real disappointment Walking away. Cashing out. Throwing in their cards for more tomatoes on a sandwich What percentage of the population Never ate tater tots growing up Moving on ask another question Not because you’re interested in my answer Because you want to talk about yourself Take a shot. Call it off the glass Rebound Ricochet Regurgitate Suck it up or talk it up Play it off then walk it off Rub some dirt on it Eliminate the middle man break the zone full court press Watch the pros Ditch the cons Jettison the horseshit Travel light no bag Your shoulder never will get Back to normal Back to work
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deep woods
May 26, 2008
Another long weekend in a cell-phone-free zone. This time in the shadow of Mt. Rainier near Greenwater, Washington. Quiet, relaxing hours in the woods. Where it’s so quiet all you can hear is yourself breathing or chewing. Taking another big bite of an organic blue corn tortilla chip loaded with Clarissa’s guacamole (perhaps the finest this side of Mexico) Hanging out to celebrate Dad's birthday. What do you do when you don’t really have to do anything? If there’s nothing that has to be done you make something up. Arbitrary goals, challenges, feats of strength, games of skill. You take advantage of the resources available to you. Plenty of free time, high quality alcohol, beer and wine helps, as does sitting around in the woods among a bunch of rocks, pinecones and trees. What it all comes down to is, throwing rocks. Pick a target or build a target. Draw a line in the dirt. Game on. The Pilder Family Olympics were born. Not just brute strength, some finesse and skill were involved and a whole lot of rock throwing.
I saw some bold wildlife. Accustomed to humans and happy to eat Cheetos or turkey havarti sandwiches or flower gardens. 
If a tree falls in the woods and you’re the only one around Use your best judgment If your cell phone rings in the woods You’re not really in the woods
With a point ‘n shoot camera it’s hard to capture the epic beauty of nature, to really put it in perspective in a snapshot. Huge monumental OG trees. And waterfalls big big waterfalls. This is Snoquera Falls. 
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letting the days go by
May 22, 2008

And you may find yourself Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And If you were born After today’s date in 1987 I will not Sell alcohol to you
But if you were born After today’s date in 1987 You may not know this song
And If you graduated From high school in 1987 You should know better by now
And you may ask yourself Am I right?…Am I wrong?
I won’t sell you alcohol But I’ll give you a beer
Since 1997... I’ve been blurring the line between
Fact and fiction fantasy and reality Growing up and staying young Then and now Too much and not enough Pedestrian and vehicle One Union and Two Union Howe Street and Howell Street 12th Ave and 12th Ave East Full-on and Half-ass Kevin’s Mom and the babysitter Legally drunk and buzzed Landscape and portrait Burn out and fade away Rise up and Get down Washed up and scrubbed down Moving on and staying put Progression and regression Déjà vu and same shit different day Wouldn’t want your job and wouldn’t want my job
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May 22, 2008

no stopping what can't be stopped one for the road
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May 21, 2008

Ellen M. Banner photo Seattle Times Wednesday, do you want me to do it right or do you want me to do what you say? Client relations my ass. If I wanted to call the client I’d work in the office and make more money and gain more weight and eat more donuts. Can I put you through to her voice mail? No thanks her voicemail won’t answer my question, is there anyone there that knows anything? I’m not calling to chat I’m calling for a reason. Just so we’re clear on this, you suck. Keep track of wait time. Bad suite number, bad address, bad zip code, bad security guard, bad building directory, bad apple. I have a new healthy disrespect for School Bus Drivers. This guy is an agro unreasonable dangerous asshole who happens to be employed driving a school bus in Seattle, but because of him I will never be able to look at school busses the way I used to. One bad apple is more than enough to taint my barrel full of judgment heaped upon all. I respect school busses full of kids making stops letting kids off, picking kids up. I’m not a reckless idiot. But an empty school bus with an agro asshole driver sitting at a red light is a different story. Insert job title, sub culture, stereotype, zip code whatever…there’s a bad apple for each. Goes around. It does. Yup. There’s enough for everyone. Taking it upon yourself to educate someone on the ways of traffic, while in traffic, is a losing battle, a waste of energy. If I had 45 minutes to calmly discuss all this with the fucking agro bus driver I would have. But I was on my way to work, riding down Denny. Perhaps in his mind he was looking out for my best interests and trying to help me out by pinning me to the curb at a construction site with no sidewalk on which to bail, then trying to pin me to the other lane of traffic when I went left, then reaching out his window and trying to grab me, yelling at me and laying on the horn. Perhaps. Yeah perhaps. Bill Withers, red wine, Pinot Evil in a 3 liter box, red sauce, Land O Lakes butter, onions, garlic, mushrooms, angel hair, spicy Italian sausage, Jackson 5. Cooking dinner 3 nights per week. I’ve got an extra key. You can move in Saturday. And maybe that kid the other day that stepped out into the street was just testing the friction on my brake pads, seeing how much front brake I could grab before the rear tire started to fishtail as I went into a nose wheelie, testing how much brake I could grab and still not slow down enough to avoid hitting him, investigating how hard he could get hit by a messenger while jaywalking because he heard he could always blame the messenger, trying to pretend not to see anything because his hair was long and in his face. All that, yeah all that and more. But he was unable to ignore the primal guttural death scream I unleashed from deep within when I was inches away from contact, a split second from launching him 20 feet north of his last known location on Eastlake Avenue. He heard that. He felt that. and stopped and got back out of the way. My bike is on the level, your bike Mr. 999, is fucked. Riding that bike is like going camping with a giant gas-powered generator so you can plug in your TV, cook your dinner on an electric burner and power your electric air compressor to inflate your kingsized air mattress. The more shit you pile on, the further you get from the essential experience. It’s no longer camping, it’s “what movie do we want to watch?” or “is the extension cord long enough to reach the tent?” It’s like that, it’s no longer a bike ride it’s a fiddle with this dodad, adjust that accessory, strap down another bag onto the bag on the bag, unnecessary mesentery, synchronize the four clocks onboard experience. Too much is never enough it’s always too much, right Dan. ? How can Seattle expect to gain any respect as a cosmopolitan city, a destination vacation location, a financial powerhouse…when our meter maids ride Segways? Weak week. today is my Thursday.
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great bike ride across Iowa
May 21, 2008

60 days until RAGBRAI 425 days until the next one
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May 19, 2008

Push the button wait for it Assume the position Get it on --- go --- get on it Not that we’re close, just proximate when the doors open on your floor It’s OK to get off Held afloat by surface tension soap could end it Held up by tension under the surface Soap won’t be helping me out with those American thighs Muffin tops all around All round and warm Coffee and donuts compliments of building management not for messengers, NO, none for you Fake it until you make it Shake it don’t break it took your mamma nine months to make it Relatively light, floral, extremely drinkable Doomsday IPA You won’t see it coming Maybe it’s better that way my way your way anyway Where and when? there and then that was that Here and Now this is it I'm a lowbrow but I rock a little know how Upper respiratory distress, congestion, post nasal drip and expectoration. Prolonged by sporadic physical exertion, excessive use of alcohol, dehydration, sleep deprivation and over exposure to the sun on the first hot weekend after a long chill spring.
Suggested treatment includes:
You do a little dance then you drink a little water Eat some food Get some sleep Repeat A lot
And like Milkshake said, High quality beer in less quantity As opposed to Low quality beer in huge quantity give it away
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the Morgantini Case Party
May 18, 2008
 Weekend road trip to an alpine oasis. Up the road to Bellingham take a right on 542 to Glacier. A change of scenery, a change of elevation, a change in the weather. Hold on to your Nooksack, wouldn’t want to Chuckanut. Everybody’s working for the weekend.
I took zero pictures. My camera was in my pocket for about 10 minutes then I put it back in my bag. But there were many photos taken by a professional photographer and thousands taken by civilians like me. If there was a way I could link you to a streaming video compilation of the weekend, an audio slideshow featuring the highlights of the photographs with comments from friends and family. I would. Yes, I would, if I could, I surely would.
Not there to observe as much as to participate, even if I am a natural born observer that occasionally steps over the line into participation. I spent hours staring into the woods, slack jawed, listening to the birds and squirrels, beer in hand. And several more hours sitting in a lawn chair in the corner on the back porch, staring at people, slack jawed sangria in hand. I was happy to be there. And because I drank enough on Friday to get a family of four drunk for a month, I spent much of Saturday drinking water.
Snowline is a cell phone free zone, not because it’s one of their regulations, but because of the geography on the way to Mt. Baker. And that makes me smile. It’s not “I’m getting on a elevator, I’ll call you right back.” It‘s, “I’m going to Matt & Clair’s wedding I’ll call you back in two days”
And it was good. Very very good.
Family, friends, decks of cards, tether ball, tennis, ping pong, air hockey, black bears, bacon, bagels burning, trail mix, macaroni and cheese, hot tubs, ice cold vodka, ice cold raging Nooksack river, kegs of beer, beer in cans, beer in bottles, beer in pint glasses, beer in 18 packs, dark chocolate, ice water all around, rocking chairs, skipping stones, dogs off-leash, kids being kids, red wine, white wine, cheese, 10:00pm established quiet time, inside voices, an active label maker, lots o labels… a great ceremony outside on the warmest weekend we’ve had for many months. A short sweet real wedding ceremony. No bullshit. It got me all verklempt…
Antipasto, a taste of the east coast nestled in the foothills of the north cascades, Milano's, salmon with a fennel cream sauce or a raspberry fumé, ravioli, and wedding cake like you’ve never seen. Check out by 11, keys in by noon, gratuities appreciated, Amber.
Thank you
Congratulations to the Case Morgantini people
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May 15, 2008
 The un-official no handed track stand text messaging championionship:
1st : Sebastian 2nd : Mollly 3rd : Travis 
Sharrow is a great name for a kitten.
It’s Bike to Work Day. But don’t let the calendar tell you when to ride your bike, ride your bike when you want to ride your bike. When a cop pulls you over the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut. But I imagine saying a few things like this:
Cop: you just ran 3 lights and went the wrong way up 7th I don’t think of it that way officer. I think of it as easing the constipation in the bowels of the city. Getting shit done. Moving shit around. Greasing the rails of commerce. Priming the pump of capitalism. Cop: Have you been drinking? Yes sir. Yes sir I have, for about 22 years.
Cop: Where’s your helmet?A better question might be…At what point do we stop looking for someone to blame and start taking responsibility for our own actions? You know what I mean officer? When do we stop doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and start worrying only about getting caught? Did you get picked on a lot in high school?
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May 14, 2008

It’s not a yes-or-no question This is post David Lee Roth It’s the pants It’s the hair It is what it is It’s 5150 The dog’s just along for the ride
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stir it up
May 13, 2008

Bring to a boil reduce heat cover and simmer for 11 years I’m not your Dale Chihuly You’re not my Yoko Ono
I’m not your Bucky Are you my Jimmy John
I’m not your Martha Stewart You’re not my Mike Ditka
I’m not your Frank Lloyd Wright You’re not my Emily Dickinson
I can’t be your cloth monkey You’re not even my wire monkey
I can be your D.B. Cooper If you’ll be my Zola Budd
I’ll be your Bushmills You can be my Jameson
I’ll be your garlic mashed potatoes You can be my chili cheese fries
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elevator messenger
May 12, 2008
Hit me with your Cozen O’Connor Bring on the Perkins Coie Monster Let’s talk about Ryan Swanson Let Keller Rohrback Get down…to get up Karr Tuttle all day long Blankenship bro Davis Davis Davis Wright
 Perhaps the most expensive public works project in the history of the world…pound for pound, inch for inch, man for man, day by day, oh dear lord…these things I say.
The Great Wall of China, the Grand Coulee Dam, The Panama Canal, the Big Dig, The museum of trucking, carving out the grand canyon with an old toothbrush, building all the pyramids in Egypt…all that. Match any one of these up with the sidewalk reconstruction on the 4th Avenue side of the King County courthouse: man power, hours, weight, volume, delays… in relation to dollars spent, and you‘ve got a good show. It was originally scheduled to re-open a couple months ago. The latest date given for opening was today, but today it was not even close. Like I said before…how much milk can a contractor milk, if a contractor must milk milk???
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Monday Monday
May 12, 2008
Monday May 12, 1997 My first day as a bike messenger Purple jersey Elliott Bay Messenger company Rock Hopper front suspension bar ends 85 and sunny
Monday May 12, 2008 Another day as a bike messenger Wool sweater Seattle Legal Messenger company RB-2 flat bar no bullshit 55 and partly cloudy
Monday Monday Eleven years went under the bridge Like time was standing still it's not just May 12 it's Monday May 12
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skid road scott mathauser
May 11, 2008

What matters What’s important What’s worth it What does it all mean Everything you say will be used against you Ride up the hill just to ride back down Scott Mathauser Edmund Fitzgerald Pickle Bucket Mucas Membrane Glow-in-the-dark plastic magnetic Virgin Mary Dark chocolate red wine cast iron skillet Quiet rides quiet drive trains Firm hand shakes Fish needs bicycle
put it all together, add it up, find the connections
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A three hour tour...
May 11, 2008
Saturday May 10 the See Ya de Mayo photo scramble around town. Stops included: Cool Guy Park, Linda’s,Bimbos, the Cha Cha, The Metropolitain, The Summit, Shortys, The Athenian, The Canterbury, The Capital Grill, Safeco Field, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, Chief Seattle, Black Hole Sun, Hammering Man, and much much more. Not that I made it to all those stops.  *** and check out RedKev’s Pics
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look up here look up here
May 9, 2008

don't cha wish your pilderwasser hot like JP
he stuck in his thumb pulled out a plum and said what a good boy am I
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Bloomington, Indiana Pale Ale
May 8, 2008

It’s like butter It‘s like butter
Don’t worry Tom. Don’t worry Randy. Don’t worry Ron. When King County finally goes on-line in a few months and requires electronic filing, you’ll still need messengers to rush to the courthouse and deliver the attorney’s cell phone while the trial is in session, or her raincoat, or his favorite style of legal pad, jury instructions or a stack of 4' x 3' foam-core exhibits. And when the trial is over you’ll need a few messengers to schlep all that shit back to their office or at least one messenger to look for the umbrella that Jack A. Attorney left in the courtroom. 
White-lining 6th Avenue gridlock. Lanes are tight. Teal 1992 Chevy Cavalier guy I see you. Oh yeah, I see you. You make me smile. The hair on my left arm knocks the ash off your girlfriend’s Newport, but she doesn’t even notice because she’s texting and applying more and more makeup.
How ya like me now?
You say you mean well, you don't know what you mean Fucking ought to stay the hell away from things you know nothing about
--Elliott Smith “everybody cares, everybody understands”
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take 2 of these and call me Angel in the morning
May 8, 2008

Bret Haskins photo Take one pill, twice a day with food Take one pilderwasser, six times a day on an empty stomach Take it all, swallow it whole, believe the hype Take it in the backdoor Take it to the bank Take it with a grain of salt Take me to your leader Ignore the facts Perpetuate the stereotype Deny the denial May cause drowsiness May impair the ability to recognize ability May cause dry mouth, diarrhea or disillusionment
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they say it's your birthday
May 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Skunk and Brad and Molly
Stephen Cysewski photo Check out Wandering in Seattle for some great old photos
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white wainscoting
May 6, 2008

Objects in mirror aren’t even close to what they appear To be or not to Be careful what you wish for Be careful you’re dinging up the sheetrock Crown molding Wainscoting Breakfast nooking soup Spooning Valvoline Volvo Vaseline Vulva Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me I taught your boyfriend that thing you like so much Cowboy boots short skirts Overalls aprons no shirts no shoes no problem Baker Barista Bartender Landscaper are you a bike messenger? working up a sweat getting hands dirty Honest day Honest dollar
C -I -R -C -U -M -S -P -E -C -T Find out what it means to me
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May 6, 2008
did a little dance
May 5, 2008

Haven't hit a hardball for years. Still haven't. Did a little dance, drank a little beer. If the batteries in your camera die after two random photos it makes it easy to choose a couple.
If you’ve had several beers it makes it easier to misjudge a fly ball deep to right field.
If the ball comes to rest in the tall grass deep in right field it makes it hard to find among the clover.
If you haven’t hit a hardball since the Reagan administration, don’t expect to get a hit with the bases loaded and two outs. (see several beers)
If you hit the ball over the fence, across the street, bouncing it off the hood of a large 4 x 4 truck (setting off the alarm) then onto the roof of a building…that’s a homerun.
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a quality of life issue
May 3, 2008

Jason Britton photo
This guy is wearing a pilderwasser T-shirt.
I'm guessing he got it at thrift store or a homeless shelter. Maybe he got it from a pile of castoffs labeled “free” outside a medium-sized apartment building on Capitol Hill. Maybe he got it from Doug Stock.
I’d like to think he bought it from me on eBay or directly through the website, paying via PayPal. Or maybe he paid full-retail for it at Counterbalance Bicycles, Wright Bros, or Second Ascent. Or that his daughter gave it to him for Christmas a few years ago after she saw a messenger wearing one like it.
Maybe he gave up his career at Microsoft, his house in Magnolia, his marriage of 27 years…he gave up all of it, got a pot leaf tattooed on his face and decided to walk the streets of Seattle and stretch out his fingers. He needs a bike.
Whatever the story of how he got into that shirt. Whatever his story…yesterday, he was angry and unreasonable and not a very personable spokesman for the pilderwasser cause.
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Any Veggie Curry...$3.99
May 2, 2008

Clowns to the left of me Clowns to the left of you too Going back into the archives. Recycling. Finding connections. Putting another pencil line on the kitchen wall growth chart ---May 2008---Learning from past mistakes. Patterns develop. Grooves begin to wear with time turning into ruts. Routes. Rote. Repeat. Habit trails. Comfort zones. Zip Codes. Relationships. Careers. Traditionally, when May 2 falls on a Friday, beer is consumed. But there’s no need to look to tradition, convention, expectation, calendars or the behavior of the bewildered herd.
What’s that Lassie? Timmy fell in the well and needs help?
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April 30, 2008

talk amongst yourselves 
what day is it what year is it where am I why am I here WHAT difference does it make what does it all mean
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April 30, 2008

Use the negative space. See it. Build on it. Bring it out. Change your tone. Think about color. Find the patterns. Pay attention to fonts. Think about your audience. Take it in context. Visualize the sum of its parts. Have a beer. When you know the notes to sing you can sing most anything
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tastes like chicken
April 29, 2008

Open for interpretation…or maybe you had to be there. This photo Craig took gives a hint to the location and time the events took place. I’ll give you another hint and say it was a Wednesday night wiffle ball rescue mission. Leaving a little something to the imagination is often more interesting and attractive. If you must have the story ask Craig or Jewell or Steve. ((()))
Yesterday a homeless woman yelled at me as I attempted to lock-up on the beautiful 3rd Avenue side of King County. It was the highlight of my morning. Her volume was high and she was rather close to me but I didn’t take it as a scolding more of a greeting.
Her words to me:
Drive your bicycle…it’s illegal Barbarella Barbarella
Then she continued on in a more self-directed unintelligible tirade and I walked away smiling. I like bicycles and I like Barbarella. I also like to visualize the fine line between insanity and genius. Perhaps that woman is walking along that line with a few toes hanging off to either side.
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April 28, 2008
3 to 5 - medium sized co-workers 2 - dispatchers (opposing styles) 1 - very attractive receptionist 8 - attractive receptionists 4 - mailroom employees 6 - security guards 3 - armored car drivers 1 - handful of tourists 17 - Metro Bus drivers 5 - Police officers A bunch of appreciative clients A pinch of unreasonable clients
Combine ingredients in a large vessel and stir slowly over medium heat created by a series of short sprints punctuated by long periods of standing by. Sprinkle with rain. Fill out with traffic. Add pedestrians. Put your attention where it needs to be to prevent any one ingredient from dominating or contaminating the mix. Season to taste with the help of Baristas, Bartenders and Bodegas. Enjoy.

If you build it they will come...and wonder why you built it
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don't let me down
April 26, 2008

Raise the Montlake Bridge then the Fremont Bridge then the Ballard Bridge delaying 973 motorists to allow one retired dentist from Clyde Hill to pass on his sailboat. I guess I would want my job on a day like this. When summer finally rolls around it’s easier to forget about six months worth of grey grayness wet socks and damp wet wetness. A sweat-soaked ass crack is worlds away from a rain-soaked ass crack. Nice day for a bike ride huh?
When your economic stimulus check arrives are you going to save it for a rainy day.? Plan ahead. Be prepared. The boy scout motto is great, to a point. Until it weighs you down, slows you down, holds you back with over thinking over planning over packing. Would you rather die with a big savings account or live it up here and now --within your means -- but here and now. Nonchalant inconspicuous consumption.
Reliving rewinding remembering the past. What was. What could have been. Navigating with a map that's also known as a bank statement. A printout once a month. When where why what how much. Debit this Debit that. Beers * Bars * Bike shops * Burritos Groceries * Utilities * Accessories A lazy Saturday afternoon By the ship canal Watching the world go by Tall boy in hand 5 more in the bag Strangers fellow philosophers brothers Two dudes in need --out of beers Friends indeed A Kokanee for you and for your friend too “you’re the man” “thank you brother” cheers
My work here is done
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fee fi fo fum
April 26, 2008
compare contrast connect conflict Celeste Are you my Bianchi? Are you my Bucky? Are you from ABC? Wait and see 2-hour 4-hour nextday teener It’s all the same What matters? What means something? What makes a difference I have to take a piss I like the receptionist I’m tired I’m hungry I’m thirsty Where do we go Where do we go now Correlation Causation Corporation fast food nation Confirm or deny the allegation Without sufficient information Fee Fi Fo Fum Coffee beer continuum Cheap Light Faux Dumb Big Fat conundrum >>>Ziggy will you ever win Doric Ionic Corinthian Historic Ironic Pomeranian
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don't stand so close to me
April 25, 2008

It’s not fair-weather cycling That’s not an option It’s not carbon fiber Not that there’s anything wrong with that Side by side day by day pound for pound This chunk of steel is still rolling The OEM bottom bracket and headset As close to maintenance free as you can get Ridden hard put away wet For years keep it outta my face It’s not sour grapes. It’s forbidden fruit. don’t want what I can get enjoy what I shouldn’t have really want what I can’t get A big bowl of forbidden fruit artfully arranged still-life
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the sun'll come out tomorrow
April 24, 2008

bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow will be Friday today is my Four Two Four oh eight
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bad news
April 23, 2008

Dispatching a small legal messenger company is like coaching little league with very limited resources, barely enough players to field a team, no DL, no DH and no backups. No vacation time or sick-leave, no no no. Callers constantly making unreasonable demands, imposing impossible deadlines, making unmake able turn-around times and asking for production that can not be produced.
All your players hate you. Everything you say is bad news.
Most of the time your team is up for the challenge. However, on some game days you only have two players to field. Forfeit is not an option, so you ride the shit out of your workhorses and hope for the best. Scrubs, dummies, warm bodies, all-stars…it’s all the same. It all pays the same. Unreasonable expectations all around horseshit
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Utility, margin of
April 23, 2008
 Utility cycling is popping up more and more in the media and usually mentioned in the same breath as rising gas prices. Which reminds me of someone. The NY Times told me that for every (1) American that rides her bike to work there are (154) Americans that drive to work alone in their cars.
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rubber band man
April 22, 2008

It’s been a long week. And it’s only Tuesday.
Consumer confidence is way down. And it was just payday.
Hanging by a thread or a long rubber band.
The Seattle Police continue to show their Mayberry roots podunk small town nothing better to do bullshit.
Zeppelin II on cassette. rambling on going off Half cocked half cooked half the man I used to be A real bike messenger Ramble on
stick it to the man not the union
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ramble on
April 22, 2008
 Spring Time. Travel time. Higher gas price time. Road trip. Long road trip. Grab your sleeping bag we’ll pick you up at noon. All the beer you can drink, but it’s Keystone Ice and it’s warm…real warm and getting warmer. Dave’s uncle used to work for Albertsons and cleaned out the expired stuff and loaded up his garage. Now we have a long way to go and car full of warm Keystone Ice. Deal with it.
No AM-FM, no satellite radio, no CD player, no iPods, just a cassette player shimmed out with a popsicle stick, no auto reverse and only one cassette--- Zeppelin II. Deal with it.
All the food you can eat, as long as it’s potato chips fried in olestra. Yeah that’s right, Dave’s uncle scored big on the Olean chip trend. Chow down, blow out, ride it out. Repeat. Deal with it.
Great gas mileage, as long as it’s down hill in neutral drafting behind a truck. It’s a 1976 Nova. Dave loves his car. Bring gas money. Turn up the Zeppelin. Deal with it.
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it's a fine line, a very fine line
April 21, 2008
genius :: insanity A good trip :: A bad trip Spirituality :: Bullshit homeless :: bike messenger bow legged :: pigeon toed stupidity :: courage enlightened :: cursed art :: crap rock :: a hard place this :: that acceptable :: unacceptable unintentional :: accidental lucky :: prepared 49 x 17 :: 44 x 15 Visibility :: Overconfidence Obligation :: Pain in the ass Jimmy Johns :: Seattle Legal Ma Bell :: ETS 900 4th Avenue :: 901 5th Avenue chicken nuggets :: cat food Reagan (actor) :: Reagan (politician) Northbound :: Southbound Aberdeen :: Hoquiam 15th Avenue :: 15th Avenue East Inertia :: Gravity Alcohol by weight :: Alcohol by volume Karaoke :: Public Service Innovative :: Derivative cutting edge :: neo retro revolution :: rotation Stone Temple Pilots :: Second Hand Smoke The middle finger :: The Ring Finger
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cheesy like Sunday morning
April 20, 2008

four twenty three months ago don't tase me bro Wacky cliques click tacky clocks tick Indecisive advisor a divisive incisor Two for you two for me too Two too many tutu shimmy blown out chamois Two of a kind kind of Pair up pare down Lose weight It’s a long wait Pull up a chair in the waiting room Wipe down a bench in the weight room Non fat mocha extra whip Extracurricular extramarital trip Late night liaison lair Laissez faire kissing cousins county fair It’s all there it’s only fair pay the fare Lawyer = liar liar liar house on fire outerlayer outlander outlier Bit player bricklayer 3-ply toilet paper Thin veneer one more beer
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I wanna dance
April 19, 2008

S. Peet photo Rules. Laws. Ordinances. Codes. Regulations. Requirements. Restrictions. Legislation. Guidelines.
At what point do people stop using their own judgment doing what’s right because it’s the right thing to do, and start following “the rules” because they’re afraid of getting caught. Along that same line, when do people stop taking responsibility for their own actions and start looking for someone or something to blame. You make the call. You take the fall. You’re an adult, do what you want and deal with it. Wear white shoes after Labor Day if you want to. Wear a brown belt with your black boots if it feels right.
Obviously there are some basic ground rules, traffic laws are necessary for transportation to function in a city. However I believe that urban cyclists can thrive on the edges of those rules. It’s like a strong foundation to build on or a solid base line to dance around…
Excuse me copper Mr Crime stopper What’s wrong with what we’re doing We just like to dance In our goatskin pants Around this ancient ruin
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April 19, 2008

Chris Murray photo RAGBRAI training never ends, it’s a year-round endeavor and even if the temperature dips into the 30s in April, training continues. The café Zum-Zum lunch special consumed in seven minutes is an excellent training exercise. The Stewart Market spicy teriyaki chicken consumed in five minutes--between stupid little rush deliveries from stupid corporate law firms--is also beneficial. Sometimes I like to find a hitching post, post up and down a couple tall boys. Then down a couple more if the air is fresh and the time is right. On cold evenings I ride up the hill and find a warm bar stool and down four pints of IPA. That’s right 4 of the strong stuff, the Indiana. Then ride a bit higher up the hill and have a couple pitchers of Rainier and the Burrito Inferno with chicken and black beans on a spinach tortilla. Finally, I attempt to ride the last few blocks home without stopping in at the Satellite or the Elysian. Put that in your stomach and ride it to the next small Iowa town. A normal man would be in the hospital with abdominal pains, but it’s a night of interval training for RAGBRAI. It’s not about the bike, and it’s not about Lance Armstrong, it’s about getting your stomach to work for you on the bike in various states of fullness, bloated, bulked out, bellied up. The stomach is an amazing thing, that with training will perform even more amazing things. ((())) Check out Jason in Omak and Craig winning the Boat Street Crit
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face time
April 18, 2008

In your face. Face first. Face up. Face down. Face plant. Face time. Face the music. Face the facts. Face it. Chicks dig big beards…or not. A shout out to Milkshake’s Mom’s Sixth Grade class in Arcadia. Word. Words. Word! Looking back on my Spokane straight-laced ex-military sixth grade teacher…if he busted out some free verse written by a bike messenger it would’ve created a ripple in the force, a bump in the space time coffee beer continuum. Remember kids: rules, recipes and regulations are suggestions, it’s up to you to season to taste and sauté with a plenty of garlic and onions. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Ask for what you want.
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inside looking out
April 17, 2008
I see your face looking back at me admiringly You only see your own reflection
In the window Put a caliper on The margin of utility Can you pinch an inch? Weighing pros Hefting cons The prose is conning Never ending cost benefit analysis Yielding results consistent with forecasts Not so much laziness as annoyingness What’s the point me in the right direction North-South up the field Running between the tackles to The land of existential exponential Returns on my investments Semi-annual biennial sesquicentennial Signature round trip RUSH Copy that
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April 15, 2008

According to the USDA you need to eat, a lot.
At the base of the pyramid is the Beer Group (bread, cereal, rice, pasta). For the average American they recommend 6-12 servings. For the average cyclist I suggest more, much more. Pasta and potato salad sandwiches are shortcuts I enjoy. I also enjoy a beer now and then. If 18-24 servings sounds like too much, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Like Dan E. Murray said “too much is never enough, it’s always too much.”
Next is the Wine Group (fruits and vegetables) These items take up a big section in grocery stores, a section I often walk through without slowing down. The USDA recommends 4-6 servings a day. If you pour a small glass you can get 6 servings from one wine bottle.
At the next level you’ll find the Deep-Fried Cheese Stick Group (dairy and meat) Heavy government subsidies paid out to farmers as a result of years worth of lobbying by the Dairy Council, the Cattleman’s Beef Board and the National Pork Board among others. This well-funded lobbying makes the USDA suggest way too many servings of this shit. Eat hot wings when you feel like it. Eat pork sausage croissants if your body tells you to. But don’t believe the hype. Beef it’s what’s for dinner. Pork the other white meat. Who’s paying for these great ad campaigns? You are. Got Milk? Hell no I don’t got milk. There’s really no reason for the average American to consume 25 gallons of milk per year. This level brings me down.
Finally the pinnacle, the Hard Liquor Group. They suggest “use sparingly”. I suggest use your best judgment, lather rinse repeat, repeat as needed. Tequila falls just outside this category and has its own rules.
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family tree
April 15, 2008

Creepy family portraits…coincidence? I think not. It runs in the family. we‘re a happy family
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black socks
April 14, 2008

If you need a gift for a special someone who rides a bike all-year-round, a Peet Shoe Dryer is an amazing, elegantly simple and useful item. It’s one of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever gotten and it just keeps on giving well into Spring time here in Seattle. How many ways are there to ask a messenger “is it raining?” Let me count the ways…
In my book there will be chapter or two about elevators. Reading body language and subtle clues I can tell if you work in the building, I know where you work and I can get within two degrees your occupation, attorney, real estate, investment banker, architect, mid-level government drone. I can tell if you’re visiting, if it’s your first time or you’re a repeat visitor, if a family member works in the building, if you’re getting divorced, if you’re just going to the dentist, if you’re lost, or if you’re hanging sheetrock on 42. I can tell if you’re from a small town, don’t get out much and don’t like the city. I can tell if you’re a smoker. I can tell if you’re having a bad day. I know what you’re eating for lunch. I gather from your phone conversations what’s for dinner tonight, who you’re sleeping with and who in your office is hard to get along with. As a participant-observer-messenger I white-line between participant and observer. Going into full-on observer mode when you least expect it because you see a bike messenger on an elevator but I see you Mr. Styrofoam Clamshell lunch eating cell phone talking soy mocha drinking 1.3 packs per day smoking elevator guy.
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Saturday in the park
April 13, 2008
two birds, one stone
April 11, 2008
 A bird in hand Is worth two in the bush
A hand in the bush Is worth two birds
A Busch in hand Is worth two bucks
A teener to King Is worth more than two bucks
Two bucks in hand Is worth a cup of coffee
Red is the color of this wall on Dexter In the morning, when we rise In the morning, when we rise That's the time That's the time I love the best colors
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you load 16 tons, what do you get?
April 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Trenton. Another day older and deeper in debt.
---from my cheap studio apartment looking down on a small two bedroom house, a small $775,000.00 house that’s literally 40 feet away from me. Drinking my coffee, feeding my cats, wearing my shoes, breathing my air, asking myself how can that fucking house be worth that much? If I was eight hundred grand in-the-hole, how would I feel about living 40 feet from a janky apartment building with people looking down on me laughing at my folly? When will my apartment building go condo? Or when will it get torn down to make room for multi-unit luxury residential condos with off-street parking and street-level retail? When will I move to Everett, get a job in Redmond, buy a car and spend four hours of my day commuting to work? When will I wait 3 minutes at the office for an elevator to take me down to the parking garage so I can drive to the gym and ride the stairmaster for 3 minutes?
When? Where? Why?
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big hitter, the Lama
April 10, 2008

Running on three cylinders, and it’s a V-8. A hazy shade of Thursday. Cheap gas and lots of city miles and I’ve got 5 fuel injectors clogged. I feel the pedal go down but I don’t feel the acceleration. Maybe I need to get some sleep and a real meal.
Or maybe not 
I enter your sphere sitting at the bar day’s end you pour me smiles beer Time passes quickly Gratuities well earned One more time around
Imaginary Money in my bank account Debit this debit that
Eat drink be merry They say can’t take it with you One more time around
Schooner might do it Quitting after one more last One more time around
what's that Lama? Oh yeah don’t worry, we’ve got the Seattle Police out in force and the State Patrol is helping out too. They’re cleaning up the streets for you, at least along the route of the motorcade. We’re busting random bike messengers for nothing, we’re hauling away homeless people, we’re picking up trash, we’re kicking ass for you out there Lama. Do you think I could ride shotgun in the pope-mobile on the way back to the hotel?
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don't let your babies grow up to couriers
April 10, 2008

it's not a job it's a way of life
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double short tallboy
April 8, 2008

Just the tip of the iceberg, the overflow, the icing on the cake. What lies beneath? I spy some tuna casserole. Have another beer and you can almost see it starting to swirl down the drain in a clockwise direction or counterclockwise if you’re down under.
A diuretic fiesta. Coffee carousel. Beer roundabout.
Riding on the coffee-beer continuum as usual. However, on April 8, 2008 here in Seattle it was more of a coffee-beer merry go round. Ride it as long as you want, hop off and on whenever you need to. Depending on the time, the temperature and your personal needs. Reach for the golden ring. Round and Round Of the coffee-beer continuum I must give credit Where credit is due… To Robert Arzoo Who brought the continuum into my consciousness around 1993. Since then I’ve taken it in, adopted it, nurtured it and raised it as my own in another context.
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tourist totes umbrella
April 7, 2008
Standing by on Slow Monday. A very slow Monday in fact. Did so few jobs that by the end of the day it was really annoying to even hear the dispatcher at all. Lots of time on my hands but a long way from “free time”. Strapped into a messenger bag with a Nextel wired to my mouth. I’m conditioned to salivate when it chirps. But cotton mouth sets in, especially when I get paid by the hour. I couldn’t write complete sentences, so I wrote random thoughts. The meaning, the connections, the transitions, the flow is up to you. Word. Words. Ride slower Makes the day go faster Mr day-glo pants versus Mr purple deep V Hipster fix-o-rama drama An old country family recipe for disaster Schooner - Pint - Pitcher 12 oz - Tallboy - Roadmaster Six-pack rings on my fingers SPD bells on my toes Guacamole near my 3rd lumbar Another---one more---on par Burrito Inferno a la Bimbo Unsolved mystery solved It’s like butter on a roll a run a hot streak Good luck with that honeybear Soak in warm water Take a bath… take it to another level mist fog drizzle sprinkle downpour partly cloudy with a chance of rain Rain turning to showers High near 50 Never-ending five-day forecast recycled for 6 months…and counting Getting old = older = oldest Looking for a change in the weather Keep your John Fogerty Your shit is weak Watered down overcooked soft moderate played out Middle of the road vanilla milquetoast mild 1301 elevator Muzak weak Standing by standing Up Upgrade Uptown Up yours sit down Downsize downshift down comforter Every good boy does fine White noise Wild boys Black Gold Turquoise Duran Duran…Barbarella Tourist totes umbrella Keep it in the family Keep it in-house Stumbled upon a new job In through the outsource On the way to the outhouse stepped on a slug Go with your gut Feeling Minnesota
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power to weight ratio
April 7, 2008

Peet to bag ratio. Do the math. This photo does not convey how much Peet’s bag actually weighed at the moment. She’s smiling or maybe grimacing. She’s leaning forward just a bit, because if she didn’t she’d fall over backwards. I slowed her down for 45 seconds to get a photo on her way up to Callison and didn’t want to ask her to pose a for a few more shots. Two rolls the size of Texas and a few more the size of Montana, this is how structural engineers speak to architects. Try emailing that. Try faxing that over. Try to text message that. Try to fit that in your hipster bag and race it up the hill on your Pista.
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green, it aint easy being
April 6, 2008
 Foster will soon rock the green unitard sans jersey.  Buying my favorite beer at one of my favorite mom & pops. Grandma, the older lady in what appears to be three generations of proprietors, smiles, waves, points at the six pack in my hand and laughs. Then, because she doesn’t speak English very well asks her grandson to ask me what I do for a living, all the while pointing at me and the beer and gesturing. I tell her via him that I ride a bike around town and that’s why I can buy so much beer from her, drink a lot of it and stay relatively thin.
See you. Have good day.
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she blinded me with science
April 5, 2008
April 4, 2008

A friendly reminder from Foster Saturday April 12: Volunteer Park Criterium Sunday April 13: Brad Lewis Memorial Criterium please make a note of it, and it too.
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leave your bike at home
April 3, 2008
April 3, 2008
12:34pm Feels like nap time 1:23pm Feels a bit shonky 2:34 pm Feels like no-man's-land 3:21pm Feels like there’s still hope 4:32pm I can cover that 5:43pm Are you fucking kidding me
Completely dehydrated with nothing but a swig of warm milk Obviously dehydrated pissing americano with a hint of asparagus
Take it to the rack Take it to the mailroom
Go strong or don’t go at all Go to judge’s chambers
Don’t bring that weak shit inside Don’t bring that unsigned order to the clerk
Look for the open man Look for the guy in the dark suit
Kick it back outside Kick it back to the client Bring your A game Bring me a bucket
Pick ‘n Roll Pick ‘n Drop
Stop drop roll Pick drop roll
Serve it up Serve it on anyone authorized to accept
Lay it up lay it in Lay it on don’t spread it thin
Drive the lane Drive. just hang-up and drive
Penetrate the defense Penetrate the defense
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three on the tree
April 3, 2008

A B C 1 2 3 One for you Three for me Four on the floor Three on the tree Are you blind Can’t you see One of these kids Is not like the others One of these kids Is doing his own thing
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bills, it pays the
April 2, 2008

Poetry can be found in the back of an Auto Body shop. April is National Poetry Month. Poetry can be found in a Cave Singer. Check out Baby Bird live @ the BBC. Word. Words. Poetry. Puppy knew poetry. Violets are blue Roses are red Like Bronco said It’s all in your head
When you want to be with me then we will see who's fucking with my head
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repeat as needed
April 1, 2008

Where's the beef? The guy in the red sweatshirt is raising his beer...perhaps a toast to tourists that take pictures of one-legged pigeons in Pioneer Square, a toast to messengers that take pictures of seagull poop on sculpture or just a toast to drinking beer in the morning. I read a bit of a complaint I was filing in Superior Court this afternoon. A couple started a lawsuit against their neighbor over the Laurel Hedge on their property line and how it was trimmed too short. So much money, so much time, so many attorneys, so much bullshit. If I was the judge on that case I'd show up in their yard with a chainsaw and take care of the fucking hedge and the lawsuit. Leave the money-grubbing attorneys out of it and settle that shit out of court with little hard work and a little tough love. Howdy neighbor.
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hang on the beep
March 31, 2008
 the Patio @1301 
stack it up Dog Park off Boren & Pine 
backside o 1201 To the first person that can correctly identify in a comment below these three locations (be specific, tell me the address or lack of address and no half-ass zip code shit) these are locations that a lazy legal messenger like me might have been hanging because I was in fact at these three spots today.…to you, Ms Correct All Three Indentifier: a free custom-made pilderwasser T-shirt. Hand-made in Seattle and delivered via bicycle. Word. GAME OVER 4-1-8 Milkshake won a T-shirt
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quittin after one more last one
March 31, 2008
 Do you know what hard work gets you? More hard work. Work it. I’m an April Fool Flip the calendar. That means something? It’s April. So what if it’s psychosomatic, it still means something. Like Lane said, it’s all in your mind. Like Cory said, it’s all in your head. But the placebo effect is still worth noting. It’s April and I want to take my front fender off. I know it was 37 and raining on Friday. I know it was really cold this afternoon when the thundershowers rolled in. But it’s all in my mind and there’s no better place for it to be. I’m taking that fender off and let me tell you, I feel aero, I feel light, I feel free, I feel less toe overlap, I feel pretty, oh so pretty. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of wet socks… I’m ready to ditch the front fender. I’m an April Fool
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Bobo Doll
March 31, 2008

Monday is a Bobo Day Made in ABQ keep it in the Big Ring
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off the mark
March 30, 2008
Artistic interpretation Complete lack of motivation Vocation vacation Hibernation
Not quite right. Like under inflated knobby tires on a newly paved smooth road. But not all wrong. Like a full suspension mountain bike with drop bars, slick tires, full fenders and bar ends with rearview mirrors on both sides.
Not warm and fuzzy like a hot toddy by the fire, fluffy white Bing Crosby snow piling up. But cold and dreary late March just that side of freezing rain hand numbing feet soaking I’m so over this winter weather snow fall.
whatever it takes take it
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Daryl and the magic cereal bowl
March 28, 2008

I have no recollection of the events in question. I am without sufficient information and therefore can neither confirm nor deny the allegations.
The guy in the orange hat. The orange hat you just might see in a small town in Iowa on RAGBRAI. The orange hat you just might see at a top-secret underground boxing match. The orange hat you just might see in a cheap bar or an expensive bar with a friendly bartender. Bought a Daryl and an unexpected bonus cereal bowl came along for the ride. Had it shipped to the office because UPS won’t touch my apartment building. All my co-workers were very curious, loving, touching, squeezing the strange package, thinking I ordered some sex toys or male enhancement products from a California sex toy company called Swobo

That’s not just any old cereal bowl. That’s the Shock Doctor, a flex-alloy shatter-proof cup. You should have seen the guy’s face at the courthouse when he spotted it in my bag on the x-ray machine. I passed the cup or bowl on to Steve Young who will actually use it catching hard balls in the balls on Sunday afternoons.
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Come on Eileen
March 27, 2008

If you pour yourself into a relationship for 6 years, then walk away, you’re removed from the situation but never completely clear of it. A piece of you left behind and a piece of the relationship lodged in your heart like shrapnel. It will always be there and it’s sort of lumpy but with time it smoothes over a bit.
A swath of buildings including the historic Eileen Court Apartments will soon be torn down to make way for the Capitol Hill light rail station. I am all for progress and mass transit and would love to hop on a train and get to Sea-Tac Airport in 20 minutes, but I have some attachments to this old building after living and working there for 6 years. Not only as the manager but for two of those years also working for the remodeling contractor. Working overtime, it not only felt like around the clock, it was. I couldn’t go home and relax and forget about work, I lived at work. During that two year stretch I would occasionally sub at WA Legal on nice sunny days. That two year taste of residential remodeling is one of the things that pushed me back to the messenger world.
About 11 years ago the owner of the building went into bankruptcy and a trustee took over. A short time later a real estate company bought it for under a million. Which is a steal for a 24 unit apartment on Capitol Hill. Over the next few years they remodeled it from top to bottom. A new roof. Replaced the white trash Bavarian stucco exterior with beige vinyl siding, All new plumbing and electrical, new light fixtures in the hallways, new carpets. They even refinished all the original wood floors. High ceilings, huge windows, gas stove, claw foot tubs, old world charm with all the modern conveniences.
When I moved in, a studio apartment was $300. After the remodel, studios were $950.
Last year Sound Transit bought the building. I delivered some of the legal documents before the final sale and had a chance to flip through them. I’m not sure what the bottom line was but a fully occupied apartment on the hill in 2007 is worth some money and the monthly stream of income factors nicely into the value. Add to the original purchase price the extensive remodeling, and an expensive drawn out legal battle with one tenant who demanded relocation assistance and still, I'm sure the profits were handsome.
After six years of sweat and blood, picking up trash and unclogging toilets, hanging sheet rock and refinishing claw foot tubs, I was burnt out and exhausted. No quality of life but a healthy savings account. Money in the what cost? Are you working your ass off just to buy a flat-screen TV? just to make your car payment?
I hope to be there when the wrecking ball hits.
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analogous analog anal
March 26, 2008

When the dust clears I’ll be starting up a new website. A live web cam 24 hour feed available to members only, who with a password, will log on and check the time. The web cam image will look a lot like this, actually exactly like this, because it will be relaying digital images 24-7 of this old clock that has been broken for years. It is 3:33 twice a day and this clock holds steady. But don’t tell all those suckers out there that are looking for something to spend their money on. Membership will of course be expensive and exclusive and desirable. The more, the more, the more. In the lower right hand corner a digital clock will indicate the actual correct time in the Pacific Time Zone. Why wear a clunky old wrist watch when you can pull out your iPhone and log onto my site and see what time it is. Don’t trust the clock that’s built into your phone or computer. Buy into my site. A follow-up site will be a 24-7 live feed of a VCR with its clock blinking 12:00am and in the lower right hand corner of the screen a digital image of an analog clock indicating the correct time. Analog vs Digital Or just digital with a price tag on the nostalgia of analog. Ten years ago venture capitalists would've been throwing start-up money at me for bullshit like this.
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a priest, a rabbi, a tow truck driver, a flight attendant and my dispatcher walk into a bar...
March 26, 2008

jump to conclusions, make connections, assume. Sometimes it's the right thing to do. It's in your best interest. It's survival instinct. Snap judgement, label, stereotype, compartmentalize, pigeonhole, evaluate in the blink of an eye...then move on. Work your way back later and clean it up if there's time. Or not. go with it. Dig deeper. In the blink of an eye this morning, a white Mercedes came out of nowhere, came as close to T-boning me as a car has been in the last 3 years. My fault. My bad, sorry bro. My eyes blinked and my half-ass slow speed under caffeinated decision making almost cost me the RB-2. It's hard to make snap judgements with your eyes closed.
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March 26, 2008
what if perhaps maybe
March 25, 2008

Sacha‘s T-shirt idea appropriate for crowded elevators and clogged escalators
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March 24, 2008

Return to your cubicles Nothing to see here Shows over Keep moving slowly through the feed lot Get fat fatter Dumb it down Keep your head down Get up get get get down Extract some pleasure from that microwave popcorn or one last box of Girl Scout cookies Whatever it takes to avoid confronting the truth You’re standing in line Smiling content peaceful obedient On your way to the slaughter house Stop asking questions Pay your taxes Pick up some food to go on the way in a Styrofoam clamshell Read the memo Get a haircut Get in line Get with the program Get up get get get down Conform Conform copy and return to do it all again and Again the next day
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bottom line
March 24, 2008

On paper or as-the-crow-flies they appear to be a block away from each other. However, 516 3rd Avenue is a world away from 517 4th Avenue. Worlds apart in terms of convenience, elevation, social strata, spare changing, ratio of attorneys to bus stop detritus, free-locking bikes. How long does it take to replace a sidewalk? How big is a government contract? How much milk can a contractor milk if contractor must milk milk?
You’re telling me to grow up, acknowledge the facts and get serious. I’m telling you I’ve seen those facts and if that’s growing up, you’re kidding yourself.
Stop kidding yourself, get serious. Stop being so serious, laugh a little. Fucking up because you’re too serious. Or Fucking up because you’re not serious enough. It’s a fine line, so fine in fact, the end results, the final products, the sum totals are the same. No matter how you slice it, it comes up peanuts. Peanuts Nothing but peanuts in the end, so you might as well laugh a little.
It continues to be a quality of life issue. (it’s all horseshit)
It’s in my bottle cage on the 3rd Ave side. *** stale Monday aftertaste? have a grilled cheese sandwich the Dude abides
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smell that smell
March 23, 2008
 Peeps. The reason for the season. Easter is about marshmallow shapes and colors that do not occur in nature, all-you-can-eat buffets, a new pair of shoes, cleaning house, getting housed, going to church for the first time since the last time your parents tried to get you to go to church and giving up on giving something up, quitting quitting.
A can of beer because I can
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March 22, 2008

sit in an office chair and ride a bike... the Dream Machine I'm getting hard on myself sitting in my easy chair In Seattle you can be an aggressive athletic rider and be a more passive rider at the same time, so order both options.
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watching you watching me
March 22, 2008's so easy to see... I took a picture of Seth taking a picture of some photo guy taking a picture of Leland and Steve. Behind me is Todd attempting to take a picture of me, Seth, photo guy, Leland and Steve. Justin is along for the ride watching the whole thing, laughing. 
Sugarbear brought the party with him last night. Nothing goes better with cheap beer on a Friday night after a long week of work, than Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur, peppermint schnapps, Pimm’s, and various other hard liquors. The party kit even included swizzle sticks, colorful sword toothpicks, foo-foo umbrellas, and an official glASS rimmer.
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yoga straps and soy mochas
March 21, 2008

Hey you, yeah you in the purple fleece vest made from recycled plastic bottles toting the yoga mat made from organic rubber and free-range bamboo fibers waiting in line at Café Fiori for your soy mocha served in a 90% post consumer recycled paper fully compostable cup smiling your big environmental smile living in your 4 million dollar LEED certified green home high atop Queen Anne Hill with your double pane windows and your dual flush toilets and your non-volatile organic compounds, yeah you. If you really want to help out, take a look at the environmental impact statement for raising just one of your cherubic blonde kids sitting in the back of your Cayenne that's running out front. Just one kid, we won’t discuss the SUV, the Weimaraner or the Vizsla, or your Tri-Delt Nordic Princess Corporate Tax Lawyer spouse’s spending habits. I’m not angry. I’m laughing. I don’t ride a bike for the environment. I ride a bike to ride a bike and I drink black coffee and today is my Friday.
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March 21, 2008

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale... A tale of a fateful trip to the Seattle Office of the Washington State Insurance Commissioner. Housed in a dark stinky corner of an old building on 3rd Avenue. The door is always locked but there’s a doorbell, an intercom and a phone. These three methods along with old fashioned knocking can be used to try to gain access to the office. The three options are offered only to slow you down a bit, to make you wonder if one isn’t working, should you try another, or should you try all three and then try knocking. The door isn’t locked for security reasons. The door is locked to slow you down, to give the office workers inside a chance to clean up, put their pants and shoes back on, fold up their cots and pretend like they’d been working for the last 5 hours before the messenger showed up.
Any actual work done by the Insurance Commissioner’s office is done in Olympia and consists of schmoozing, lobbying lobbyists, long lunches with politicians, eating, drinking, playing golf and other bullshit. The Seattle office appears to have no real function. When they finally opened the door and let me in, I couldn’t help but think of the seven deadly sins and how they were represented well in this stale government office. Represented better here than on Gilligan’s Island.
I handed the letter to John Doe office worker and said I just need a stamp on the return copy and the messenger slip. This was a tremendously confusing request to Mr. Doe. A long puzzled stare at the documents then at me then back at the documents. Then I said, do you have a received stamp? He said he’d look for one and asked which letter was for him. I said the original, the one on beige heavy stock paper with the embossed letter head at the top and the original signature in blue ink at the bottom. The copy is the other one, the one that says “copy“ on it , the one that’s a photocopy of the original which is in your other hand, the copy is the one I need a stamp on.
He went off and found Jane Doe office worker who seemed to know where there was a rubber stamp stored in the office and they discussed the task for a while before he returned appearing to be proud of himself for finding a rubber stamp. But he still couldn’t grasp the copy-received concept or which document was for him, so he handed them all back to me. I handed him back the original and left the office wondering where these people come from, how they get jobs like this, why jobs like this exist. I am confident that one intelligent motivated person could perform all duties that the 5 or 6 people in this office get paid to supposedly do.
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do dew
March 20, 2008
 I can’t go for that (no can do) Do what you need to do What else can you do glistening with dew It’s long over due What should I do What can you do Do what you do
DANK me the money money talks
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March 20, 2008

Day night. Night day. Light dark. Up down. Yin Yang. Front back. Good Evil. Heads tails. You make the call. Give me a call. Missed your call. Called you back. A two way radio. Cuts both ways. It’s a two way street. A string tied between two cans. Two can minimum before 11. Open at 11:00am. This one goes to eleven. Equinox. Whole package. Big Picture. Take it all. In. Out. Work it out.
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goes around
March 19, 2008

that's Jonny Sundt in the Kelly Benefit kit
that's Chad in a Kelly Benefits long sleeve 12.67 months later...what goes around, comes around. coincidence, I think not. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Or just cycle.
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if it aint broke
March 19, 2008
From the land of recreational cycling, of occasional joy rides through the sunny warm fuzzy beautiful landscapes. Where bike maintenance and repair was a labor of love, done proactively. With no time constraints. With music in the background With a beer in my hand. With a smile on my face.
To the land of messengerville, bike riding every single day through the gritty grimy rainy ugly streets of the city. Where bike repairs are reactions to parts falling apart, disintegrating, completely failing. Maintenance becomes field medicine. And repairs are done triage style. Tolerance for “issues” with my bike has gone way up. Ignorance isn’t really bliss, but it makes for a less stressful day. Turn up the iPod and ignore that creaking. Continue to go with the assumption that the source of that rattling is the paper clip some joker put in my seat tube and not a cracked locknut on my rear hub. It’s not quite right, but it aint broke and the last thing I want to do after work is fix it.
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teach them well and let them lead the way
March 17, 2008

Aw, mom, you know I’m not like other guys. I’m nervous and my socks are too loose…and I stepped in dogshit.
Mom proceeds to try and scrape the shit off junior’s boot with a dainty little straw from Monorail. Successfully removing a small pile of it right in the middle of my office.
Kid, you’re wearing boots, you stepped in shit, big deal. That’s what boots are for. Walk it off. The most traumatic part of the whole experience for you has probably been us ridiculing you, taking pictures, laughing.
When I was your age, there were no leash laws, no poop bags, no worries about all the kids on the field that might slide tackle in that Irish Setter’s shit at tomorrow’s soccer practice. We’ve all stepped in shit. Whatever. It’s how you handle the next step that distinguishes you. If your mom sits you down and tries to clean you up with the straw from her iced latte…that’s not just dog shit, that’s horseshit.
It’s OK kid, just walk it off. It’s not your fault, but you have to live with it.
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two guys walk into a bar
March 16, 2008

Two people sitting at the bar. Drinking. Venting. Unwinding. Talking shit about co-workers, bosses, underlings and work in general. They could be attorneys, construction workers, studio photographers, bike messengers, actuaries or electricians. Change the wardrobe, the titles, the locations, the vocabulary, the jargon, do you speak the lingo? But keep the stupid shit, the petty details, the complaining, the politics, the junior-high-level human relations problems. It’s all the same, only the names will change. I'm a messenger, on a steel horse I ride. Gotta go to work gotta go to work gotta have a job.
Two Jesi (jeez-i) walk into a bar.
Two termites walk into a bar. One says “where’s the bar tender?”
Two bartenders walk into a bar and…
Ask Cat about Horatio Alger and how important his work has been over time and continues to be in each of our daily lives. Ask Cat about what really matters and about what’s horseshit. Ask Cat what it all means.
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brass nipples
March 16, 2008

nice shirt Hurl Sugarbear told me about this article in Momentum Magazine read it Hello Hurl. Hello Carl. Hello Minneapolis.
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March 15, 2008

1988 Senior Year, Garvey High Where all the guys were corny but the girls were mad fly
Any resemblance to actual people, locations or events is completely intentional.
Relax. Get over it. Roll with it. Move forward, look back.
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DANK bags
March 14, 2008

Laila Ghambari photo they make nice bags down there at DANK got me three of those DANK bags I heard they're pretty cool guys at DANK bags heard they have DANK t-shirts now heard they like to drink some Indiana Pale Ale heard they wear full-face helmets on the way home from the bar heard they throw southpaw that's what I heard
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know when to walk away, know when to run
March 14, 2008

Are you going to sit there and complain
Are you going to play the hand you’re dealt
Are you going to get up from the table and walk away
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it's the end of the world
March 13, 2008

it's the end of the world as we know it I don't drive a white van and I feel fine
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bring it
March 12, 2008

doric ionic corinthian whatever it takes 
unused potential 
Limitless potential

death warmed over Death warmed over. And not very warm at that. This guy looks as if he died 20 years ago but has been showing up for work ever since. On time. Every day. Never missed a day. Going through the motions. Pale grey lifeless. No sparkle in his eye. No no no nothing. Emptiness. It’s not as if he’s counting down the days to his retirement with full pension. It’s more like he’s in some purgatory, some spiritual limbo just this side of hell, with no end in sight.
If it wasn’t so spooky maybe I’d feel some sort of pity for him. But what I really feel is grateful that this guy is here, that this mailroom exists in this shithole government building. Because Mr. Luke Warm will sign for anything and it’s a lot easier to find him in the mailroom than it is to find some DB government worker with just a mail-stop address and nowhere near a suite number.
Do you feel that? Please make a note of it.
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unborn chicken voices in my head
March 11, 2008

Visions of RAGBRAI dancing in my head, dancing in the street, standing in the beer garden, beers per day, beers per hour, beers per dollar, dollars per ounce, pound for pound, power to weight ratio, alcohol by weight, alcohol by volume, turn up the volume, there are 15,000 people dancing in the streets of this small town in Iowa.
Mark your calendars, buy your plane tickets. EAT more, DRINK as much as you want, BE MERRY, the bike riding is the easy part. I’m not joking.
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March 11, 2008
 Vernal Equinox Party at my place, guests will include:John Steinbeck, Johnny Cash, David Byrne, Marcel Duchamp, Keith Haring, Jackson Pollock, Lucy Lui, Jan Stenerud, Eckhart Tolle, Frank Lloyd Wright, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Lucinda Williams, Beck, Rainer Rilke, Cindy Sherman, R. Crumb, David James Duncan, Sue Bird, Steve McQueen, Goody Blick, Sheldon Brown, Raymond Carver, Archibald Sharpe, Earnest Hemingway, Albert Hofmann, Bob Mould, Eddy Merckx, Prince, Temple Grandin, Sheryl Crow, Daniel Day Lewis, Jackie Robinson, Jackie Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Erykah Badu, Bob Roll, Kurt Cobain, Wes Anderson, Jane Goodall, Noam Chomsky, Maria Sharapova, Bill Withers, Joni Mitchell, Juliette Binoche, Paramahansa Yogananda, Patricia Arquette, Hall, Oats, Thao, Cecilia Bartoli, Anoushka Shankar, Julia Child, Annie Dillard, Madonna, TC Boyle, Shelby Lynne, Elliott Smith, Pele, Georgia O’Keefe, Cal Ripken Jr., Carl Jung. BYOB. Creative athletic artistic types drink. A lot.
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Hard Riders Wanted
March 10, 2008

there's a story here. I'll tell you about it. to your face. in person. for real. really. Or you can try and figure it out Like Claire said, she's probably somebody‘s bucky
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what are you looking at?
March 10, 2008

What are you looking at? What are you looking for? What are you talking about? What are you kidding me? What time is it? Over here Over there Under here underwear Over cooked Over board…no, just bored Understated understood Understand?
See Steve Young for Slow Monday tickets. Available until Noon.
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on & off
March 9, 2008
I can spot a rookie from a mile away. Which makes it very easy to recognize a seasoned professional. I’ve been a bike messenger, on & off, since May 12, 1997 and I’ve been hanging out in bars, on & off since August 25, 1987.
Of Bartenders and Messengers I speak. Two vocations close to my heart. Two vocations I’ve spent some time observing. On & Off, but mostly on. Mostly on.
There is something attractive about naïve, virgin, bumbling cluelessness. But confidence, intelligence and experience are sexy. Given the choice I’ll go with the pro every time. The choreography, efficiency and energy of a professional create a beautiful dance. No wasted movement. No backtracking. Carving graceful lines through the chaos, taking care of several things along the way. Making it look easy. It is easy at times. It gets that way after 10 years. But to the untrained eye it looks as if the pro is slacking, cruising, moving slow. These untrained eyes also see the rookies moving quickly, expending lots of energy and assume they’re working hard. But the truth is the rookies are working hard on not much at all, working hard on stupid little shit that the pros would do without thinking if the rookie wasn’t in the way, taking up space, collecting a paycheck.
When the shit goes down and the work cranks up, so does the pro, taking it to another level, the next gear, getting it on. The efficiency and production go way up. The work gets done correctly, on-time. The rookie continues to crank at the same pace, appearing to be working just as hard, but fucking up important details when the pressure is on.
Getting it there efficiently, doing it right the first time, is a whole lot faster than getting it there in two minutes and fucking it up. That was an Ex Parte by Noon, now try to go back and fix it. Ex Parte is closed until 1:30. That was a veggie burger with bacon, now try to go back and fix it. The customer’s lunch break is over.
I respect rookies, I used to be one. I enjoy watching them, seeing their confidence grow, charting their progress, noting changes in style. The learning curve is steep and in just a few weeks a new body language is displayed, a new confidence gained. It’s all very interesting, unless I’m on a tight schedule and I have to work with them, wait for them, or mop up their mess, then it gets annoying and I start to forget where I came from and worry about where I need to be. What time is it?

Thao with the Get Down Stay Down would've totally Omaha'd Xiu Xiu last night but they're all from the Bay Area and the show was at Chop Suey. Thao kicks ass and could have filled the place unplugged solo.
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fresh air
March 8, 2008

Messengers aren’t going away they’re going the way of the paper boy, the TV repair man, the milkman and the doctor who made house calls. Daily papers are going away and from the comments regarding the P-I article about messengers, it appears most people won’t be sorry to see us fade away. However some people have voiced their concern about the loss of human contact, of actual human interaction in this electronic age. In an office environment of fluorescent lights behind large plastic panels among acoustic tiles in a drop ceiling, everyone and everything has a sickly pale sheen. The lights give off an audible hum nobody notices. Paired with the drone of the ventilation system it creates a dull white noise forming a the background to a long boring office workday filled with beeps, chirps, squeals, whines, murmurs and buzzes. Breathing recycled air. Actual conversations are stilted and brief. Filled with phrases like got your email, got your text, shoot me an email, text me when you find out. Conversations of any length usually concern the weather, the game last night, American Idol, or the new season of Survivor. Most of the day is filled with phone calls, intercom blurbs, IM pop-ups, and loads of email. In walks a messenger. Glowing, shining, sweating, radiating the energy of physical labor. Smelling like freedom. A strange mix of sweat, teriyaki chicken, beer, Old Spice and chain lube. She sometimes throws down the package and runs. She sometimes needs the signature of the CEO or to serve the Registered Agent personally. No she’s not your Bucky. No she doesn’t want to have a seat and read a magazine. Yes she’d like some water. No it’s not raining. No she wouldn’t want your job on a day like this.
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step into my office
March 7, 2008
 A warm spot in the sun, cold beer in hand A warm cup of coffee, a cold seat on the cement
Step into my office, pull up a chair, find a spot on the coffee beer continuum. We’ll talk with Andrea about how groups of people adopt public space for private use. Taking over a street corner, a bench, a hangout. Hanging out. And we’ll discuss how these groups of people, can be intimidating to the average passerby.

TK said it best: “Being a messenger and paying to race in an alley cat after work, is like being married to a porn star and renting one of her movies." I'm looking California feeling Minnesota today is my Friday
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March 6, 2008
what I hear you saying is
March 6, 2008

She got exactly what she asked for But she didn’t get what she wanted Because she didn’t ask for what she really wanted Pointing fingers, assigning blame, blaming the messenger
I did some research at the courthouse yesterday, 442 pages worth. Locating, printing out and delivering documents to a legal secretary. The documents she asked for. She got every single page of the documents she asked for. Unfortunately they were not the documents she wanted. Attorneys blaming secretaries, secretaries blaming messenger companies, dispatchers blaming messengers, and finally the messenger saying “fuck all y’all, because I did my job, I did it correctly, quickly, professionally and efficiently”
Ask for what you want, directly. Save all the social niceties, all the Pacific Northwest indirect passive aggressive shit, all the dancing around the subject trying to be the cool guy nice guy good guy. No need to attempt to finesse it out of me or manipulate the situation attempting to achieve your goal. Say it. Ask for it. Get to the point.
Say what you mean Mean what you say Ask for what you want When you get what you asked for but not what you wanted Don’t blame the messenger
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PM Legal
March 4, 2008

Tyler, Stacy, Fever and AG...1997ish If you took this photo, let me know, and I’ll give you credit.
Like Adam Smith said, we’re actually just a few degrees from PM Legal. If you’re reading these words right now or if you’re a messenger or if you live in Seattle that's the truth. A few more degrees and everyone can be traced back to PM.
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March 3, 2008

Bonzo Goes to College (1952) sequel to Bedtime for Bonzo but did not star Ronald Reagan Reagan Bonzo status quo business as usual business casual casual Friday casual sex no strings attached the price you pay the cost of doing business business as usual all the time every time most of the time half the time my time out of time this time War Time election year recession transition chain of events connections relationships cause effect conflict drama climax resolution transition status quo this time there might not be a next time this could be the last time commas semicolons punctuation you catch my drift you make the call you decide proximity chronology astrology proctology 220...221 whatever it takes uncork a bottle of fizzy wine laugh while you can monkey boy
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days of our lives
March 3, 2008
 Erik Jahnz photo Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, I used to run other people’s errands all day. With a brick-sized radio turned up full blast and a purple vest worn at all times. Riding on the sidewalk was forbidden. From Fremont to Georgetown. From Pier 55 to Madison Park. From East Aloha to West McGraw. Nine hours in the saddle, 55 miles on the bike. A few dollars in my pocket. Caloric output consistently exceeding caloric intake. At the end of the day a pint of beer would kick my ass.
Today I run errands for a few attorneys all day. With a cell phone as big as your land line. Riding on the sidewalk all day. From the Courthouse to 2101...and not much further. 8 hours on the clock. A couple hours in the saddle. A few dollars in my pocket. Caloric intake, yeah, yeah whatever. A pitcher of beer isn’t enough.

To all you kids taking a week off. A seven day sobriety test. A detoxifying detour from your routine. Here’s to your liver. Here’s to your kidneys. Here’s to you.
I’ll drink to that.
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off the hook
March 2, 2008

The next piderwassser design. Visualize this fish in grayscale on your chest, on your back, on your rib cage, on your new T-shirt.
Send money.
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it was what it was
March 1, 2008

On the seventh day of spring she said “let there be exposed skin” and it was good
March 1st, it is. Nearly time to Spring Forward, which is cause for celebration up here at the 48th parallel. Do you need another reason to celebrate? Do you need a reason to drink more? Do you need a reason to drink less?
On their second date she said “we’re not really dating” and it was what it was
Looks matter. If looks don’t matter, don’t look. If looks don’t matter why do they make white spandex? If looks didn’t matter why’d you look? You looked.
On the fourth day of RAGBRAI she said “I like your RB-1” and it was like, love
I have no recollection of the events as described. I am without sufficient information and can neither confirm nor deny the allegations. My attorney has advised me to shut the fuck up. Like dickstank said, the correct answer is E. If you don’t know what you’re talking about
A. talk louder B. make something up C. crack a joke D. all of the above E. shut the fuck up
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March 1, 2008

As hard as a rock Cushy pillow soft my ass NJS approved
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February 28, 2008
I want it all to make sense be logical add up cook down fall in work out turn on pay off A little something, you know, for the effort …goonga galoonga…
I want it all and I want it now I want to have what cannot be had name what cannot be named do what should not be done expect the unexpected I want a healthy return on my emotional investment I want candy, I want candy I want to get away, I want to fly away, yeah! I want to get high, so high I want to talk to you, I want to shampoo you I want to renew you again and again I want to be free to do what I want to do
I want to clear-up on the hill with nothing on the board be bored on the hill sitting in the clear drinking for hours with nothing on my tab
I want to be your Bucky I want all the jobs on my line all the lines on new jobs
I want an Oompa Loompa now daddy
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Albert Hofmann
February 28, 2008

a dose of reality a dose of altered reality just a dose do si do a glimpse into another reality what's real? I don't know, why? she swallowed the fly
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February 27, 2008

Gimme a chirp Got my finger on the button The hardest button to button Got an uncontrollable urge Can’t tell you all about it Got an unscratchable itch Can’t touch this Got a general malaise Can’t identify Words cannot describe Take a picture It lasts longer
Wednesday is a working day
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above the fold
February 26, 2008

Leland and Chris both made the front page of the P-I Double headline, giant full color photo, full front page "news" inspiring over 100 comments from readers on the P-I website, many expressing their joy in seeing messengers disappear from downtown Seattle, many expressing their ignorance and abundance of free time to post comments on newspaper websites. '
Look ma, no pants
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smell of freedom
February 26, 2008

Mike Kane P-I photo Read the article in today's PI, see the photo gallery, listen to the audio slideshow, tell your parents you're in the paper. Tell your parents I'm in the paper.
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what are you eating under there?
February 24, 2008

I'm doing a limited run of pilderwasser boxer briefs. American Apparel Men’s Large black & white. $25. They run small. They'll fit you. They'll fit your girlfriend. They'll fit your boyfriend. Understated, subtle, tasteful. As elegantly simple, as simply elegant as a Phil Wood bottom bracket. Only your close friends will know what you’re rocking down below. But you know it’s there and that’s what counts.
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what we have here is
February 24, 2008

Tyler Goldsmith photo 1998ish No helmet: $103 Blowing two red lights: $103 Eye contact with motorcycle cop: $103 Questioning authority: $206 I’ve been pulled over a few times. Gotten a few tickets. Heard some interesting things from cops. But I’ve learned to look over my shoulder for the familiar colors of Seattle’s Finest while I casually roll through intersections. I’ve learned to listen for the sound of an SPD motorcycle. Most importantly I’ve learned not to make eye contact with the cop that was sitting there the whole time watching me blow all the lights on 3rd Avenue down to King County. And if I do get pulled over I keep my mouth shut. Long ago I was pulled over by the cop you see pictured here and I said “What?” when he mumbled something to me and that was enough to get written up. Late one night, One red light, no traffic in sight, a messenger with a little attitude and a little bud in his pocket got stopped by a bored cop and got himself a night in jail. True story. we wanna be free We wanna be free to do what we wanna do…
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ride me
February 23, 2008

I won’t tell you what you ought to say no need to tell me what I want to hear Feed me honest truth Fill me with wild ideas Fill me with black coffee Warm me in cold beer Bring me to the proper PSI Take me to another chakra Ride me in your special shoes Ride me to the library Ride me into the sunset Ride me across Iowa Ride me for the sake of riding me
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thighs of steel
February 23, 2008

Evening Magazine recently featured Jason the messenger with thighs of steel
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read a book, read a book
February 23, 2008

Ten Points by Bill Strickland. I have in my hand an autographed copy as we speak.... Not just a book about bike racing. A book about being a father and a husband. A book about dealing with demons from the past. A book about pushing beyond your insulated comfort zone. Not just a happy-happy-joy-joy feel good read, because life isn’t always like that. Not just a book for gear heads or bike racers because life isn’t always like that. There’s more to it. word
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I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, that much is true
February 21, 2008

Why did the attorney cross the road? How many legal messengers does it take to screw in a light bulb? It’s all about the struggle and reconciliation of opposites. Just because I’m here, working in the service sector I am not going to kiss anyone’s ass or even pretend to. I’m not telling you that you need a check for $200 with your monetary King County filing, I’m asking you in a suggestive way if you need to attach a check…because you’re the attorney, I’m the bike messenger and I’m waiting for you to tell me there should be a check with these documents. Copy that? WWDD? I’ll do what you say, even though I know it’s wrong, I’ll let you know what I’ve done in the past many many times, I’ll explain what my experience has been and then I’ll take very good notes and fuck it up because that’s what you told me to do. You’re the attorney. I’m the messenger. Do you want me to do it right or do you want me to do what you say? I’ve never actually said that to these legal schlepsters. But I say it with my eyes. I say it in the gaps between the words I actually verbalize. I say it with my breathing. You’re the man. Oh no, no, really, you’re the man.
Today one of my coworkers handed me some documents to file at King County. I glanced at them, stuffed them in my bag and rode to my next stop and made a pickup. Then I took a minute to really look at that other job and noticed it was missing a check, I looked up at the guy next to me on the elevator and said, Are you an attorney? Yes, he says with a puzzled look don’t you need $200 to file an answer with a counterclaim? I ask Laughing he says, I do criminal defense, I have no idea and I’m sure you’d know better than most people Thanks, I say… So I called the client, got her voicemail, hung up, called my dispatcher, then took it back to the client. The secretary that sent it out went to the dentist so another secretary came out and said file it anyway.
Copy that.
In a couple weeks I’ll go back to that client and pickup the originals with a check for $200 and a note from the clerk explaining why it was rejected on February 21 and mailed back to them. And then I'll file it again.
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no man's land
February 20, 2008

Graham Watson photo poached from VeloNews Jonny Sundt earns his money getting his team some valuable face time in the Tour of California. word

Claire was right, The Straight Story is a great movie. Check it out. Perfect for RAGBRAI training, it even includes a RAGBRAI scene and features the town of Laurens which was recently on the route. This film will give you a real feel for the Iowa landscape. Really. Real. Keep on rocking 25.4 in the 31.8 world. Here's to one inch threaded headsets and quill stems.
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roll with it
February 19, 2008

20 minutes basking in the sun on a bench near 36th & Pacific on the Burke-Gilman was plenty of time to witness some classic bike--car interactions at the intersection where 36th crosses the trail. The chuffinest of chuffers expect that motorists see them at all times and yield to them and that this beautiful bike path somehow means something to a guy in a truck on his way home from the lumberyard. Motorists rarely see you on the road and they sure aren’t going to see you on a bike path approaching an intersection at an odd angle from a lower elevation. You’re on a bike, and to many motorists you might as well be on a pogo stick or a razor scooter on the playground. Expect it. No need to dwell on it. Roll with it. Life is a beautifully ripened blackberry hanging right at dog-piss level.
Eat it.
Life is a rusty nail sticking out at eye level.
See it.
Life is a big fat expansion joint in the road, running parallel to your front wheel, all day long. No matter where you go. No matter which way you turn. There it is.
Work with it. Deal with it. Roll with it. Get over it.
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Are you my Bucky?
February 18, 2008

Are you my Bucky? pilderwasser T-shirts in Royal Bucky Blue will soon be available in Men’s Medium and Large. Other colors available in other sizes. Nick Dale and 22 Joel your shirts will be the first screened and delivered via messenger in the next 7-10 working days. Everyone else…like those guys down at DANK bags say, money talks.
In addition, there will be a very small run of baby rib knit American Apparel pilderwasser black and white boxer briefs in Men’s Large, because that’s my size. Other sizes could be available soon if there’s interest. And I have a new understated simple RAGBRAI shirt design now too for all you people out there who want a taste of Iowa to wear around town.
All these items are $25 including shipping. I take cash, checks and PayPal. 
The Presidents’ Day Sale at DANK bags, included a can drive and was a huge success. Many cans were brought in, many cans were consumed. Nobody left empty handed. No left hands were empty.
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Presidents' Day Sale
February 17, 2008

Look over there (Where?) There! There's a lady that I used to know She's married now or engaged or something so I'm told Context, location, intention, direction, costume, wardrobe, get up, get down, add it up and write it down. Passing through, passing throw, passing threw. Through, throw, flew, flow. Through, finished, done, concluded, over. Overflow, over throw. Up through. Throw up, vomit, hurl, chunder, puke.
Like Cat said, she can walk through the core without a messenger bag on and go unrecognized. Just another anonymous pedestrian. Brandon can drive through the core in a minivan giving friendly honks and waves to passing messengers and go unrecognized. Just another guy in a car honking at cyclists. If Cat was on her bike, we’d all see her, give her the messenger nod and greetings. Brandon on a bike would bring far more waves and smiles of recognition. Like I told Vanessa from the PI, it’s hard to find another job where you can roll around on a bike and 100 people know your name.
It’s hard to say Presidents’ Day with out saying sale. President’s Day Sale! One day only! Years of conditioning, conditioning us to consume. We’re all consumers. Consumers consume. A day off from work is a great day for shopping and buying and consuming.
Haven’t touched a bike all weekend., maybe because I’ve been touching so much beer. But this holiday thing is like having an extra Saturday. Cosuming.
Mr. J. Grisham took this photo at the Lincoln Monument in 1998.
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ring of fire
February 16, 2008
Love is burning thing and it makes a fiery ring
Love is cheap incense I bought in a grocery store in Bellingham in 1993. What to keep? What to let go of? What to burn up? What to dispose of in a dumpster far from home? The incense was horrible. Horrible. The package however was priceless. A keeper. Recently unearthed from the pilderwasser archives, here it is. Let me draw your attention to the playboy tattoo on the gentleman’s right hand. talk amongst yourselves Saturday.
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one more time around
February 15, 2008

Life in the small city is not always what you read in the travel magazines. It’s not always vibrant, colorful, spicy, sexy, spunky, edgy, trendy, heady, intelligent, literate, educated and exciting. Sometimes it’s dull, grey, anonymous and tepid. Sometimes it’s boring beige boxy brick buildings. Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t. One more time around might do it TGIFF word
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picture frame
February 13, 2008
any given day, 4:01pm
February 13, 2008
On his way out the door the attorney signs off on all the documents. He’s got a 4:30 tee time at Broadmoor and he’s running late. As soon as he gets the pen in his hand, his secretary calls the messenger company. “it’s on the copier” she says, but it’ll be “ready in 2 minutes” and she’ll have a King County filing with copies for the judge, as well as copies to opposing counsel at four different addresses downtown. As soon as she hangs up the phone the dispatcher chirps me and unloads it all onto my plate. I hop on my bike and ride towards Two Union to pick all that shit up. Yeah whatever. Soon I’m on 7th Avenue crossing Union heading for the tunnel when the attorney in his Porsche Cayenne, comes flying out of the parking garage below and squeals into a left turn onto Union. At the very last second he sees me and slams on his brakes. He scowls at me as hard as he can from his expensive shell. But by that time I’m already passing him on his right, anticipating his move, assuming my invisibility. I make eye contact with him, smile and just shake my head, because I know how close he came to hitting me, I know he’s an asshole, but I also know he might be one of our clients. Seattle is a small town. The attorney is absorbed in his little bullshit world, aren’t we all, but he is so nearsighted in his nearsightedness, he’s oblivious to the fact that I am going to pick up his very important legal documents and I am going to file them with the court and get to all four opposing counsel offices in the next 20 minutes, before he even gets his golf shoes on and steps up to the first tee. 
I might like you better if we slept together I might like you better if you drove a Cayenne instead of that janky old bicycle
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are you on a bicycle?
February 13, 2008
Bike messengers can weave in and out of traffic, avoid construction and get from Pike to Pine in a matter of minutes... read the full article for more fun filled facts and check this out over on HTATBL it's good stuff
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expiration date
February 12, 2008

The end of an era, the end of my second 4 year commission as a Notary in and for the State of Washington, residing in Seattle. This is it. No mas. This time I’m not renewing it, or I should say my boss is not paying for me to renew it and I have no interest in renewing it myself. Outside of work I think I only performed 2 notorial acts in 8 years. And as a rolling notary, my numbers have been way down in the last few years. Back in the day I used to do a couple rush round trip notary signature jobs each month for one very large law firm. My favorite part of those jobs was asking the suits for photo ID and watching their reaction. 
Of ending eras I speak, and here’s an era unmatched in Seattle Messenger history. The fridge at WLM, leaking, dripping festering liquids for years. Containing a variety of aromas and growths. It kept countless thousands of beers at various temperatures for years. But it is time for this unit to retire and be replaced by a younger, more efficient appliance.  Speaking of long careers, unmatched in the history of Seattle messengers. 22 Joel is the man. Over a quarter century as a bike messenger. That’s right I said 25 years. A lot of you kids weren’t even born when Joel started rolling downtown. He’s now working at a coffee shop in the core, so stop in and say hi to him. And Joel you will be getting a first edition Are you my Bucky? t-shirt hand delivered via messenger as soon as I print them up. Cheers.
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I want to dive into your ocean
February 12, 2008
Seth here’s your song It was a challenge to ID the artist based solely on your rendition from last night but I did it and I can see clearly now, the rain has gone. It’s all in your mind. Keep in mind the upcoming Bike Swap not to be confused with the Bike Expo Back in the day both happened on the same weekend, just a stone’s throw from each other in the shadow of the Space Needle. Not anymore. Please make a note of it. Note to selves: watch for Jonny Sundt in the The Tour of California Big time race, big time racers, racing big time. The Kelly Benefits team is strong this year. Finally because it is still February, here's one more thing I’d like to draw your attention to, the pilderwasser Book of the Month Some people don’t like to read reviews of books or movies that reveal too much of the story. If you’re one of those people, don’t read the reviews just check out the book. There are 147 holds on it at the Seattle Public Library and several stores are sold out of it. But the author will be at Elliott Bay Books on February 19 and I bet you can find a copy there.
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this is it
February 10, 2008

1. This is it 2. there are no hidden meanings 3. you can't get there from here, and besides there's no place else to go you can read more of the list if you want. I like it. I like it a lot. My dad sent it to me this morning and it makes me think of a tourist family on the corner of 5th & Pike asking a question of me and Leland and Cory and Chris because we're loitering there and we look like we know our way around Seattle. And my answer to their questions being: "this is it" or "you can't get there from here" and then, that corn-fed family from Nebraska thinking I'm just a drunk messenger fucking with them, when the truth is, I speak the truth. this is it
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messenger, bicycle
February 9, 2008

Jason on a box job. A box job on Jason. Jason enjoys bulk. He seeks it out, asks for it, prefers it in fact. Because because because… …because it’s one of the things he does. Because it pays well. One of the skills a messenger develops is the ability to carry boxes on their handlebars. This skill comes in handy during RAGBRAI when you stop by the store to pickup a 30 pack of Busch Lite and your friends are waiting for you under a shady tree in the park. Rolling it back into town on your handlebars, you make new friends quickly. 
The guy in the middle is a messenger, the other two guys are not. and that's the truth, the following however, is not a true story, it’s fiction inspired by fact. A woman talking on her cell phone, shopping on her lunch break was walking towards American Eagle on the sidewalk near 6th & Pike Street, when she was struck by a cyclist. The impact spun her around, knocked the shopping bags out of her hand and sent her cell phone flying. The cyclist stopped for a moment and made sure she was OK, spoke into his radio a few times and rode away. In her adrenaline-induced rage, in her rage-induced haze, the woman assumed the cyclist was a messenger. He was on a bike, he had a radio, he was wearing a bunch of bike “gear”. So this woman called the police to complain, she told her boss and coworkers the story, she told all her friends, she wrote a letter to the editor, she spoke to the city council. This woman spread her word about bike messengers and how they’re a menace to society, they’re dangerous and the should have to get licensed, there should be a law against them.But that cyclist was not a messenger, that cyclist was a MID ambassador on a bike. The Metropolitan Improvement District (MID) ambassadors roam the streets but mostly they roam the sidewalks of the core on foot and on bikes. I’m not sure what they really do all day but occasionally they provide helpful information to tourists and sometimes they hassle homeless people for public urination or for sitting on the sidewalk. On the spectrum between cop and rent-a-cop security guard, they don’t even register. They’re closer to hall monitor and like a janitor. They have radios and they wear enough rain gear for 3 people. They do not look like bike messengers, unless you have never seen a messenger, unless you get hit by one and you’re lying on the sidewalk and all you see is a bike and all you hear is a radio.
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February 8, 2008

Who wants an Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips.
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see change sea change
February 6, 2008
 Spare change, loose change, real change Change if you spend a buck Sea change Change your mind In a span of a traffic signal The wait for one red light Enough time to change my mind Twice And change it back again Rolling towards my goal But upon arrival, giving it only a glance A look askance And rolling on, not even slowing down Turn and face the strange Changes Change will do you good Change must come from within Change your tune Change your mind In the span of one elevator ride Enough time to change my mind Twice again Enough time to change my shirt Enough time to take a monster bite out of a dried up pastrami sandwich and choke it down All the way down the hall to the right, last door on the left Stamping out face pages Blowing out bread crumbs Onto the reception desk Smiling an apologetic dried out pastrami sandwich smile Change the date Change your socks Change the way you look at things Change your mind
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Wednesday is a whacking day.
February 6, 2008
February 5, 2008
long story short
February 4, 2008

Jimmy went back to the text message six or seven times that night, scrolling through it, searching for some hidden meaning, some subtext, some inside information, a nuance, a message that, of course, couldn’t be written in mixed company, a little something just for him, trying to read between the lines for something… anything that would say what wasn’t being said.
Mark dropped his 1420 and was headed to 1001. When he unlocked his bike, and caught a whiff of kybo, that strong unmistakable smell, he was instantly transported to RAGBRAI, he looked around for the source of the aroma and spotted a Honey Bucket truck on Pike Street, sucking the shit out of a couple units in the alley between 4th & 5th.
That red headed woman who only exits the building on her coffee breaks, was exiting the building. Strapped into her iPod, reading a paperback. Obviously she had no intentions of quieting her mind, or attempting to find silence through yoga or meditation. She was in full-on drown-it-out mode. Letting those little voices in her head compete with the Stone Temple Pilots and the Lady of the Lake series #17.
Long story short
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bike ride bike
February 3, 2008

... Let's let the artist describe this one himself. "The beautiful feminine champions of sport as seen every day in magnificent action in the mass media are inevitably a source of inspiration to the artist in search of visual imagess that are heroic and at the same time erotic in their wholesomeness, and that are also, it must be said, one of the more positive phenomena of the 'post-modern' age. And so, happily, we dedicate a special section of this issue to portraits of the athletic female figure in action, interpreted with pen and ink." You'll gape in awe at the skill and reverence of these portraits of tennis "champeen" Serena Williams, Playboy's Hugh Hefner (with lady friends, of course), and over 30 other women who have struck Crumb's muse.
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life aint nothin but a good groove
February 2, 2008
Sometimes I think about things. Things other than brake pads, chain lube, uneven spoke tension or locknut lip clearance. But even when I do think about bikes, there’s a soundtrack playing in the background of my mind. A song for every occasion. I’m a fan of mix tapes, even the ones that are actually on cassettes. Today I rode my bike to the library to pick up a movie and randomly pulled this book off the shelf and decided to take it home for a couple weeks. Check it out... I recommend it. This book appeals to me because song lyrics and song titles are always creeping into my vocabulary. If someone has said it before, and set it to music, why not refer to it, use it, say it, sing it. Some part of my brain is devoted to Top 40 songs from the 80s and random songs from allover. And this book is not just some feel-good fluff, he’s got something to say. here's a mix tape I work on once in a while. it only exists in that imaginary space between my computer and yours, but sometimes that's just enough. 
Peter recommended this movie to me. It’s the reason I went to the library today, and now I’m recommending it to you. It's one of the best documentaries ever. If you watch this and Grey Gardens, back-to-back, you might need some time to recover.
February, it is.
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texture and rhythm and flavor
February 2, 2008

This here's Bret in ABQ. Check out Joe's blog Steam Bike and keep up with his story. I see Saint John as a microcosm of what's happening in the messenger industry as a whole. It's not just an interesting story, it's the future. Red Herring When the Super Bowl follows Ground Hog Day in a Leap Year, history has shown, anything goes. Hold on to your catheters. so many words, so little time
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light at the end of the tunnel
January 31, 2008

I enjoy time to think. But all day to think can be unhealthy. A little hard work helps to keep my mind off of things that I don’t want to think about. And the past few days there hasn’t been much hard work but there has been a lot of standing by, sitting down, zoning out. I’m even getting ridiculed by hard-working commissioned messengers. Some are jealous of my steady hourly wage and my lack of work. Some just can’t accurately express their feelings about the whole situation and all those emotions work their way out in other ways.
Underemployed times two. Actually underemployed to the third power. Working as a bike messenger is one thing. Sitting around as a bike messenger is another, but sitting around for hours when it’s 36 and raining is the worst.
Idle time recently has made me think about moving on to another job. Another employment situation. Another source of income. Not another “career” because that word gets in my way. I read about a paralegal certification program and thought about how I could do that. I thought about it for a good 10 seconds then laughed and said NO WAY.
There are times when I feel like I’m doing paralegal work pointing out mistakes to legal secretaries, calling them out to the front desk to explain things to them about their court filing, calling them on the phone from the clerk’s office to explain things some more. A rolling paralegal. I know my way around the courthouse. I’ve been in a lot of law firms in Seattle, I’ve been in some of them hundreds and hundreds of times. I have a feel for which ones would be OK to work for and which ones would really suck. The chi of Seattle law offices could be a page or two in kickstand. But the bottom line is, my favorite part of working with lawyers, legal secretaries and paralegals is going into their offices grabbing the documents, and getting the hell out of there and back outside. I do not want to spend my days in one of those offices. this job sucks. no wait, this job doesn't suck as much as your job sucks PS…early this morning before I drank my coffee I thought I should “upgrade” to WordPress for this blog thing. But nothing happened and it just held the whole site in limbo so I tried to change my mind. So if your links are jacked that’s why. Next time I start a blog I’ll start there but it’s difficult to transfer translate. Copy? PPS...I don't have a myspace page. You can contact me here. Copy?
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R. Crumb
January 30, 2008

at the Frye Art Museum as we speak. It's kind of a big deal and it's free, always, becasue Mr. Frye wanted it that way.
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logic vs emotion
January 27, 2008

The number of questions far exceeds the number of answers Often answers inspire more questions How can one street, address, house, office building that in appearance hasn’t changed much take on such a range of meaning Such different contexts in the same physical location Like Mr Spock Half Vulcan -- Half Human Logic and Emotion doing battle And it’s not always a fair fight How many emotions can be attached to a leftover Greek salad You’d be surprised I’m not hungry anymore Slowly Imperceptibly Under the cover of darkness Inching back the intellectual property line Far beyond the assessor’s measurements...uncharted territory Until I am finally ready to build a fence Enclose separate protect my hard-earned knowledge
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new improved
January 27, 2008

Bike people understand when they see someone taking pictures of their bike leaning against a wall, a wall like this green one on my street. If you’re reading this, you’re more than likely a bike person and you more than likely have taken a picture of a bicycle.
This 1981 Soma, that I bought from Adam Smith at Bike Works on 10-9 Day in 1999, has morphed just a bit. Inspired by the addition of a new 5-rail CETMA rack This bike is an all weather grocery bar coffee shop utility cruiser. I flip-flopped the rear wheel to the free wheel side, added a rear brake, huge platform pedals, riser bars and a front fender. The risers make it feel much more Saturday afternoon and I do believe make me look 10 years older. I know now, it is possible to be more upright and more laid back at the same time. 
Cat knows what's up.
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jury demand
January 26, 2008

I've got a jury demand... take the fucking stairs! It's your civic duty. Especially when the 4th Avenue entrance is closed due to "cold weather" Especially when you all return from the 701 food court at 1:00pm and the line is out the door. Especially when you only need to go up one floor. Especially when there are 27 of you and herd mentality set in long ago, way back when you learned to stand in line in elementary school. As a legal messenger in and for the County of King, working in Seattle, I encourage you to take the stairs.
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January 25, 2008

from where I'm sitting, on the steps at 7th & Union, it's already here. Take a step back and make your eyes go out of focus, squint a bit and you can view the messenger industry as gage of the economy. We don’t just have our fingers on the pulse of Seattle’s economy, we’ve got our fists wrapped around the rectal thermometer of Seattle’s economy.
Seattle is a bit different from the national average in terms of unemployment, housing costs, and quality of life issues. But I smell some recession muffins cooking right here at home. The construction boom downtown is huge and it appears that when that pendulum stops swinging there will be some surplus office space and condos on the market. I have personally noticed a big decrease in the number of real estate documents I’ve been taking to the Recorder’s office. Take a look at that and then look at the Seattle housing market.
If you carefully compiled data over a 25 or 30 year span of Seattle’s messenger history you would see trends that correspond directly with what was going on in Seattle in terms of construction both commercial and residential, housing prices, commercial rent dollars per square foot, dot-com bubbles, electronic court filings, Boeing burps, Paul Schell’s term in office, all of it. All of that and more.
The number of messengers on the road, the number of messenger companies in the yellow pages, the number of tags pulled down per day, the number on the far right of my pay check, the number of messengers sitting around looking at each other and saying with a smile, “it’s a dying industry…” 
It’s a rush pick up.
You’re looking for an economic stimulus package from The Man.
If it’s not ready when you get there, keep track of wait time. He said it may not be ready until June.
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January 25, 2008

the time is now. round trip airfare to Chicago from Seattle is cheap. all you need is plane ticket and gas money for the team bus and some beer money and you can roll RAGBRAI with pilderwasser. I'm serious. Leaving Seattle July 17 returning July 27. Tell your boss now, you're taking a week off. I'm serious.
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January 23, 2008

The soul is no traveler; The wise man stays at home. He does not go abroad with the hope of finding somewhat greater than he knows. The soul that is plain and true dwells in the hour that now is, in the earnest experience of the common day, And the mere trifle becomes porous to thought, and bibulous to the sea of light.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson I am all for bibulousness at the sea of light. The common day. And filling trifles with holes of thought. Whole thought holes.
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two and two
January 23, 2008
I see your mouth moving. I hear some words coming out. I know what you’re trying to say. I’m pretty sure I understand your intentions. But it’s not in sync, it’s not even close. It’s like John Wayne’s voice dubbed over a scrawny little character in a low-budget martial arts movie. Or a bad dream involving clowns and carnival rides at the county fair. Or some kind of performance art with spooky face paint, playing uncomfortably looped phrases in the background. You don’t need to lie to me. I’d prefer you saying nothing at all, to some bullshit story trying to appease me. 4 minutes my ass. Save it.
You said, “it will be ready in 4 minutes, can you wait 4 minutes?” That’s a great one. I’ve heard “two minutes” a million times, so 4 minutes was novel. Yeah, whatever, I’ve got 4 minutes.
18 minutes later I called you out again to let you know I had to leave in one minute in order to get to the courthouse by 4:30. Then you said, “oh… we’re just going to send this in the morning, so we’ll just call you back”
Have a nice day. 
In those 22 minutes of wait time I looked at my watch about 21 times and the Nextel clock about 9 times. But I had plenty of time to practice my shadow monsters on the office wall at 1191. This is me doing my Migraine Boy Messenger shadow.
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full on
January 23, 2008

Full moon, full on, full of shit Big ring, big stinky, big gulp Half pint, half way, half ass Granny gear, granny smith, granny panties
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Cave Singers
January 22, 2008
bring it
January 21, 2008

cold, lonely, long, slow, no-work work day in honor of MLK 
the Coliseum Theater is one of the finest examples of Tera Cotta Seattle
three faceless women
if you call yourself a photographer Does that mean you need to be proactive and seek out subject matter, to actively seek photos, to hire models, to play the part, to walk the walk, to fill out the empty promises?
If you don’t call yourself anything
Does that mean you can sit in a chair on a really cold day and drink cold beer and wait for the photos to come to you? look up, look down, look out, look all around
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mid-day at the oasis
January 21, 2008

oh baby you... got what I need Maria knows ...Maria knew, 34 years ago. Spicy Teriyaki chicken with steamed rice = $3.50. They also sell deep fried burritos and egg rolls served up quickly along with a wide variety of beverages in convenient single serving sized containers. No line. No wait time. No fluffy trendy half-ass bullshit. Service with a smile. Honest hard working mom ‘n pop proprietors who look me in the eye and say, “have good day” and they actually mean it. And I look them back in the eye and smile and say thank you and I actually mean it.
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protective layers
January 21, 2008

How do you prepare for a ride when it's 25 degrees? With layers. How do you prepare for a 30 mile ride with a friend at a moderate Saturday morning pace when it’s 25 degrees? With layers. How do you prepare for a series of short rides, punctuated by long pauses and stretches of standing-by downtown? With layers. What if it’s a national holiday and all the courts are closed and almost all the law firms are closed and it's 25 degrees?
How do you prepare for a ride of incredible intensity followed by long stretches of standing by unsure of when the next call will be or where it’s headed? With layers. Layers of protection. Layers that got tossed aside when the heat was on. Layers you thought you wouldn‘t need again. At times, stripping down to layers that never saw the light of day. But then the road turned, the sun went down, and you found yourself scrambling for those protective layers. Layers that next time you may not be so quick to shed. Layers.
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she was like that with everybody
January 19, 2008

when I get this feeling, I need CETMA rack healing. Thanks to Lane of CETMA I have upgraded to a sleek new 5-rail rack on my Soma. I still have the older 6-rail but this new one is lighter, features a luxuriously smooth powder coat and is still stronger than allgetout. On the way home from work I have no motivation to stop at the grocery store for food. Same goes for the next day and the next and the next, until finally I am down to peanut butter and tortillas and decaf tea. Or maybe I’ve been going to Bimbos instead of QFC too many days in a row. Well, finally on a Saturday I get motivated by hunger and go the store and buy a lot of groceries and put them in my double strap DANK bag and on my CETMA rack. I can even put them in the bag then on the rack. The possibilities are limitless. Have bungee will travel. 
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what we talk about when we talk about everything except what we really need to talk about
January 18, 2008

Dispatched a rush to a courtroom on the 8th floor at King County. Trial in session. Attorney needs these documents NOW! The special instructions on the messenger slip read: “Attorney is a white male wearing a dark suit. You’ll see him. He’s waiting for these, it’s urgent.” Shit. We’re in Seattle in the courthouse, how many white guys in dark suits could there be? 30? 50? 150? Oh and it’s urgent. Oh, OK. I am messenger, hear me roar. Whatever. King County Courthouse, here I come, for the 217 billionth time. As I stroll up to E-842, I turn my Nextel down to vibrate and take off my hat, but I don’t touch my cell phone because nobody ever calls me. I pull open the door like I know what I’m doing and enter the courtroom. Several heads turn, the bailiff glares at me as I scan the room for my white guy in dark suit. Not just any white guy, but the one that really really really needs this shit in my hand. No words are spoken but some serious body language is exchanged in those 14 seconds. There he is. Here you go. Here I go…but just then my phone rings it’s 87 calling and it’s loud and it’s the Commodores “Easy” The judge stops proceedings and points at me. She winks, she smiles, she nods her head and sings along with my man Lionel Ritchie. I wink back, and say “hey Your Honor, you have a great weekend” <<<>>> What if you work for a small legal messenger company and you are expected to standby “uptown” which means City Center. Because that’s where everyone else stands by, that’s where a very big client is and that’s one building the drivers know how to find. And during slow times you read books, magazines, newspapers, conspiracy theories and zines while sitting on various benches and in various chairs in the lobby, especially when it’s 37 degrees outside. OK that’s cool, warm and dry and well read. It’s the same on the weekends as the rest of the days. But what if around 3:00pm Mr. Poopy pants strolls in and sets up camp in a chair upstairs. What if he smells as if he shit his pants last month and has been riding it out since, and not just riding it out, but adding to it. What if he has no plans to leave the building because it’s warm and dry in there. What if building security is a bunch of minor league rent-a-cops that couldn’t get piece of gum unstuck from a greased slab of wax paper. What if they’re all so clueless, that they think it’s a plumbing problem. What if it soon smells so bad in the building that you cannot breathe. What if you look around and it seems that no one else is experiencing the traumatic aroma. What if you’re forced to exit and standby in another building. What if I'm not making this up? <<<>>> Humans with healthy “normal” eyesight can experience a field of vision spanning over 180 degrees. Clearly focused in the center of the field of vision with diminishing quality at the periphery. You know how it is, rods and cones and the whatnot. You cannot really see clear detailed images off to the side of your head while you look forward and focus on some detail, but you sure can sense movement and light and general dynamic shifts. You can catch the drift, if you catch my drift. However, take a government worker, put her behind a desk, behind bullet proof glass and give her a computer and you can toss all that vision stuff in the trash. This woman in the Federal Building has 8 hours of workday to kill. She’s not updating her Myspace page, she’s not looking at amateur porn, she’s not studying for the LSAT, she’s not doing government work, she’s playing solitaire. And when I approach the window, I can see the side of her head, I can even see her right eye. But apparently she can’t see me. I could watch her finish this game and the next one, and the next one too if I had a chair to sit in. I scratch myself as loud as possible, I jingle my keys, I key up the Nextel, then finally I put my face up to the little vent in the bullet proof glass and say “excuse me”.
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residual shampoo residue
January 17, 2008
limp fish handshake
January 16, 2008
some phrases that make my eyes light up, in different shades of blue, depending on the context. Word. Words. Word.
All you can eat Happy Hour Free Beer Live Music Wine & Cheese Sincerity Integrity Honesty Bad pork chop
Chicken Shit Karaoke Anti inflammatory Syrup of ipecac Alcohol free Ultra sensitive Long lasting protection Long term goals Comfort zones Ruby Slippers Make do Make up Over due Over done Over done make up Fake False Plastic Thin veneer Horseshit Limp fish handshakes Daily Special White belt Studded belt Kevlar Belt Rust Belt Bible belt Below the belt Tighten your belt Inside the Beltway Rust proof Water proof Water resistant Stain resistant stainless Breathable Merlino wool Virgin wool Smart wool Swobo Dry Clean Only The smell of freedom Is it raining? Art Science Logic Love Gray Area Bathing suit area Continuum peace be with you Pleased to meet you hope you guess my name That greater force…which cannot be named word words word If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him
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January 16, 2008

4130 chromoly steel natch
4130 is the PLU number for Pink Lady Apples
Coincidence? I think not. I like steel bikes. I like Pink Lady apples. I like them a lot.
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tastes like chicken
January 15, 2008

The point of no return. (PNR)
That phrase inspires a variety of things in a variety of people. To JP, it no doubt brings this Nu Shooz song to mind. But in this specific moment, this one spot-lighted, laser pointed, parabolic focused context, this is what it means to me. The Point of No Return is that moment when you have eaten enough of the food in front of you that no matter what the dispatcher throws at you, you’re golden, you’re set, you’re fine, can’t touch this, bring it, whatever. You cannot afford to wait in line on your lunch break or your so-called lunch break. So you choose establishments that offer food fast, which may or may not be “fast food”. You choose places that don’t offer a place to sit and chat. No bullshit. Or you choose to eat when the rest of the downtown population is not eating. Today I went into on of my favorite bodegas at 12:07pm for some spicy teriyaki and there were at least 20 construction workers waiting in line for the same thing. The same goes for any respectable place in the core, just substitute pasty office workers for hard hat wearing blue collar wouldn’t want your job on a day like this workers. So I turned around and went for another option, which happened to be Café Zum Zum, two hours later. If everyone zigs at 12 noon, I”ll choose to zag. I’ll sit and read the book review on my lunch break and try to scarf down some food later.
So this is where the point of no return comes in. It’s 10:43am or 2:12pm and you stop for some food because there are no lines and you’re hungry. You get the food and start sucking it down and when you’ve eaten enough of it so that no matter what your dispatcher barks at you, you can cover it comfortably, you’ve passed that point of which I speak. You can casually finish eating and do what you need to do. In that pre PNR stage you’re visualizing packing it up and one-arming your food to your next stop or double bagging it and stuffing it in your messenger bag to slowly leak all over your work and personal possessions. There is no post PNR because when you achieve the PNR, you’re set, you can smile and relax.
If I put on a messenger competition it would include a food event. Because many times in my messenger career I have stopped to ponder the elasticity of my own stomach as I’ve sucked down a Zum Zum special in 7 minutes, a Down Home Burrito in 8 minutes, or a pile of teriyaki and rice as well as 3 beverages in no time at all…and then hopped on my bike and went to work and held it all down. I’ve met lots of bad-ass bike riders but not all of them could stomach a Down Home beef burrito with black beans on a spinach tortilla and a pitcher or two of Rainier and ride their bikes like they normally do. That’s right I said pitcher, not pint.
I’d like to think, I’m past the point of no return, in general, all the time and there’s no Nextel chirp that can ruin my lunch. I’m not really there yet but I’m working on it.
PS: 87, your snoop’d nu shooz are here
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January 14, 2008

Extreme. To the extremes. Gravitating to the poles. All or None. On or Off. Black or White. Yes or No. Hot or cold. USE EXTREME CAUTION.
Looking for a happy medium. A warm grey area. Like a shower in a claw foot tub with really old plumbing that needs to be finessed into a comfortable mix, not too hot, not too cold. Like that.
Toggle switches and their visible predictability, their audible flip, their satisfying simplicity, they’re great. But life isn’t always so ON or OFF.
Last week I found a sign much like the one in this photo. But it was the uber-reflective flexible vinyl kind supported on a cross-frame. It was crumpled sans frame and muddy and soaking wet in the gutter on 5th Avenue and at least one earwig was living in it, but the orange caught my eye and I picked it up, rolled it up and stuffed it in my bag. A short time later I gave it to DANK Bags. 24 hours later I had a custom clip-on coozie made of uber reflective orange street sign. 48 hours later I had a custom EXTREME top-tube pad made of the same sign. Photos will follow soon, when it’s not dark ass crack soaking ice storm I can’t feel my hands cold wet.
Note: DANK bags is that locally owned and operated messenger bag company that I like to refer to as if they were a big operation just to keep the chuffers thinking what they’re thinking. But it’s really just Cory. And Cory makes the finest bags and accessories and if you want some of that you need to talk to Cory. Word.
Note #2: CETMA racks are made by hand in Eugene, Oregon. It is also not a huge operation. CETMA is Lane. And Lane makes very fine racks for your bikes. Lane knows utility cycling. Lane knows messengering. If you want some of that talk to your local bike shop and talk to Lane too. More to follow soon when I get my hands on that special delivery from CETMA that’s sitting at base right now.
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Iowa...a place to grow
January 12, 2008

follow Cat's example, mark your calendars for RAGBRAI
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what it is
January 11, 2008

so this messenger walks into a bar... bartender says, "why the long shadow?" and why are you riding in that bike lane the wrong way up 2nd Ave? that bike lane is for chuffers, southbound chuffers --- I put all my eggs in one basket, all of them. And went for a ride. But it wasn’t even my basket, I was just borrowing it. Then they called and said they wanted it back, they needed it back now, and so I got stressed and dropped it, dropped the whole thing. Now I don’t feel so good.
It was what it was It isn’t what it was It wasn’t what it is It is what it is I know what it was I know what it is
I know What’s in my bag What time it’s due What time it is What time I have
I know
What it is It is what it is
I know
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serving suggestion
January 10, 2008

Why? Because I'm not supposed to. Why not? Because you want me to. Recommendations, suggestions, traditions, laws, customs, rules, regulations, requirements, dress codes, uniforms. At times I view traffic laws, traffic signals and lane markings like suggestions. I hear what you’re saying, but I‘m not feeling it right now, I mean it’s not really speaking to me. Like an overly doctored photo on a box of pasta with small print in the corner that reads SERVING SUGGESTION. Or the lines in a coloring book that are so predictable and vanilla it feels like a joke to actually take them seriously. When someone talks at me, as if I were in the principal’s office, using sentences that start with words like traditionally, the new policy is, you’re required to, the law states, the family has done it this way for generations…I get turned off, turned away, turned in, turned the other way. An eloquent poet in Rage Against the Machine said it best, when he said “Fuck You, I won’t do what you tell me!” then he said it 15 more times with feeling at the end of Killing in the Name.
I like postcards , I like Bimbos, I like Bimbo's postcards and I wonder what my grandma thinks of Bimbo’s Burritos postcards. I wrote her one this afternoon and when I dropped it in the mailbox, for some reason I was reminded of a hand written note I saw, years ago, taped to the mailbox on 6th Avenue West at Crockett, across the street from Targy’s Tavern. It said something like “my son’s backpack was placed in this mailbox this afternoon, please call me at this number so I can recover it” That little note said so much. It brought an image of some kid getting his backpack taken away by a bully or even an asshole friend who then ran around with it for a little while, the owner in hot pursuit, then the chase ended at the mailbox as the backpack was stuffed in.
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a whiff
January 10, 2008
 Long pants, long shorts, short pants, short shorts. One afternoon this week I caught a whiff of spring in the air, just a whiff, a hint, a reminder. Like the smell of an old friend. I’m not sure where it came from and it was fleeting and even if it was all in my mind, it was there. 40 degrees and the first week of January but I smelled it. And it was encouraging. It made me want to keep my job for a little while longer. Long enough to start cutting more and more cloth off the cuffs of my pants until finally in May or June they’re full-on in-your-face short shorts. Yes. Rolling around in a t-shirt and shorts. 100% cotton. Sweating.
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two lane blacktop
January 8, 2008

Looking to the future through a filter of the past Interpreting the unknown within a framework of the known Yeah, uh huh, yep Once in while, there’s a special place Where the filters get peeled off the framework gets left behind and nothing really matters too much Just roll
Take me to that place
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vectors, scalars and cheddars
January 6, 2008

Take it to the rack. Go strong or don’t go at all. Don’t bring that weak shit inside. You buy Sharp Cheddar or you don’t come home aged extra sharp white cheddar. With it or on it. Moving through the haze with purpose and direction. Riding a bike as if I’ve got someplace to be, something to do. Aggressive and assertive but not reckless or careless. Focused, tuned in, warmed up. Taking the line I need to take, regardless of traffic. I am a vector cutting through a vast sea of scalars. I believe this is a much safer state to be in, in traffic. Safer than drifting aimlessly, afloat without purpose, letting the tides of traffic dictate my path. However once in a while I like to drift along with a cup of coffee in hand or a cold beverage, with no particular place to go and when I feel that way I ride slowly, Saturday afternoon-like, or on the sidewalk.
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gimme shelter
January 5, 2008
background music here: remix Hibernating through January, I suggest these two films. Gimme Shelter (1970) Documentary on the Rolling Stones 1969 tour and Altamont Concert. And Grey Gardens (1975) an amazing documentary about Big Edie and Little Edie, mother-daughter pair, aunt and cousin of Jackie O. Worth watching more than once, it inspires some questions. Take a look at the original trailer on YouTube.
Both films were made by Albert and David Maysles. Both are available at the library. However the waiting list for Grey Gardens at the Seattle library, is months long, I finally got my hands on it last night.
Two thumbs up.

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January 4, 2008

This week the feng shui in the core took a huge step back towards normal. Traffic was light and was made of drivers who consistently drive downtown, and when downtown they drive consistently. Office building lobbies felt light and airy and spacious in the absence of gaudy, overly decorated giant Christmas trees. Poinsettia pyramids were tossed in the trash. Government workers looked to their calendars with long faces, but the next three-day weekend is only a couple weeks away.
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disco very discovery dis cover
January 4, 2008
seek and you shall find at least assume the posture of seeking pretend like you're looking for something you might not find IT you will find something --- A friend asked me to check the lost 'n found at the bar for her rain jacket. Didn't find her jacket but found one that fits me perfectly. *** I've been searching for a word to describe the ability to see so clearly in other people what you cannot see in yourself. At times it’s arrogance, or ignorance, or hypocrisy, indifference, vulnerability, self-absorption, not-so-keen observation, a two-way mirror that needs a good cleaning.
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Phil and Kevin and Devlin
January 3, 2008

Devlin at a Wright Runstad messenger lunch 
Kevin after the Cross Town Traffic Alley Cat Here's to you Phil and Kevin and Devlin
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two thousand eight
January 1, 2008

In 2008 I have resolved not to drink less, because that’s horseshit and that’s as played-out as 1100 Olive.
In 2008 I have resolved to be fully aware, present and attentive to the beverages I consume. In that simple resolution, is a parable. In that, is the truth.
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high five
January 1, 2008